Fundamentals of Technical Communication

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Fundamentals of Technical

• Nature of technical communication
- technical message
- Follows a set pattern
- both oral and written
- Always for a specific audience
- Frequently involves Register/graphics
Eg. Letter of transmittal
Objectives of technical communication
- Advise
- Counselling
- Persuasion
- Negotiation
- suggestion
- Motivation
- Request
- Order
- Information, etc.
Technical Style
• Need to choose appropriate
- Words and phrases ( formal, informal, technical)
- Sentence Structure ( simple, complex, compound)
- Sentence type ( affirmative, negative, questions, etc)
- Discourse writing techniques ( Description, narration, explanation,
comparison, contrast, etc)

• Mostly written with passive sentence constructions

• It depends on several factors like

- The audience
- The communicative context
- The purpose
Technical Communication should have
- ABC ( Accuracy, Brevity, clarity)

- Objectivity
• Use appropriate passive constructions
• Use active forms sparingly
• Avoid personal pronouns and expressions
• Use factual words
• Objectivity in professional speaking
1. Avoid hasty generalization
2. Avoid sexist language ( e.g chairperson, fire fighter, police personal)
3. Do not refer to irrelevant differences ( muslim teacher, female journalist , Bengali teacher)
4. avoid racist language

- 7 Cs ( clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete and courteous)

Accuracy (being precise)

• Use of simple and familiar words
• Use of exact words and phrases
• Use of avoiding excessive use of Jargaon
• “Although all metals react with oxygen, their reactivity is different. Some metals,
such as sodium and potassium, react with oxygen trenchantly. They ignite even if
retained unenclosed in the air. Magnesium needs to be inflamed before it combines
with oxygen. Once inflamed to an ignition temperature, magnesium ribbon blazes
with fire, yielding intense heat and light.”
• “Although all metals react with oxygen, their reactivity is different. Some metals,
such as sodium and potassium, react with oxygen vigorously. They catch fire even if
kept open in the air. Magnesium needs to be heated before it combines with oxygen.
Once heated to an ignition temperature, magnesium ribbon burns, producing
intense heat and light.”

Difficult Simple Confusing words Meanings

Abashed Embarrassed Affect/Effect Influence/result
Ablaze On fire Complement/ Something that
compliment completes/ expression
of praise
Absolute Complete Stationary/ stationery Not moving/ wring
Attainment Achievement
• Brevity
Blasting is a very important and significant process, which can be defined as a
process where rock is broken into fragments for a remarkable purpose, that is,
recovery of valuable ore. It cannot be denied that modern technology has led to
the advent of modern earth moving and rock-breaking equipment, but the
advent of such sophisticated equipment has not diminished the value of
explosives, which still remain the cheapest method of rock-breaking. However,
there is no doubt that rock breakage by explosives has a negative impact on the
environment, resulting in certain negative environmental consequences. These
negative environmental consequences include ground vibration, air-
overpressure, noise, dust, and toxic fumes”

Blasting is a process where rock is broken into fragments for recovery of

valuable ore. Despite the advent of modern earthmoving and rock breaking
equipment, explosives still remain the cheapest method of rock breaking.
However, rock breakage by explosives has environmental consequences, which
include ground vibration, air-overpressure, noise, dust, and toxic fumes.
At a low ebb Exhausted
To the backbone Thoroughly
Blow one’s own trumpet Self praise

Steps to be followed for brevity

• Avoid repetition
• Avoid using wordy phrases and expressions
•Do not include unnecessary details
• Revise your document thoroughly in order to make it
• Avoid exaggeration


•Do not use indirect expressions.

• Use specific words and phrases.
•Avoid exaggeration, artificial eloquence, and
•Use direct sentences
• Examples of technical writings
- CV/Resume, Cover letter, Report writing,
Proposal writing, journal, articles, statement
of purpose, cover letter etc.
- Email writing
- Letter writing (Applications, official letters
business letters, etc).
Business Letters

• Process of writing
- Firstly , understand the purpose
- why am I writing and who are my readers?
- How much should I write?
- What I want the readers to do?

• Structure of letter

- Sender’s details/ address

City, State, Zip code
Phone number
Email id

- Date
January 8, 2023
8 January, 2023

- Reference (if needed)

- Receiver’s details
- Salutation
Dear/Respected , Prefix (Mr. Ms. ), Last name.
Use Dear (first name ) only when you have informal relationship with
the receiver.
Dear Sir/Madam
- Body
• Use Single-spaced line with and added space between each
paragraph, after the salutation and before closing
• Left aligned
• Can be written in 2 or 3 paragraphs
First Paragraph (introduction to the purpose of the letter/ First thank
or introduce yourself)
• Second paragraph ( provide the main
information of the letter, and build on the main
purpose in the introductory first paragraph)
• Third paragraph ( shortly summarise the intent
of the formal letter and end with some call to
- Closing Salutation
(Respectfully yours, yours sincerely, cordially,
Respectfully, Sincerely)
( All the best, best, Thank you, Regards )
- Signature
Types of business letter
- Letter of enquiry
- Replies to inquiry letter
- Letters placing orders
- Letters Urging action
- Letters giving instructions
- Complaint letters
- Letters calling for quotation
- Tenders
Phrases to begin letters
- I am writing to inform you..
- I am writing to ask/ inquire..
- I am writing to ask about information regarding…
- I would like to bring to your notice that..
- I am writing in reference to…

Phrases to express gratitude or thanks

-Thank you for your letter of January 6th , 2023 requesting
information about our new range of our product….
- We would like to thank you for your great response on our new
product launch..
- In response to your letter of October 2nd, 2023, we would like to
thank you for your interest in our new line of products…..
• Phrases to ask for assistance
- I would be grateful if you could send/provide
me the list of previously placed orders…
- Would you mind rescheduling the meeting
- Would it be too much to ask that our
payment be postponed for two weeks
• Delivering good or bad news
- I am delighted to tell you that..
- We are excited to inform you that ..
- You will be pleased to learn that..
- I regret to inform you that…
- I am afraid that..
- Unfortunately..
• Closing remarks
- please contact us again if we can help
- If you have any questions feel free to call me
- I look forward to hearing from you soon
- Please contact my assistant to schedule an
appointment.. Etc.
Interview Skills
• What is job Interview ?
Interaction between prospective employee and employer.

• Characteristics of job interview

- Planned
- Purpose (to check the suitability)
- Conversation
- Two way interaction
- Informality
• Interview Preparation Technique
- Analyse yourself ( Your background, Your
accomplishments, your achievements, special
interest and hobbies, Analyse your career goals)
- Analyse your Skills
- Research the organisation
- Analyse the job applied
- Revise your Subject knowledge
- Develop the Interview file ( letter, degrees,
certificates, references, copies of resume, other
relevant papers)
• Interview Questions
- Types of interview questions
Open questions
closed questions
Probing questions
Reflective questions
Loaded questions
- Answering Strategies
Attentiveness, accuracy, brevity, clarity, Positive
attitude, Logical thinking.
Important Aspects for a Job interview
- Projecting a positive image ( look your best,
Speak carefully,)
- Good manners and Positive behaviour ( Be
polite, be flexible, be tactful, do not argue, be
interested, control nervousness)
All the Best

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