Travel Guide: English File 4th Edition. Beginner

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Travel Guide

English File 4th edition. Beginner.

Alex: Where’s he from?
Helen: He’s from Brazil.
Alex: Is Lila Downs from Brazil, too?
Helen: No, she isn’t. She’s from Mexico.
Alex: Is she good?
Helen: Yes, she is. Very good.
n ow . A lo t o f p e opl e tr a ve l to
Travelling is very popular
th ey h a v e s uch a ch an c e. Tra velling
different countries if
s ee a lo t o f n e w th in gs , le ar n
is fun because you can
er c ou n tr ie s an d co n ti nen ts . I
about people’s life in oth
re stin g to m ee t n ew p eo pl e a nd see
think it is very inte
world famous places.
There are a lot of countries which I want to visit
in the future. I'd like to visit Rome first because
I really like its architecture.
Also, I want to move to the USA one day, but I
don't have enough money for it now. I need to
find a better job and then I can do it. My brother
wants to live in the USA too and that’s cool!
What countries do you want to visit
in the future?

: Do you want to move to another

country? Why (not)?

Do you have any friends who live

abroad? Where do they live

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