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Why Writing?

People and Performance by Peter F Drucker

‘How to Be an Employee’
UNIT-1: Effective Writing Skills
• Types of Writing,
• Features of Writing,
• Writing Process: Prewriting, Writing and Rewriting
(Editing and Proof Reading),
• Run-on- Sentences: Coma Splices, Parallelism,
Transitions and their Usage.
• Spotting Errors: Grammar, Punctuation and
Common Spelling Mistakes.
UNIT-2: Reading Comprehension
• Connecting Reading and Writing,
• Sub Skills and Types of Reading,
• Reading with a Purpose,
• Responsive Reading,
• General Reading vs Critical Reading, Reading
Comprehension Strategies (SQ3R Method)
Practice and Assessment on Reading for Gist and
Specific Information
UNIT- 3: Drafting Professional Documents
• Writing Cover Letter,
• Resume vs Curriculum Vitae,
• Structure of a Resume,
• Do’s and Don’ts,
• Sample Resumes,
• Resume Preparation,
• Evaluation of Student Resumes,
• Business Letters and Types,
• Drafting Notices, Circulars, Memos and User Manuals.
• Post-Teaching Task: Write a User Manual on any Technical
Gadget (Pair/ Group Task) and Teacher Evaluation.
UNIT- 4: Writing Technical Reports and
Business Proposals
• Technical Reports: Introduction, Structure of a
Technical Report, Types of Reports, Techniques
for an Effective Report Writing, Sample
Technical Report;
• Business Proposals: Structure, Format and
• Post-Teaching Task: Drafting Technical
Report/Business Proposal and Teacher
UNIT- 5: Basics of Article Writing
• Introduction to Article Writing,
• Abstract Writing,
• Features and Structure of an Article,
• Authentic and Non-authentic Sources,
• Paraphrasing, Publication Ethics (Academic
Honesty and Plagiarism)
• Post-teaching task: Abstract Writing
(Technical Topics) and Teacher Evaluation
Match the definitions (a–h) with the vocabulary (1–8).
• Vocabulary a. to visit informally for a short time 1. b
• 1. …… to scroll b. to move information on a screen to
2. g
• 2. …… to class see a different part of it
• 3. …… greyscale c. a chemical reaction in your brain 3. d

• that makes things feel good

4. …… vulnerable 4. f
d. black and white and the shades in
• 5. …… to drop by between 5. a
• 6. …… to exacerbate e. the generation currently in their late
• 6. h
7. …… a rush adulthood
• 8. …… baby boomers f. easily damaged or harmed; at risk 7. c
g. to categorise; to name
8. e
h. to make something worse
Listen to Audio clip

• Unit I Listening
Are the sentences true or false?
1. Millennials spend more time on smartphones than any other
generation. 1. False
2. Some people who work in the tech industry are fighting against
smartphone addiction. 2. True
3. The presenter thinks most adults’ behaviour towards their phones
and apps is under control. 3. False
4. Babies’ brain development is delayed because they’re looking at
4. False
5. We’re likely to see a rise in teenage mental health problems 5. True
because of social media addiction.
6. Changing the colour settings on your phone may make you spend 6. True
less time on it.
Match the expressions (1–6) with their meanings (a–f).

• Expression Meaning
• 1. …… I’ll hold my hands up to being a. It keeps getting worse and
one of those people. we can’t break the pattern.
• 2. …… They’re not in their right mind. b. We need to do something
• 3. …… It’s a vicious circle. about this now.
• 4. …… Time to stage an intervention! c. They experience emotions
• 5. …… There are queues round the
d. A lot of people are waiting.
block. e. I confess that’s something I
• 6. …… They’re sensitive to highs and do too.
lows. f. It’s not a sensible way to

1. e 2. f 3. a 4. b 5. d 6. c

• Are you addicted to social media or

Types of Writing
Thank you

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