Global I - Pre-Colonial African State Building

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Western African Civilizations:

Ghana, Mali, & Songhai

 Group of people who
originally live in West
 Migrated in search of fertile
 Spread their knowledge of
farming, ironworking, &
LANGAUGE across the
 Today almost 1/3 of
Africans speak a language
derived from the Bantu

 The first of the West African trading kingdoms

 Through weapon making technology (iron smelting),
Ghanaian warriors expanded boundaries
 Gained control over trade routes

 Gold Salt Trade

 Location! Location! Location!
 Ghana was located in the midway between Saharan salt mines
and tropical gold mines
 Caravans of Muslim merchants brought goods, which
Ghanaian people exchanged for gold
 Trade conducted via the silent trade
 Muslims brought their religion to the people of Ghana

 Mansa Musa
 Devout Muslim king
 Bases legal and justice system on the Qur’an
 Makes hajj to Mecca, but stops in Egypt first
 Gives Egypt so much gold that the value of gold declines for
10 straight years
 Traveled with 12,000 servants each wearing silk & carrying
gold bars, which were given to the poor

 Mansa Musa
 Brings back Islamic scholars and architects to Mali
 Has Timbuktu built
 Timbuktu
 Center of learning and art
 Increased Islamic influence in West Africa
 Use of credit
 Written contracts
 Education for many classes
Ibn Battuta

 Moroccan born traveler and explorer

 Travel the Islamic world from North Africa to China
 Spent 30 years traveling
 His primary source writings inform historians about the
Muslim world in Africa
 The largest of the 3 major West African kingdoms
 Took control of Timbuktu
 Expanded trade to Europe and Asia
 Time of great cultural diffusion
 Askia Muhammad sets up high functioning bureaucracy

 5 provinces each with

 A governor
 Tax collector
 Judges (Like Mansa Musa, had laws based on Qur’an)
 Trade inspectors
The East African Kingdoms:
The Shona of Great Zimbabwe
& Axum
Axum (Aksum)

 Religions
 Christianity made the official religion after
shipwrecked Syrians introduced it
 However…
 Both Axumites & Egyptians viewed Jesus differently
than Rome
 Jesus was completely divine. Not human; 100% godly
 Started a new Christian Church  THE COPTIC CHURCH

 Religions
 Muslim merchants brought trade and Islam
 Christian and Muslim merchants fought over control of
trade routes
 In order to ensure Islam did not spread into Axum
 Government reorganized to extend into outlying areas
 Monasteries built to teach the Coptic Christian faith
 Built churches
 More churches per square mile in Ethiopia than any other
country in the world today

 Architecture
 Used stone instead of mud bricks to construct
buildings (unique for this part of the world)
 Stelae  obelisk shaped pillars built to celebrate
king’s conquests and Axum’s greatness
The Shona of Great Zimbabwe
 Rise to Power
 Originally derived wealth
from herds of cattle
 Then found gold in
central part of kingdom
 Location, Location,
 Like Ghana located
between trading posts,
but on Indian Ocean
 Evidence of trade with
Syria, and Persia
The Shona of Great Zimbabwe

 The Great Enclosure

 Massive wall 4-stories high and 15 feet thick
 Protected the king
 Stonework so precise that no mortar was needed
The Shona of Great Zimbabwe
 Cities
 Consisted of two parts
 Residences for the elite
 Homes made of stone
 Residences for the
 Homes made of mud
and thatch
The Shona & Great Zimbabwe

 Disappearance
 Left the Great Enclosure for reasons unknown
 Historians best guess…
 Cattle overgrazed and the Shona need to find new land to
feed it’s people

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