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Teachers’ training L10_Family Life

My Family Life

1. What are they


2. What activities do you and

your family do together?

4/4/23 10:59 PM
Check the statements
you agree with.

1. People spend too much time at work.

2. Life is much simpler now than it used to be.

3. Everybody’s getting burned out ( 精疲力竭 ).

4. People don’t have enough time to relax.

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Rob So, how are you and
Charles doing? And the kids?
Corey Good, thanks. Just too
busy. I don’t think we get
enough time together. I guess
it’s the same for everybody.
Rob Oh, definitely. If you ask me,
we all work too much these
Corey Absolutely. With all the long
hours and running the kids
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Rob Oh, I know. And my wife often

brings work home on
too. Whatever happened to time
off ( 休假 )?
Corey Yeah. It seems like we don’t
get enough time to relax.
Rob Oh, that’s for sure. And it
seems to me that’s why people
often get burned out( 精疲力
竭 ).
Corey Exactly.
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Conversation strategy
Giving opinions

I think …
I don’t think …
It seems like …
If you ask me …
It seems to me (that) …

e.g. I don’t think we get enough time together.

If you ask me, we all work too much these days.

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Conversation strategy
Complete these sentences with
expressions above to give your
1. ______ people work longer hours than they used to.
2. ______ people don’t spend enough time with their
3. ______ it’s not a good idea to take work home on the
4. ______ people should get more time off.
5. ______ there’s a lot of pressure to work long hours.
6. ______ everyone is too busy these days.

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This is my family.

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How was your
Who is the person that
affects you most?

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Happiest memories

My happiest memory is of my great

grandmother. She always used to
keep candy in her pockets, and she’d
always give us some when we came to
visit. My dad used to tease ( 取笑 ) us
and say, “Grandma, don’t give them
any candy!” But she did anyway.
Rosa, Mexico

4/4/23 10:59 PM
Happiest memories

All my aunts and uncles used to

come over for Sunday dinner. And
there were always about 12 of us
around a gigantic table. My cousins
and I would crawl ( 爬 ) under it
during dinner and play. I’m an only
child, so it was nice to be part of a big
extended family. Vasily, Russia

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Happiest memories

My sister and brother-in-law used to

live next door. I’m only a little older
than my sister’s kids, so I kind of
grew up with my niece and nephew. I
used to go over there a lot, and we’d
play together. I was their favorite
aunt. Haruka, Japan

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Happiest memories

I used to love playing basketball with

my four brothers. I grew up in a
blended family, with two stepbrothers
and two half brothers. After my
parents got divorced, my father
married a woman with two sons, and
they had two more kids together.
Anyway, the five of us used to play on
Justin, Canada
a team, and we would always win.
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Reading comprehension

Complete the chart with male or female

family members and with other
expressions. Add more ideas. Then tell
a partner about your family.

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Teaching Strategy
Teacher roles

Teachers need to behave in different ways at different

stages of a lesson to manage the classroom and to
successfully guide learners through the lesson.
These different ways of behaving in and managing the
class are called teacher roles.

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Teaching Strategy
Teacher roles

1. Planner
The teacher prepares and reflects on the lesson before teaching,
anticipates problems and selects, designs and adapts materials.
2. Manager
The teacher organizes the learning space makes sure everything in
the classroom is running smoothly and sets up rules and routines
for behavior and interaction.
3. Monitor/observer
The teacher goes around the class during individual, pair and
group work activities, checking learning and providing support as
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Teaching Strategy
Teacher roles

4. Facilitator ( 促进者 )
The teacher provides opportunities for learners. He or she
helps learners to access resources and develop learner
autonomy ( 自主学习 ).
5. Diagnostician ( 诊断专家 )
The teacher works out the causes of learners’ difficulties.
6. Language resource
The teacher can be used by the learners for help and
advice about language.
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Teaching Strategy
Teacher roles

7. Assessor ( 评判员 )
The teacher evaluates the language level and attitudes of
the learners by using different means of informal and
formal assessment.
8. Rapport ( 融洽 ) builder
The teacher tries to create a good relationship with and
between learners.

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Teaching Strategy
Think about these teachers’
comments. Which do you
agree with and why?
1. I like my class to be very organized and I like to be in
control. I believe the main roles of a teacher are to manage

and assess.
2. I think of myself as a facilitator in my classroom, because I
want my learners to become more independent.
3. I’m in my twenties. My students are the same age as me. I
like the classes to be informal, so I don’t think many of the
teacher roles are appropriate for me.
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