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Electricity was discovered by Benjamin Franklin

in 1750
 Electricity is a form of energy that is produced
by an electrical source
 Source of electricity are objects that can
produce electricity
( battery, accumulator, bicycle dynamo )

* Source of electricity have 2 terminals, namely

the positive terminal ( + ) and negative
terminal ( - )
 An electrical circuit is a path or line through which
an electrical current flows.

 The path be closed (joined at both ends), making it

a loop.

 A closed circuit makes electrical current flow


 open circuit where the electron flow is cut short

because the path is broken. An open circuit does
not allow electrical current to flow.
A series circuit is one that has more than one
resistor, but only one path through which the
electricity (electrons) flows.

From one end of the cell (battery), the electrons

move along one path with NO branches, through
the resistors, to the other end of the cell.

the components in a series circuit are
connected end-to-end.
 A resistor in a circuit is anything that uses
some of the power from the cell.

 In the example below, the resistors are the


 In a series circuit, the components are

arranged in a line, one after the other.
 In a parallel circuit, there is more
than one resistor (bulb) and they are
arranged on many paths.
 This means electricity (electrons) can

travel from one end of the cell

through many branches to the other
end of the cell.
 when one resistor (bulb) burns out, the other bulbs
will work because the electricity is not flowing
through one path.

 the bulbs in a parallel circuit do not dim out like in

series circuits. This is because the voltage across
one branch is the same as the voltage across all
other branches.
 A combination circuit is one that has a
"combination" of series and parallel paths for
the electricity to flow.
 Its properties are a combination of the two.
 A short circuit is a problem in an electrical circuit
where two or more wires that are not supposed to
come in contact with each other touch.
 A short circuit can result in a very high current
flowing through the circuit.
 This high current can destroy components, melt
insulation and start a fire.
 Circuit breakers and fuses are devices that detect
short circuits and (usually) shut the power off
before any damage can be done.
 Turn off unnecessary lights
 Use natural light
 Take shorter showers
 Unplug unused electronics
 Not home( Turn off the air

 Be efficient with refrigeration
1. Generator
* Some examples of power stations are:
a) hydroelectric power stations
b) geothermal power stations
c) nuclear power stations
d) diesel power stations
e) solar power stations
f ) wind power stations
* Diesel power stations need fossil fuels ( diesel
fuel )
* Nuclear power stations need fuels ( uranium or
plutonium )
 The voltage produced by a battery is usually 1.5 volts

 Various shapes of battery are:

1. cylinder ( flashlight, wall clock, radio )
2. button ( wristwatches )
3. cube ( cellular phones )

 Parts of a cylinder shaped battery

1. covering made of zinc ( negative terminal )
2. carbon rod
3. chemical substances ( ammonium chloride,
dioxide, carbon powder )
4. copper covering ( positive terminal )
 All types of automobiles use accumulators ( to start
the engine, to sound the automobiles horn and to
the headlights

 An accumulator is a plastic container with lead

plates that are immersed in concentrated sulfuric
 A bicycle dynamo is a source of electrical energy
that consists of a magnet and coils of copper wire

 A bicycle dynamo is usually equipped on the

front wheel of the bicycle

 A bicycle dynamo is used to generate light on the

bicycle lamp

 A dynamo generates electricity by

electromagnetic induction

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