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Case Courtesy Credit

Dr. Kiran Godse
Professor Dept. of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy,
D. Y. Patil Medical College and Research Centre, Navi Mumbai
◾ Sex – F

◾ Age – 61 years

◾ Married, Homemaker

Patient ◾ Socioeconomic Status: Lower

Middle Class

Particulars ◾ From Nerul, Navi Mumbai,

Chief complaints:

 Fluid filled lesions on inner sides of

thighs since 7 days followed with
◾ Apparently well 7 days back, when

she developed high grade fever

◾ After which the lesions developed on the inner

side of the thighs and were initially pinhead

like in size but gradually progressed within 3

◾ H/O lesions progressing to involve palms as


History of Present Illness

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◾ H/O mild pain over the lesions

◾ H/O similar lesions 7 years back

◾ H/O COVID-19 disease (7-17



Case For Discussion Purpose only

H/O :
◾ any photosensitivity, no outdoor activities or exacerbation
on sun exposure

Negative ◾ any drug intake prior to the onset of his skin

◾ Any systemic disorder-----

History • Diabetes
• Hypertension
• Jaundice, Asthma or allergic rhinitis
• Thyroid disorders

◾ Any known drug or food allergy

Case For Discussion Purpose only

◾ Sleep – Normal, adequate

Personal ◾ Appetite : normal, unaltered

◾ Diet: Vegetarian
History ◾ Bowel, Bladder habits : unaltered
◾ No H/O any addiction or substance
◾ Menstruation: Menopause since
2009; Menarche 14 years of age
◾ Ob. History: G2P2L2AO; LSCS in

Family ◾ 1984
Married 35 years
◾ No family history of similar complaints/illness
or any other significant medical illnesses

Case For Discussion Purpose only
• Prior incidence of similar lesions 7 years

back was treated with Oral medications,

Treatmen showed relief with the therapy

t • Details not available


Case For Discussion Purpose only

◾ Calm, Conscious, Co-operative
◾ Well Oriented in time, place and person;
Sitting comfortably
◾ Well built and nourished
General ◾ Weight – 76 Kg, Height - 160 cm
Examination ◾
◾ Temperature – Afebrile, normal to touch
Pulse – 72/min, Regular ; Respiratory rate –
13/ min
◾ BP- 120/86mmHg (left supine position)
◾ Pallor; Icterus, cyanosis – Absent
◾ Clubbing : Absent ; JVP: not raised
◾ No Bilateral pedal oedema or No
Case For Discussion Purpose only
◾ CNS – WNL; conscious, well oriented
◾ CVS – S1, S2 + , no murmur
◾ Respiratory System – AEBE, Bilateral vesicular BS,

Systemic no added sounds; chest expansion WNL

◾ Per abdomen – soft, non-tender, no

Examination organomegaly, Bowel sounds +

◾ Musculoskeletal system – Power normal across
all joints; No joint swelling, tenderness, crepitus
or deformity; range of motion of joints WNL

Case for Discussion Purpose only

Multiple well-defined white pustules on an erythematous
base with few large erosions over bilateral lower limbs and
right hand

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Cutaneous Examination Images copyrighted
Two fluid-producing bullae over left calf

Cutaneous Examination
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Cutaneous Examination

Epidermal sloughing present; Tenderness present

+ Local rise of temperature+
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◾ Hair and Scalp- NAD
Cutaneous ◾ Genitals and oral mucosa:
Examination Normal

For Discussion Purpose only

◾ 61-year-old homemaker, fluid-filled lesions on inner
sides of thighs since 7 days preceded by high grade
fever 7 days back The lesions were initially pinhead
in size and gradually increased within 3 days with
progression of lesions to the palms. The lesions were
associated with mild pain and rupturing.
◾ Had similar lesions in the past 7 years ago but
Summary past medical, personal history was normal.
◾ General and systemic examinations were grossly
◾ Cutaneous examination revealed multiple well defined
white pustules on an erythematous base with few large
with epidermal sloughing and associated with local
rise of temperature and tenderness; no involvement of
Case For Discussion Purpose only
oral cavity, scalp and genitals
◾ Acute generalized exanthematous

◾ Pustular psoriasis

◾ Drug eruption reaction

Differentia ◾ Pemphigus vulgaris/ foliaceous

l ◾ Dermatitis Herpetiformis

Diagnoses ◾ Erythroderma

◾ Acute cutaneous lupus

◾ Disseminated herpes simplex

Shah M, Al Aboud DM, Crane JS, et al. Pustular Psoriasis. [Updated 2022 May 8]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls
Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: For Discussion Purpose only

Final Diagnosis
Approach to this patient….
General Management:

 Encourage fluid and protein intake

 Monitor input/output

 Treat infection, if any, with antibiotic

 Prevent hypothermia

For Discussion Purpose only

Approach to this patient….
Specific Management:

• Bland emollients
• Corticosteroids

• Acitretin (not given in pregnancy)
• Cyclosporine
• Methotrexate
• Infliximab
• Adalimumab
• Etanercept
• Prednisolone (only in special conditions, e.g., complications)
• Anakinra

For Discussion Purpose only

For Discussion Purpose only
Discussion Pointers
 What are the different variants or subtypes of pustular

 What is impetigo herpetiformis?

 Which drugs cause this type of drug reaction?

 How will you evaluate this patient?

 What are the histopathological features of pustular psoriasis?

 What are the complications of pustular psoriasis?

Document Code: PM-IN-COP-PPTX-220008 DoP: August 2022
For the Use of Registered Medical Practitioner or Hospital or Laboratory Only.

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