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Toxocara spp. and Ancyclostoma spp.
Thelazia spp. (Eye worm)
Enterobius vermicularis (Human pinworm)
Taenia solium
• Commonly known as
pork tapeworm
• Found in the intestine
• Length of adult worms is
usually 2 to 7 m for T.
• Humans usually acquire
infection through
ingestion of
contaminated pork meat.
• Ingestion of the parasite's larval cysts (cysticerci) in undercooked and
infected pork.
• Human tapeworm carriers excrete tapeworm eggs in their faeces and
contaminate the environment when they defecate in open areas.
- poor hygiene (via the fecal-oral route) or ingesting contaminated
food or water.
• Develop in various organs of the human body
- they can cause neurological symptoms (neurocysticercosis),
including epileptic seizures.
Prevention and Control
• Management Practices
Proper hygiene
• Regular deworming

How will I know if my pet/animal need deworming?


Is it possible to have more than one helminth infection?

Mixed infections

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