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Name : Sholahudin Al Magribi

Analysis : Film
Before we will go to the sypnosis, these are
the actors of IN TIME film.
1. Tittle : IN TIME
2. Conflict :
The social conflict : Will Sales is a lower class of society workers to
meet the needs of everyday life. Will only lived with his Mother, Rachael
Sales, they must work hard to finance their needs. one day Will is staying
in bar with Borel, his colleagues, they meet with Harry Hamilton that came
from upper class.
The Internal / Psychological conflict : In New Greenwich, Will visits a
casino and meets time-loaning businessman Philippe Weis and his
daughter Sylvia. While playing poker, Will comes dangerously close to
timing out but eventually wins more than a millennium in a flawless
gamble. Sylvia invites him to a party, and Will buys a new sports car and
drives there. Raymond arrives and arrests Will. Rather than attempting to
prove Will's guilt, he simply confiscates almost all of Will's time, saying
that it does not belong in Dayton.
Themes : time travel

Value : Sylvia Weis and Will Sales star as inhabitants in a society where
people stop aging at 25. Instead of using paper money, a new economic
system uses time as currency, and each person has a clock on their arm
that counts down how long they have to live.
4. PLOT :
Start : In 2169, people are genetically engineered to stop aging on
their 25th birthday, when a one-year countdown on their forearm begins.
When it reaches zero, the person "times out" and dies. Time has thus
become the universal currency, transferred directly between people or
stored in "time capsules".
Introduction of conflict : Will Sales is a lower class of society workers to
meet the needs of everyday life. Will only lived with his Mother, Rachael
Sales, they must work hard to finance their needs. one day Will is staying
in bar with Borel, his colleagues, they meet with Harry Hamilton that came
from upper class.
Rising action : In New Greenwich, Will visits a casino and meets time
loaning businessman Philippe Weis and his daughter Sylvia. While playing
poker, Will comes dangerously close to timing out but eventually wins
more than a millennium in a flawless gamble.
Climax/turning point : Will escapes, taking Sylvia to Dayton as a
hostage. Ambushed by Fortis' gang, they are left with 30 minutes each. Will
attempts to get some time back from Borel, but his wife Greta tearfully
explains that he has drunk himself to death. They manage to get a day
each by selling Sylvia's earrings. Will calls Weis to demand a 1,000-year
ransom to be paid into the time-mission for the desperate.
Falling Action : With Sylvia now sharing Will's commitment to ending
the system, they rob her father's time banks, giving the extra time capsules to
the needy, but soon realize that they cannot significantly change anything, as
prices are simply raised faster. They get attacked by Fortis' gang again,
but Will manages to time out Fortis in an arm wrestling match and then
shoot all his thugs. They decide to rob Weis' vault of a 1,000,000-year
capsule. Raymond chases them back to Dayton but is too late to stop them
from distributing the stolen time. The chase continues but, caught up in
the moment, Raymond forgets to download his day's salary, and times out.
Will and Sylvia nearly time out themselves, but survive by taking
Raymond's salary or themselves.
Will Sales : courageous, humble
Sylvia Weis : taciturn
Raymond Leon : abstinence give up
Rachel Sales : Fictitious
Herry Halmiton : donor
Borel : stubborn
Greta : pattient
Fortis : wicket
Philippe Weis : arrogant
Maya : quit, donor
6. Setting or Situation : The story, in the future, physical human beings
will be stopped at the age of 25 years. People won't be aging. However start
the age of attached in their hands like a digital clock that is constantly moving
according to the time they already have. So, they will die if the time is in their
hands already showed the numbers 00:00:00. Therefore that why this film
was given the title In Time. All the people fighting to get more time to have a
longer life.

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