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Business Process

Submitted by:- Herry (A00164909)

Navneet Mangla (A00164171)
Navjot Kaur (A00164614)
Veerpal kaur ( A00164911)
One current business process inside Passage Engine Organization is their

vehicle creation process. This cycle includes the plan, designing, assembling,

and get together of their vehicles.

The means engaged with the vehicle creation interaction can shift contingent

upon the kind of vehicle being delivered, yet by and large include:
Idea and Plan: This is the most important phase in the process where originators make portrayals and PC models

of the vehicle. During this step, architects work with specialists to guarantee that the plan is practical and can be


Engineering: When the plan is finished, the designing system starts. This includes making nitty gritty plans and

schematics of the vehicle's parts and frameworks. Designs additionally make virtual experiences to test the

vehicle's presentation.

Sourcing and Procurement: During this step, Passage sources and gets the materials and parts expected to

fabricate the vehicle. This can incorporate all that from steel and aluminum to electronic parts and tires.
 `
Fabricating: The assembling system includes the genuine creation of the vehicle's parts. This can incorporate stepping, welding, and painting

the body, as well as assembling the motor and transmission.

Assembly: When the parts are all made, they are united in the get together cycle. This includes putting the body and edge together,

introducing the motor and transmission, and adding each of different parts like the inside, gadgets, and tires.

Quality Control: Before the vehicle is transported to showrooms, it goes through a thorough quality control process. This includes testing the

vehicle for wellbeing, execution, and unwavering quality. Any issues are tended to and settled before the vehicle is transported.

Distribution: The last move toward the cycle is conveying the vehicle to showrooms. This can include delivering the vehicle by truck, train,

or boat contingent upon where it needs to go.

One illustration of a Passage vehicle that goes through this interaction is the Portage F-
150. During the plan stage, fashioners attempted to make an intense and forceful look that
would engage truck purchasers. The designing system included making another 3.5-liter
Power Boost V6 motor that consolidates a gas motor with an electric engine for further
developed eco-friendliness.
During the assembling system, the body of the truck is stepped from high-strength,
military-grade aluminum compound. The gathering system includes uniting the parts in
general, including the motor, transmission, inside, and gadgets.
The quality control process for the F-150 incorporates crash testing, testing for solidness
and dependability, and testing the vehicle's towing and pulling capacities. When the truck
has breezed through these assessments, it is delivered to showrooms around the country.

The SMART metrics framework is used to create process maps and diagrams that are
Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Here's a possible representation of Ford's vehicle production process using SMART metrics:
Process: Vehicle Production Process
Objective: To design, engineer, manufacture, and assemble high-quality vehicles that meet customer demand.
1. Concept and Design
Measurable Output: Conceptual sketches and computer models of the vehicle
Actionable Tasks: Research and gather customer insights, create design briefs, collaborate with engineers to ensure feasibility.
Relevant Metrics: Customer satisfaction, design quality, engineering performance
Time-bound Milestones: Completion of design briefs, conceptual sketches, and computer models
2. Engineering
Measurable Output: Detailed blueprints and schematics of vehicle components and systems
Actionable Tasks: Use design briefs and computer models to create blueprints and schematics, run computer simulations to test
Relevant Metrics: Engineering accuracy, design consistency, simulation performance
Time-bound Milestones: Completion of blueprints and schematics, simulation testing results
3. Sourcing and Procurement
Measurable Output: Materials and components needed for manufacturing.
Actionable Tasks: Source and procure materials and components needed for manufacturing, manage supplier relationships.
Relevant Metrics: Supply chain efficiency, cost-effectiveness, material quality
Time-bound Milestones: Completion of material and component orders, supplier performance metrics
1. Manufacturing
Measurable Output: Vehicle components and systems
Actionable Tasks: Stamping, welding, painting the body, manufacturing engine and transmission, quality control checks.
Relevant Metrics: Production efficiency, component quality, waste reduction
Time-bound Milestones: Completion of each component and system, quality control check results
2. Assembly
Measurable Output: Fully assembled vehicles
Actionable Tasks: Bring together body, frame, engine, transmission, interior, and electronics, run final quality control checks.
Relevant Metrics: Assembly efficiency, final product quality, waste reduction
Time-bound Milestones: Completion of assembly, final quality control check results
3. Quality Control
Measurable Output: Tested and certified vehicles
Actionable Tasks: Test vehicles for safety, performance, and reliability, address any issues, resolve them.
Relevant Metrics: Quality assurance, defect reduction, customer satisfaction
Time-bound Milestones: Completion of quality control checks, resolution of any issues, certification of vehicles.
4. Distribution
Measurable Output: Vehicles shipped to dealerships.
Actionable Tasks: Ship vehicles by truck, train, or ship to dealerships, manage logistics and transportation.
Relevant Metrics: Shipping efficiency, inventory management, customer satisfaction
Time-bound Milestones: Completion of shipping, arrival of vehicles at dealerships.



Keep tire manufacturing processes running smoothly | SICK. (n.d.). Retrieved

February 15, 2023, from


Chaffey, D. (2022, March 16). How to Define SMART Marketing Objectives. Smart Insights.


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