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PROPOSED A SYSTEM OF classifying different types of
learning in terms of the degree of complexity of the mental
processes involved.

According to Gagne the higher orders of learning in this

hierarchy build upon the lower levels, requiring progressively
greater amounts of previous learning for their success. The lowest
four orders tend to focus on the more behavioral aspects of
learning while the highest four focus on the more cognitive aspects
He has classified learning into eight types in hierarchical order:

1. SIGNAL LEARNING – The simplest form of learning. We learn to make a standard response to a stimulus or
2. STIMULUS-RESPONSE LEARNING – We learn to respond in a particular way by being rewarded or
getting favorable results.
3. CHAIN LEARNING- It is the process of connecting together a number of learnt responses into sequence.
4. VERBAL ASSOCIATION LEARNING - is one of the key processes in the development of language skills.
5. DISCRIMINATION LEARNING – the stimuli may resemble each other but we learn to identify the
differences and respond differently to each one.
6. CONCEPT LEARNING- this type of learning describes the ability to classify and link together similar
phenomena or occurrences.
7. RULE LEARNING- it forms the basis of the learning of general rules, procedure etc.
8. PROBLEM SOLVING LEARNING – application of previously learned rules and concepts to new situations.

The children will have more interest in learning

Mathematics because they learn more by starting
from easy to difficult.

The stage of this help to build the brain of the

children. By using this Theory the children tend to
be more prepared for next level of competency.
How we can connect or relate Learning Hierarchy of Robert
Gagne in Mathematics?

Because Mathematics can only be learned through a bottom

up and not to top down.
We can’t skip the lower level and jump to the highest level
we should undergo to the basic level in every stages.
Prepared by: Group 2
How we can connect or relate Learning Hierarchy of Robert
Gagne in Mathematics?
Calanday, Lyka G.
Dagos, Danica G.
Because Mathematics can only be
Estevez, Amie U.
learned through a bottom
up and not to top down.
Gregorio, Carla Jane
We can’t skip the lower level and jump to the highest level
we should undergo to the basic level in every stages.

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