Calcium Balance

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Dr.R.Prameela MD

Asst professor

Department of Pharmacology

 Introduction

 Hormonal control of calcium

 Nonhormonal agents – drugs

 Disorders associated with calcium

 Calcium preparations

 Conclusion

 References

04/06/2023 2

 Elemental calcium is essential for

various biological functions
 It plays a major role in body
 Disturbances in calcium metabolism
leads to derangement of various
cellular functions.
 Milk and its products, green leafy veg,
cereals sources of calcium
 Ragi is rich source and rice has
minimal amounts of calcium.

04/06/2023 3
 Healthy adult men – 1300 g

women – 1000 g
 > 90% of Ca present in bones and teeth.

 Normal serum calcium 8.5 – 10.4 mg/dl

4.25 – 5.2 mEq/ l

2.1 – 2.6 mM

04/06/2023 4
Calcium Store
 99% stored as crystalline form Hydroxyapatite

[Ca10 (PO4)6 (OH)2 ] other ions, including Na+, K+, Mg2+, and F-,
also are present in the crystal lattice.

 The steady state content of calcium in bone reflects the net

effects of bone resorption and bone formation.

04/06/2023 5
Calcium absorption and excretion
 75% of dietary Ca+2 – milk and milk products
 Required daily Allowance (RDA) is

1300 mg/day – adolescents

1000 mg/day – adults

So 50 yrs- 1200 mg/day

 Median value - ≥ 9 yrs – Boys- 865 mg

Girls- 625 mg

women > 50yrs – 517 mg

04/06/2023 6
04/06/2023 7
 Calcium absorption occurs in small intestine (duodenum) by 2
 Facilitated transport
 Calcitriol dependent active transport

 The intestinal calcium absorption can increase to 600 mg/day

in presence of calcitriol
 Low Ca intake, PTH, Vit D, negative Ca balance, acid residue
in intestine- inc absorption

04/06/2023 8
 Phytates, oxalates, high phosphate content,free fatty acids-
dec absorption
 Diseases like steatorrhoea, diarrhoea, chronic malabsorption

 Glucocorticoids, phenytoin, tetracyclins- depress intestinal

Ca+2 transport

04/06/2023 9
 Urinary Ca+2 excretion is the net difference between the
quantity filtered at the glomerulus and the amount absorbed.
 9 gm – filtered each day

 Reabsorption is regulated by PTH and also filtered Na +

 Loop diuretics increases Ca+2 excretion

 Thiazides – uncouple the relationship between Na and Ca +2


04/06/2023 10
Physiological role of Calcium

 Excitability of nerves and muscles and regulates

permeability of cell membranes. Also integrity of cell
 Ca+2 essential for excitation and coupling (second
messenger) of all types of muscles
 Excitation and secretion of endocrine and exocrine
glands and release of neurotransmitters from nerve
04/06/2023 11
 Intracellular messenger for hormones, autacoids and
 Impulse generation and conduction in heart

 Coagulation of Blood

 Structural function of Bone and Teeth - Hydroxyapatite

04/06/2023 12
04/06/2023 13
Hormones regulating Ca+2
 Paratharmone

 Calcitonin
 Vitamin D

 Fibroblast Growth Factor- 23

 Others- glucocorticoids, estrogens, androgens, thyroid

hormone, insulin

04/06/2023 14
 Single polypeptide chain , 84 amino acids, molecular mass-
9500 Da
 Helps to regulate plasma Ca2+2 by affecting bone
resorption/formation, renal Ca+2 excretion/reabsorption, and
calcitriol synthesis.
 Inside the gland calcium sensitive protease cleaves the
hormone into fragments.

04/06/2023 15
Synthesis, secretion, immunoassay

115 AA

25 AA

6 AA

T1/2 – 4min

04/06/2023 16
Regulation of secretion
 Plasma Ca+2 is the major factor regulating PTH secretion.

 As the concentration of Ca+2 diminishes, PTH secretion

 Sustained hypocalcemia induces parathyroid hypertrophy
and hyperplasia
 Calcium- sensing receptor ( CaSR), stimulated by calcium
reduces PTH production and secretion.

04/06/2023 17
 Occupancy of CaSR with Ca+2 stimulates

Gq- PLC/ IP3 -Ca+2 pathway Activation of G1 pathway by Ca+2

Activation of PKC Decreases cAMP synthesis

Inhibition of PTH sectretion

Decreases activity of PKA

04/06/2023 18
Effects on bone

 Catabolic and anabolic effects

 Elevated PTH – bone resorption to increase serum calcium
 Primary skeletal target cell for PTH is the osteoblast

Effects on kidney:
 Increases Ca+2 reabsorption
 Inhibits tubular reabsorption of phosphates
 Stimulates conversion of vit D to calcitriol

04/06/2023 19
 Cyclic AMP mediates renal effects of PTH in proximal tubule.

 PTH sensitive adenylyl cyclase is located in renal cortex

 Nephrogenous cAMP escapes into urine – measurement of

this used as indicator for parathyroid activity and renal
 PTH reduces Mg+2 excretion

04/06/2023 20
 Increases excretion of water, AA, citrate, K+ , bicarbonate, Na+
, Cl- , SO42-

 Decreases H+ excretion

 Regulates calcitriol synthesis along with Vit D3 , Pi , Ca+2

 When hypocalcemia increases PTH, both the PTH-dependent

lowering of circulating Pi and the 1α-hydroxylase lead to
increased circulating concentrations of calcitriol.

04/06/2023 21
 Stimulates intestinal Ca+2 absorption

 When plasma Ca+2 activity rises, PTH secretion is suppressed,

and tubular Ca+2 reabsorption decreases.
 Which causes reduced bone remodelling.

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04/06/2023 23
PTH decreases the synthesis and secretion of OPG from cells.
By increasing RANK and decreasing OPG locally in bone, serves to increase bone

04/06/2023 24
Preparations- Teriparatide
 rDNA synthetic PTH
 20-40 mcg SC in thigh or abdominal wall once daily

 Increases predominantly trabecular bone at the lumbar spine

and femoral neck.
 FDA- approved for treatment of osteoporosis for up to 2
years in both men and postmenopausal women at high risk
for fractures.
 injection-site pain, nausea, headaches, leg cramps, and
04/06/2023 25
 Calcitonin is a hypocalcemic hormone whose actions
generally oppose those of PTH.
 Secreted from C cells – thyroid, parathyroid, thymus

 The biosynthesis and secretion of calcitonin are regulated by

the plasma Ca2+ concentration

04/06/2023 26
 Calcitonin is the most potent peptide inhibitor of osteoclast-
mediated bone resorption
 Calcitonins derived from salmon and eel differ from the
human hormone by 13 and 16 amino acid residues
 Normal levels – males < 15 pg/ml

females < 10 pg/ml

04/06/2023 27
 Circulating t1/2 – 10 min

 Stimulated by- catecholamines, glucagon, gastrin, and

 Lowers plasma clacium by blocking PTH induced bone
 Reduces Ca+2 , Na , K, P reabsorption in renal tubules.

04/06/2023 28
 Calcitonin (Pork) ( Calcitare)

4 units/kg daily SC/ IM – upto 80 units 3 times a week

 Salcalcitonin ( Salmon calcitonin)

400 units 6-8 hourly – upto 50 units 3 times a week

 Salcalcitonin nasal spray – 200 units once daily

04/06/2023 29
 Fat soluble vitamin- it is more of a hormone

 Solar UV-B irradiation of 7-dehydro-choesterol present in

secretion of sebaceous glands covert it into vitamin D3
( cholecalciferol)
 Animal origin- cod liver oil, irradiated milk

 Irradiation of ergosterol in yeast – ergocaciferol ( D3)

04/06/2023 30
 Absorbed from small intestine.

 Vitamin D circulates in blood with Vit D binding proteins- α

 T ½ - 20-30 hrs

04/06/2023 31

Skin UV-B

Vitamin D (cholecalciferol)

Liver 25- hydroxylase

25-hydroxy vitamin D

1 α- hydroxylase
1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D

04/06/2023 32
 Reduced extracellular Ca2+ levels stimulate 1α-hydroxyla-
tion causing formation of Vit D3
 1α-Hydroxylase is potently stimulated by PTH

 high calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D intakes suppress 1α-

hydroxylase activity

04/06/2023 33
 On entering the enterocyte, calcium binds to components of the
brush border complex .
 Calmodulin is redistributed to the brush border in response to
calcitriol - Calcitriol-inducible Calcium-Binding Protein, Calbindin-
D9K .
 The transport of calcium across the antiluminal surface of the
enterocyte is the calcitriol-inducible, ATP-dependent plasma
membrane Ca2+ pump (PMCA1b).
 The affinity of the pump for calcium is 2.5 times that of calbindin.
 With high calcium intake, a calcitriol-independent Na+/Ca2+
exchanger may also play a role in the transfer of calcium across
the basolateral membrane. 34
 Modest supplementation with vitamin D (400-800 IU/day)

 Cholecalciferol – vit D3

As granules for oral and as oil for IM

1 mcg = 40 IU of vit D

Daily requirement to prevent deficiency – 200-400 IU/day

04/06/2023 35
 Doxercalciferol (D2) - for secondary hyperparathyroidism,
starting at 10 mg three times per week. IV
 Dihydrotachysterol (D2)-used to maintain plasma Ca2+ in
hypoparathyroidism. 0.2-1 mg/day oral
 1α-Hydroxycholecalciferol – Alfacalcidol (D3) -to treat renal
 Ergocalciferol pure D2 – to prevent vit D deficiency, familial
hypophosphatemia, hypoparathy- roidism, and vitamin D–
resistant rickets type II .
 50,000-200,000 units/day in conjunction with calcium
04/06/2023 supplements 36
 Calcipotriol- regulates calcium metabolism

Treatment for psoriasis ( plaque type)

 Paricalcitol - reduces serum PTH levels without producing
hypercalcemia or altering serum phosphorus

Secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic renal

 22-Oxacalcitriol - potent suppressor of PTH gene expression

limited activity on intestine and bone.

04/06/2023 37
Fibroblast growth factor -23 ( FGF23)
 Hypophosphatemic hormone whose actions generally
parallel those of PTH.
 Klotho is a membrane protein that serves as an essential
cofactor in the transduction of FGF23 signaling.
 FGF23 - 251 amino acids produced by osteoblasts,
osteocytes, and lining cells.
 Principal regulator of proximal renal tubule phosphate
reabsorption and of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D synthesis.

04/06/2023 38
 It inhibits the synthesis of calcitriol , decreasing calcium and
phosphate absorption from intestines. PTH release is
 The net result is maintaining Ca+2 levels.

 Secreted frizzled-related protein (s-FRP4) , matrix

extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPG), along with FGF23
are called as phosphatonins.

04/06/2023 39
Growth hormone
 Deficiency and excess of growth hormone have marked
effects on skeletal growth.
 Growth hormone increases circulating and local levels of
IGF1- mediates skeletal effects of growth hormone.
 Exogenous growth hormone and IGF1 increase bone
 Growth hormone also stimulates cartilage growth.

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 Glucocorticoids decrease the intestinal absorption of calcium
and have the potential to induce osteoclastogenesis and
bone resorption because they increase the expression of
RANKL and CSF1 in osteoblasts.
 Glucocorticoids inhibit the replication of osteoblast
precursors and their differentiation into mature osteoblasts.

04/06/2023 41
 Glucocorticoids induce the apoptosis of osteoblasts and
osteocytes- decrease in bone forming cells.
 Glucocorticoids inhibit the differentiated function of the
osteoblast and bone formation.
 This results from direct effects of glucocorticoids on the
osteoblast and suppression of IGF1 transcription.

04/06/2023 42
Thyroid hormone
 In children, hyperthyroidism is associated with increased
skeletal growth, and hypothyroidism results in decreased
 Thyroid hormones increase bone resorption and turnover,
although their effects on bone formation are less clear.
 Increase the transcription of collagenase and gelatinase by

04/06/2023 43
 Normal skeletal growth depends on an adequate amount of insulin.

 Excess insulin production by the fetuses of mothers with

uncontrolled diabetes results in excessive growth of the skeleton and
other tissues.
 Children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes are at increased risk
for decreased bone mineral acquisition.
 Insulin at physiologic concentrations selectively stimulates
osteoblastic collagen synthesis by a pretranslational mechanism.
Insulin can mimic the effects of IGF1.
 Insulin and IGF1 signaling is essential for maintenance of bone
04/06/2023 44
Gonadal hormones
 Estrogens and androgens are critical for skeletal develop-
ment and maintenance
 Gonadal hormones are crucial for the pubertal growth spurt,
and estrogen is necessary for epiphyseal closure.
 Androgens can increase bone formation

 Deficiency of estrogen or androgen increases bone


04/06/2023 45

PTH GIT Ca , P absorption Ca, P

Kidney Ca reabsorption, P reap Ca , P
Bones osteoclast activity Ca, P, bone
osteoblast activity Ca, P, bone

Vit D GIT Ca P absorption Ca, P

Bone osteoclast number & Ca, P
Parathyroid activity
PTH synthesis

FGF 23 Kidney P reabsorption, calcitrol P

GIT Ca, P absorp Ca, P
Bone mineralization of bone Ca, P

Calcitonin Bone osteoclast activity Ca

Kidney Ca reabsorption Ca

04/06/2023 46

Glucocorticoids GIT Ca absorption Ca, P

Kidney Ca, P reabsorption Ca, P
Bone osteoblast apoptosis, bone
activity bone
osteocyte apoptosis
Thyroid Bone resorption > formation Ca, bone

Gonadal Bone osteoclast activity Ca, P

steroids osteoclast apoptosis bone
osteoblast apoptosis

04/06/2023 47
Drugs affecting calcium balance
 Bisphosphonates


 Calcimimetics

 Thiazide diuretics

 Fluorides

04/06/2023 48
 They are synthetic pyrophosphate derivatives


Etidronate Alendronate
Clodronate Pamidronate
Tiludronate Ibandronate

04/06/2023 49
 All oral bisphosphonates are very poorly absorbed from the
 These drugs should be administered with a full glass of water
following an overnight fast and at least 30 minutes before
 Excreted primarily by the kidneys

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 Effective calcium chelators

 Inhibit the dissolution of bone crystal

 After ingestion by osteoclasts- hastens their death by

 Stimulates osteoblasts to release osteoclast inhibiting factor

 Block hydroxyapatite crystal growth

 Have to correct mineral imbalance before giving these drugs.

04/06/2023 51
Adverse drug reactions
 General : headache, IV injection releases cytokines- fever,
joint pains, myalgia, occular inflammation
 GIT : nausea, abd pain, diarrhoea, heartburn, oesophagitis,
 Renal : failure , electrolyte abnormalities, zolendronate-
nephrotoxic, ATN
 Others: excessive doses- demineralization, hypocalcemia,
osteonecrosis of jaw, chalk-stick fractures of femoral shaft.

04/06/2023 52
 Osteoporosis : along with prolomged glucocorticoid therapy

 Paget’s disease:IV preparations – zolendronate, pamidronate

 Malignancy : oral Clodronate,

Pamidronate, Ibandronate, Zoledronate – slow IV

Hypercalcemia of malignancy and shrink metastasis in breast

cancer and multiple myeloma

04/06/2023 53
Calcium Sensor Mimetics: CINACALCET

 Oral, 30-, 60-, and 90-mg tablets.

 t1/2 of 30-40 hours

 Metabolized by multiple hepatic cytochromes, including

CYPs 3A4, 2D6, and 1A2.
 Eliminated by renal excretion

04/06/2023 54
 Calcimimetics - mimic the stimulatory effect of calcium on the
calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) to inhibit PTH secretion by
the parathyroid glands.
 Lower the concentration of Ca2+ at which PTH secretion is
 Treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism.

 Hypercalcemia associated with parathyroid carcinoma .

 ADR- hypocalcemia, seizures

04/06/2023 55
RANKL Antagonist- Denosumab
 Humanized monoclonal antibody

 Reduces number of osteoclasts and bone resorption

 Increases spine and hip bone mineral deposits

 Approved for women with postmenopausal osteoporosis

04/06/2023 56
SERMs - Raloxifene
 Estrogen agonist in bone

 Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

 Increases bone density and decreases vertebral fractures.

 Preferred therapy for osteoporosis in women with breast

cancer and family history of cancer.

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Thiazide diuretics
 Reduce renal excretion of calcium

 To treat hypercalciuria and incidence of calcium oxalate

stone formation.
 Increase effects of PTH – Ca reabsorption.

 Enhances Na+/Ca+2 exchange in basolateral membrane of


04/06/2023 58
 Mitogen for osteoblasts, increases trabecular bone mass.

 Hydroxyapetite to fluoroapetite –denser, more brittle

 Prophylaxis for dental caries.

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Strontium Ranalate
 Ranelic acid salt of strontium.

 Blocks differentiation of osteoclasts – promotes apoptosis –

prevents bone resorption
 Increases bone formation

 2gm/day oral

 Reduces risk of spine and hip fractures in osteoporosis

04/06/2023 60
Sevelamer Hydrocloride
 Phosphate binding gel – 800mg TDS with meals along with
calcium supplements
 Used to treat hyperphosphatemia due to
hyperparathyroidism and hyoervitaminosis-D
 ADR- constipation, epigastric distress, headache

04/06/2023 61
Drug interactions with calcium

Beta- blockers Decreased beta-blocker absorption

Calcium channel blockers reduction in efficacy of CCB

Corticosteroids Decreased calcium absorption

Fiber Decreased calcium absorption

Iron Decreased iron absorption
Oxalic acid (found in rhubarb and Decreased calcium absorption

Phenytoin Decreased phenytoin absorption

Phosphorus (found in dairy products) Decreased calcium absorption

Phytic acid (found in bran and cereals) Decreased calcium absorption

04/06/2023 62

Quinidine Decreased quinidine renal excretion


Salicylates Increased salicylic acid renal excretion

and decreased pharmacologic effects

Tetracycline Decreased serum tetracycline levels

Thiazide diuretcs Increased calcium absorption

Vitamin D Increased calcium absorption

04/06/2023 63
Diseases associated with calcium
 Hypocalcemia

 Hypercalcemia

 osteoporosis

04/06/2023 64
 Hypocalcemia usually occurs when the plasma calcium level
falls below 8 mg per dL.
 Irritability, seizures, laryngeal spasm, teeth hypoplasia,
atrophy of skin and nails
 Treated with Magnesium chloride

 Oral calcium, vitamin D

 Chlorthalidone – to lower renal clearance of calcium

04/06/2023 65
 Hypercalcemia generally occur with ingestion of calcium more
than 4 to 5 gm per day.
 Correct dehydration- isotonic saline
 Diuresis- increase calcium excretion- furosemide 40mg IM 6-12
hrly lowers Ca
 Inhibit bone resorption – bisphosphonates, calcitonin
 Reduce GI absorption –cellulose phosphate
 Promote uptake of calcium by bones and tissues- phosphates
04/06/2023 66
 Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder characterized by a loss of
bone osteoid that reduces bone integrity and bone strength,
predisposing to an increased risk of fracture
 The most common causes include aging, sex hormone de
ciency, alcoholism, smoking, and high-dose glucocorticoid
 Osteoporosis is usually asymptomatic until fractures occur. It
may present as backache ofvarying degrees of severity or as
a spontaneous fracture or collapse of a vertebra. Loss of
height is common.
04/06/2023 67
04/06/2023 68
 Serum PTH, calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase
usually normal. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels – low
 Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is used to determine
the bone density of the lumbar spine, hip, and distal radius.
 Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX) predict an individual's
10-year risk of fractures.

04/06/2023 69
 Calcium :key element in the therapy of osteoporosis.

• Calcium carbonate 40% and tribasic calcium phosphate 39%

have the greatest percentage of elemental calcium.

• Calcium carbonate should be taken with a meal, whereas

calcium citrate is not dependent on gastric pH for absorption
and may be taken without regard to meals.

• The use of calcium supplements is rarely associated with

hypercalciuria or renal calcium stones.

• Fiber and iron impairs absorption. Patients should take

tetracycline compounds and calcium at least 2 hours apart to
04/06/2023 avoid intestinal chelation. 70
 Vitamin D: oral vit D3 is supplemented 800-2000units/day

 Low-dose transdermal systemic estrogen prevents

osteoporosis in women with hypogonadism
 Testosterone replacement therapyprevents osteoporosis in
hogonadal men
 Bisphosphonates -inhibits osteoclast­induced bone
resorption. They increase bone density significantly and
reduce the incidence of vertebral fractures.

• oral calcium supplements (500-1000 mg/day) and with oral

vitamin D3 (starting at 1 000 units/day) .
04/06/2023 71
 Denosumab- 60 mg SC every 6 months

 Teriparatide- 20 meg/day SC for 2 years

 SERMs – Raloxifene -60 mg/day orally

 Tamoxifen is another SERM -women for up to 5 years after

resection of breast cancer that is estrogen receptor positive.
 Bazedoxifene is a SERM that is available as a FDC with
conjugated estrogens.

04/06/2023 72
 A nasal spray of calcitonin-salmon (Miacalcin) is available
that contains 2200 units/mL in 2-mL metered-dose bottles.
 Ipriflavone -synthetic derivative of naturally occurring
phytoestrogens. 600 mg daily
 Percutaneous vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty -vertebral
compression fractures who fail conservative pain

04/06/2023 73
 Combination therapy:

• Bisphosphonates + Hormone Therapy in postmenopausal women

• Raloxifene + Alendronate

• Calcitonin + HT

• Estrogen replacement therapy + PTH -initial loss in cortical bone.

• PTH + Alendronate - increases BMD more than alendronate alone -

antagonistic effect of the combination on PTH efficacy.

04/06/2023 74
Therapeutic uses of Calcium
 To prevent or correct calcium deficiency

 In treatment of hypocalcemic tetany –

Calcium gluconate (10%) 10-20ml IV slowly followed by IV

infusion 40 ml in 1 litre saline over 4-8 hrs.
 To treat osteoporosis

04/06/2023 75
 As phosphate binders in CKD - Sevelamer

 Dietary supplement- growing children, pregnant, lactating

and menopausal etc. Also in men and women reduce the
bone loss
 Osteoporosis: Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis with
HRT/Raloxifene/Alendronate – to ensure Ca++ deficiency
does not occur
 Empirically in dermatoses, parathesia and weakness

04/06/2023 76
 Cardiac arrest- intracardiac injection of calcium in cardiac
 Placebo- calcium gluconate IV produces feeling of warmth
which spreads as a wave all over the body
 As an antacid

04/06/2023 77
Calcium Preparations
 Oral preparations-

CALCIUM SALTS Ca CONTENT Gm req to provide

Mg / gm of salt 1 gm of Ca
Carbonate 400 2.5
Phosphate 230 4.4
Citrate 211 4.7
Glycerophosphate 162 6.3
Lactate 130 7.7
Gluconate 89 11
Heptagluconate 82 12
04/06/2023 78
 Parenteral preperations.

Calcium gluconate inj – 1gm in 10 ml

Calcium laevulinate injection – IM / IV as 10% solution

Calcium chloride – ingredient in Ringer lactate solution

04/06/2023 79
 Bone composed of organic and inorganic components.
Inorganic – calcium phosphate salt hyfroxyapetite.
 Dynamic structure depends on anabolic and catabolic
processes & physiologic regulators of calcium and phosphate
 PTH, calcitriol, calcitonin FGF23 – modulators of bone
remodelling and mineral homeostasis.
 Bone disorders can be treated by correcting the underlying
mineral imbalances.

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