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This is Maria.

What’s her problem??

She has a ……………….

Doctor: Hello Maria. How can I help you?
Maria: I don’t feel well doctor. I have a stomachache.
Doctor: OK Maria. Let me check you, please.
What did you eat today?
Maria: I ate out at fastfood restaurant with my friends. I had a
large pizza with extra cheese and two cans of coke. Then, I ate
Doctor: You have a stomachache because you don’t eat
healthy food. You should eat more fruits and vegetables.
Also, you should drink water. You shouldn’t drink coke or
other soda because it’s not good.You shouldn’t eat chips and
sweets too.
I’ll give you some medicine today but you should eat
healthy food. You should come back in a week, OK?
Maria: All right doctor. I will.
Task: Fill in the gaps with should or shouldn’t.
 He’s always tired in the morning. He ………………
sleep late.
 I don’t feel well. You ………………stay in bed.
 It’s cold. I ……………………wear my coat.
 You …………………eat fruits and vegetables
 She has a headache. She ………………take some
 Ali has fever. He ……………………go out.
 You ………………smoke. It’s very dangerous for
your health.
 You ………………eat between meals because you’ll
get fat.
To give an advice
should Shouldn’t

S + should / shouldn’t + V + rest + .

• She should take some medicine.

• You shouldn’t sleep late.
• They should eat healthy.
• We shouldn’t drink soda always.

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