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In “Midnight Sun,” a life-threatening
illness inspires a gilded fairy tale. This tour of
high school heartbreak follows Katie , a wide-
eyed teenager who has xeroderma
pigmentosum, a condition that renders her
dangerously sensitive to ultraviolet light.
Although xeroderma pigmentosum is actually a
disease, “Midnight Sun” forgoes realism,
exaggerating the risks of Katie’s illness to
portray even the slightest exposure to sunlight
as a cause of fatal neurodegeneration.

Because of her condition, Katie is isolated

from her peers, spending most of her time with
her adoring father , who tries to keep his
daughter’s confinement cozy. Though neither
Katie nor “Midnight Sun” seems disturbed by
Every day, she waits for the same boy,
Charlie , whom was her crush since
childhood and he too falls in love at first
sight. They begin to see each other only at
night, and Katie conceals her illness,
despite her father’s warnings. Like the sun,
the potential for disaster inevitably rises.

Under the limp direction of Scott Speer,

“Midnight Sun” suffocates its sentimental
script, portraying passion without wonder,
sacrifice without ecstasy. Charlie professes
his devotion with a plastered smile and
dead eyes. Katie writes love songs that are
forgotten the moment she stops singing.
Sheltered since childhood, 17-year-old Katie Price lives with a life-threatening sensitivity to
sunlight. In her childhood days katie was socially isolated because of her illness .Katie
doesn’t live a normal life as her peers .She was home tutored by her father .And one day
katie meet the sunlight which made the symptoms spread and put her in deadly
situation .This Terminal illness with no treatment affects not only katie who is diagnosed,
but also her friends and family members.Her Loved ones like her dad ,friend ,and boyfriend
face the process of saying goodbye to her who is dying, and find it difficult to deal with their
feelings of grief and loss.
Katie’s dad who taken care of her very carefully all these years only gave him guilt
unforgiveness about how he have stolen katies childhood wishes and happiness because of
the illness .Katie’s friend morgan was also in a helpless situation ,emotionally disturbed on
edge of losing her childhood friend which affects her job and also trying to give katie her
best emotional support and strength .
Charlie who also had a guilt over katie’s condition .That katie was hurt because of him
gave him a intense grief .And also he gave all his support and made katie’s live her every
Since katie was sheltered in home she had difficulty in socializing and she feels
alienated from her peers .And she almost had a variety of intense emotions while dealing
with her illness .And she was not courageous to tell charlie about her illness .She might
have the fear of rejection .As Katie, whose deterioration manifests itself mainly by bags
under her eyes, paleness and a slight hand tremor.Made loss of self -esteem and
confidence level .And the illness stopped her passion which is music ,she was not able to
play guitar made her depressed and lack of hope .


The positive factors which i noticed were the katie’s father role .He played as a good
teacher ,therapist ,Friend and mentor in katie’s life .He gave her the confidence to live
with the illness .
Katie’s acceptance of the disease was notable and this story even be an example for the
quote “live the moment”.And After katie’s death everyone cherished the moments lived
of terminal
A terminal illness is a disease that cannot be cured or treated for an
improved prognosis and is thus likely to cause death within no more
than a few years. A person diagnosed with a terminal illness is often
likely to experience a wide range of emotions, such as grief, regret, or
sadness, among others.
Coming to terms with death is likely to be a difficult experience,
and individuals who have a terminal illness may experience conflicting
and varied emotions how it was like exactly for katie. Upon first
receiving the diagnosis, an individual may feel numb, possibly calm, or
even accept the news in a matter-of-fact way, as if they have not yet
fully absorbed the reality of the situation. Many people might
experience uncertainty, as they do not know exactly how much longer
they will live or how their body will change as the disease progresses.
Sadness, fear, anger, frustration, regret, and uncertainty may
Palliative care
The goal of palliative care is to provide treatment that eases the person’s
symptoms but these treatments are not used to try to cure the disease causing
the symptoms. Palliative care specifically addresses quality of life issues and
symptom management. Palliative care is also called supportive care. It's part of
hospice care but it can also be used while the person is getting treatment for
any serious illness. For instance, a person getting chemotherapy cancer
treatment should also be getting palliative care to prevent problems like
nausea, low blood counts, and infection.
Communication plays a very large role in palliative care , good
communication between the ill person, family, caregivers, healthcare providers
and in some cases, the hospice team can provide comfort, relieve stress, and
ease the fears of everyone involved.
Addressing the person's quality of life is the central focus of palliative
care. This may mean addressing psychological, spiritual, and social issues, as
well as the physical symptoms the person may have. It is very important that
Therapy provided to a person with a terminal illness typically differs from
other types of therapy. It may be more time-limited and focused, and the goals of
therapy may be more modest, especially if the individual is restricted by their
medical condition. Therapy may be a collaborative approach that involves medical
providers, spiritual advisers, and family members.

Regardless of the specific modality that is used, end-of-life counseling can

offer a supportive therapeutic relationship to the person who is ill, as well as a safe
place to work on concerns related to death and dying. Some goals of this type of
therapy include processing significant emotions, learning how to communicate
wishes and needs to important friends and family members, facilitating open and
honest conversations about illness and its effects, and building a support network to
become more ready to face death.

Counselors may recommend individuals attend support groups for those who
are terminally ill. Some people may find these groups a supportive environment
where they can share concerns and seek companionship from others who are going
Xeroderma pigmentosum is an autosomal recessive disease associated
with a defect in DNA repair from damage by ultraviolet light. It is
characterized by the development of cutaneous malignancies in childhood
and by death from the local or systemic complications thereof by the third
decade of life. The head and the neck are the most frequently affected areas.
Management involves sunlight avoidance and prompt biopsy of any new
skin lesion. Due to the chronic nature of the disease, it is necessary to excise
the least amount of tissue consistent with tumor removal in order to
preserve skin for future procedures. In some cases, radiation therapy and/or
certain chemotherapeutic agents are abnormally cytotoxic and must be
utilized with caution and this might be utmost management for this
terminal illness which was depicted in the movie MIDNIGHT SUN .

“ One of the most important decisions individuals who have a

terminal illness are likely to face is how to spend their remaining

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