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St. Paul School of Buug, Inc.
Aian Kem Manlangit Bantilan _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

Tabangan ug lesson ug unsaon pagbag-o, teach about God, someone can rely on, guide always
Guide, hear stories, ma inspire, understand herself and her classmate, guide the correct path,

Connect to the Lord, lot of activities, malingaw
Successful , learn about God, recollect all past actions

Cooperate, teamwork, participate, earnestly listen, can connect, know each other more and com-
municate more
What is Recollection?

Waste time
In recollection we will waste our Time with Jesus
A time to gather again our experiences in the past.
A time to discover new realizations about ourselves
and God.
Gospel Reading:
Matthew 19: 13-15
Then people brought little children to Jesus
for him to place his hands on them and pray for
them. But the disciples rebuked them.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of
heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he
had placed his hands on them, he went on from
You are all
invited to
come to Jesus
The time we receive the
Sacrament it helps us:
A way that directing us to the
right path
Guide in our Journey
Guide in our Decision
Adolescent Stage
(of a young person) in
process of developing
from a
Emotional/Social Stage
Children in this age might:

Have more interest in ro-

relationships and sexuality
Go through less conflict with
Con... Emotional/Social Stage

Have a deeper capacity for caring and shar-

ing and for
developing more intimate relationships.
Spend less time with parents and more time
with friends.
Feel a lot of sadness or depression, which can
lead to poor grades at school, alcohol and
other problems.
You Need Guide
The need of guidance is something that cannot be ignored
by anyone.
Furthermore, guidance helps in the development of educa-
vocational, and psychological skills in an individual…
Guidance ensures that each individ-
choices must serve the interests of the
Human Being has the capacity to:

Think – Intellect
Feel – Emotion
Be Free – Freewill
Guilt – Conscience
Be Responsible in your Freedom

“For you were called to freedom,

brothers. Only do not use freedom as an
opportunity for the flesh, but through
love serve one another.” Gal. 5:13
Live as people who are free, not using your
freedom as a cover up for evil, but living as
servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the
brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.
Life is precious like a seamless

Life isn’t about

finding yourself.
Life is about
Guide Questions:

1.How can I appreciate the freedom given

to me as a student, as a child, and as
2. As a student we know that we are just
starting to face the challenge of life in
this world, who are your guides in facing
the life you are walking and how do you
give them importance?
What is
desire of
What do you
think is the
dream of each
The happiness of the
family depends on
the happiness of all
members of the family.
I hope we don't be
insensitive or heartless
to what everyone in our
family is going through
and feeling.
Because you won't be
completely happy while
your family is suffering.
We can never be
happy, if we are not
holy. If you are holy,
you will be happy!
True happiness lies in
being holy. You will be
truly happy if you are
good, if you are holy.
But remember, God
wants our family to be
holy, because in being
holy, it is only then that
we can be happy.
Please do not only pray, for
the happiness, the success of
your family but include in
your prayers the holiness, the

fidelity and the goodness for

I hope we pray for each one of
us in the family to be good
and holy. Because you will not

be happy and peaceful if you

are not good and holy!
Love begins in our
home by praying
– Mother Teresa
Reflection /Silence
Sharing in the Plenary
Thank You!!!

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