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TOPICS: Greetings. Subject pronouns. Verb

to be. Demostratives. Question words.
Possessive adjectives.

We use it with new We use it with friends,

people, authorities, family and in casual
bosses and older people. situations.

Formal Greetings
Good morning. Informal Greetings
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
How are things going?
How do you do? Formal Responses How are you doing?
How are you do? Good morning. How have you been? Informal Responses
Good afternoon. Hello
Good evening. Hi
Very well, thank you Fine, thanks and you?
It is a pleasure to meet you. Great, thanks.
Subject pronouns are those pronouns that perform the
action in a sentence.

I work in an office. She has a big house.

You are best friends.

You are funny. It is a nice plant.

They don’t eat fast food.

He lives in a village. We listen to music.

A subject pronoun is used to avoid repetition. It replaces the
subject in a sentence: yourself, people or things.

John is a doctor. He is a doctor.

The laptop is on the desk. It is on the desk.

Complete the paragraph.

My name is Chris. _______ am from Sydney. _____ is in Australia.
This is Janet, _____ is from Paris. It is in France. My favourite
xercise 1

city. Rainer is an engineering. _______ is from Austria, and Ale
and Nancy are from Buenos Aires. ______ are Argentinian. This It
is Ricardo, my boyfriend, ______ is from Brazil. He
To show the status or I AM
characteristics of something or
someone. It says what I am, HE, SHE, IT IS
what you are or what
something is.


Age How old are you? I'm 18.

Place Where are you from? I'm from Beijing.
Nationality What's your nationality? I'm Brazilian.
Health How are you? I'm very well, thanks. 
People What's she like?  She's really nice.
Prices How much is it? It’s 3.50 USD.
FORM You are very serious.
+ Verb to be + complement.
She is a good football player.
They aren’t married.
+ Verb to be (neg.) + complement.
It is not a good movie.
FORM Are you a Math teacher?
Verb to be + + complement + ?
Is he at work?
Yes, I am.
Short answers
No, he isn’t.
Complete the conversation.

A: ______ Marie Curie Argentinian? Are

Exercise 2 B: No, she ______. She's Polish. Is

A: What about Pierre Curie? Is _____ French? they

B: Yes, he is. He is French.
A: _____ Marie and Pierre married?
B: Yes, ______ are.
1.- A: Am I the best student in our class? What do you think?
B: No, you _____. I'm the best.
a) are not b) are c) is not

2.- A: _____ we at the right airport?

B: I hope so. If not, we'll miss our plane.
a) Is b) Are c) Am
They are used to specify the distance of something in space or time in
relation to the speaker.


This tree That tree


Near the speaker.

My cat is here.

Far from the speaker.
THESE THOSE My laptop is there, on
the table.
These trees. Those trees.
Exercise 3
Fill the blank, using the correct demostrative (this, that, those, these)

1. that shirt.
I like ______

2. those shirts.
I don’t like ________

3. this phone.
I want to use _______

4. that pen, please?

Can I have _______

5. these
You can play with ________cards.
Question words, often called wh- words, are function words that
can be used to ask open questions. They are used to ask about
specific qualities, times, places, people and so on.

What is your favourite dish?

What is used in a question to
express a notion about
something or the nature of that What color is your shirt?
thing. It refers to an object, a
pastime or hobby, a sport, a
quality. What is your telephone number ?
Where is used in a question to When is used in a question to
express a specific place, a express what a person wants to
specific address that the person know about the specific time or
wants to know. moment of an action that is
occurring or that has occurred.

Where do you live?

When were you born ?

Where are you going on you vacation?

When do I start the holidays?

Where do you play golf ? When are you going to school ?

Why is used in a question to refer
Who is used in a question to refer
to the reason of an occurred
to a person (subject ) that is
action or event. It also refers to the
doing an action. Who can only be
cause of the occurred event or
used in questions requesting the
action. This event or action has
name of a person.
been done or is taking place.

Why did you break this window ? Who is this Doctor ?

Who did you talk to yesterday ?

Why were you late ?

Why are you crying ? Who is the new student ?

Which is used in a question to HOW
express a choice or a preference How expresses the manner in
about the likes and dislikes of a which an action is done. Used to
person. Often, in the question, the explain a process.
person will have the choice of two
or more things.

Which do you prefer in your coffee, How are you feeling today ?
milk or cream ?

Which colours do you want for your How can you run 10 miles without
bedroom ? being tired ?
Choose the correct option.
We use whose to ask a question
1. A: _____ do you do the other years?
about possession: B: We relax in the garden and visit

Exercise 3
Whose birthday is it today? A) What B) Whose C) Which
2. A: ______ do you choose your holiday
B: We use the internet.
a) When B) How C) what
3. A: And ______ idea was it to go to
Whose are the trousers? Croatia?
B: Our neighbors recommended it.
a) Whose B) What C) Which
Match each sentence.

What is your first name?

Who is she?

Where are you from?

How old are they?

What’s his surname?

When is her birthday?

We are from Scotland.

She is my sister.
Her birthday is on 14th May.
They are 12.
His surname is Andrews.
My first name is Sam.
They are mainly used to indicate that something belongs to or is
part of someone (human or animal).
Subjec Possessive To show something belongs to somebody
t I My
That's our house.
You Your
My car is very old.
He His For relations and friends
She Her
My mother is a doctor.
It Its How old is your sister?
We Our
For parts of the body
You Your
They He's broken his arm.
She's washing her hair.
Choose the correct answer.

1. We have a dog. _______ name is Pancho.

a) Its b) her c) his

2. We go to a high school. _____ high school is fantastic.

a) Your b) Our c) Their

3. Ana and Marcos are Peruvian. _____ family is from Peru.

Exercise 5

a) Their b) Your c) My

4. Mary likes _____ grandmother. She often visits her.

a) she b) his c) her

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