Unit - 3: Complexity Analysis

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UNIT - 3

Complexity Analysis

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Posterior Analysis
Priori Analysis

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Asymptotic notation
Big-O notation: f(n) = O(g(n) iff f(n) ≤ c*g(n)
for all n ≥ n0, where c and n0 are some
positive constants.

The function g(n) indicates the upper bound

of f(n) and so g(n) should be as small as
possible for which the statement f(n) =
O(g(n)) is true.

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Big (O) Notation

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Big Oh (O) Notation

Example: f (n)  2n 3  3n 2  n  10
f (n)  2n 3  3n 2  n  10  5n 3 n  2, C  5
f ( n)  O ( n 3 )

T(n) = 15n3 + 7n2 + 35 <=57n3 , f(n) = 15n3 + 7n2 + 35 and g(n)=n3, C=57
for n>=1
•T(n) = O(n3)
•Exercise : 10n3 + 5n + 7 є O(n4)

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Asymptotic notation
Omega notation: f(n) = Ω(g(n) iff f(n) ≥
c*g(n) for all n ≥ n0, where c and n0 are
some positive constants.

The function g(n) is only a lower bound of

f(n) and so g(n) should be as large as
possible for which the statement f(n) =
Ω(g(n)) is true.

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Omega (Ω) Notation

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Omega (Ω) Notation

Example: f (n)  2n 3  3n 2  n  10
f (n)  2n 3  3n 2  n  10  2n 3 n  1
f ( n)  ( n 3 )

T(n)= 2n3 + 37 >=2n3 , f(n)= 2n3 + 37 and g(n)= n3. C=2 for n>=1
•T(n) = Ω(n3)

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Asymptotic notation
Theta notation: f(n) = Ө(g(n) iff c1*g(n) ≤ f(n)
≤ c2*g(n) for all n ≥ n0, where c1,c2 and n0 are
some positive constants.
The function g(n) is a tight bound of f(n)
because g(n) is both upper and lower
bound on f(n).

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Theta (θ) Notation

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Theta (θ) Notation

Example: f (n)  2n 3  3n 2  n  10
2n 3  2n 3  3n 2  n  10  5n 3 n  2
f ( n)   ( n 3 )

f (n)  5n log n  10n   (n log n)

f   ( g ), so, f   ( g )
f (n)   a. n   (n )
i i k

i 0
but , ( g )  f
 ( g )  O( g ) ( g )

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Little oh (o) Notation

Little oh (o) notation: not asymptotically tight

o(g(n)) = { f(n) : for any (not some) positive constant c>0, there
exist a constant n0>0 such that 0<= f(n) <C.g(n) for all n>=n0

In case of Big-O, bound holds for some value of constant c >0

Incase of Small-o, bound holds for all values of constant c >0

So, 2n=o(n2) where n>=2 and any value of C,

but 2n2 ≠ o(n2) may satisfy rules, but not for all values of C.

f ( n)
lim 0
n  g ( n )

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Little oh (o) Notation

f (n)  2n 3  3n 2  n  10

2n 3  3n 2  n  10  2 3 1 10 
lim 4
 lim  2  3  4   0
n  n n  n
 n n n 

f ( n)  o( n 4 )

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Little omega (ω) Notation
Little omega (ω) notation: not asymptotically tight
ω(g(n)) = { f(n) : for any (not some) positive constant c>0, there
exist a constant n0>0 such that 0<=C.g(n) < f(n) for all n>=n0

So, n2 / 2 = ω(n), but n2 / 2 ≠ ω(n2)

Little omega (ω) notation: f(n) = ω(g(n) iff

g ( n)
lim 0
n  f ( n)

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Little omega (ω) Notation

f (n)  2n 3  3n 2

n  1 1 
lim 3  lim 2    0
n  2n  3n 2 n  2n 3n 

f ( n)   ( n)

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Theorem 1

f (n)  am n m  am 1n m 1    a1n  a0

f (n)   ai n i
i 0
f ( n)  n m

i 0
ai n i  m
f (n)  n m  ai
i 0 n m i

Chandan Sinha Roy

Analysis of Algorithms
Theorem 1
If n>1 then n m i  1
f ( n)  n m
i 0

f ( n)  O ( n )

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Properties of Big Oh

Theorem 1: If f1(n) = O(g1(n)) and f2(n) = O(g2(n)),

then f1(n) + f2(n) = O(max(g1(n), g2(n))).
f1(n) ≤ c1*g1(n) for n ≥ n1
f2(n) ≤ c2*g2(n) for n ≥ n2
Let n0 = max(n1,n2) and c0 = 2*max(c1,c2)

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Properties of Big Oh

f 1(n)  f 2(n)  c1 g1(n)  c 2  g 2(n) for n≥n0

c0  ( g1(n)  g 2(n))
f 1(n)  f 2(n) 
f 1(n)  f 2( n)  c0  max( g1(n), g 2(n))
f 1(n)  f 2(n)  O(max( g1(n), g 2(n)))

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Properties of Big Oh

Theorem 2: If f1(n) = O(g1(n)) and f2(n) = O(g2(n)),

then f1(n) × f2(n) = O(g1(n) × g2(n))
f1(n) ≤ c1*g1(n) for n ≥ n1
f2(n) ≤ c2*g2(n) for n ≥ n2
Let n0 = max(n1,n2) and c0 = c1 × c2

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

Properties of Big Oh

f 1(n)  f 2(n)  (c1 g1(n))  (c 2  g 2(n)) for n≥n0

f 1(n)  f 2(n)  c0  [ g1(n)  g 2(n)]
f 1(n)  f 2(n)  O ( g1(n)  g 2(n))

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

More Examples
Prove that log n! O (n log n)
log n!  log(1 2    n)
log n!  log 1  log 2    log n
log n! log n  log n    log n
log n! n log n
log n! O (n log n)

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

More Examples
T (n)  2  T (n  1)  1
T (n)  2 2  T ( n  2)  2  1
T (n)  23  T (n  3)  2 2  2  1

T (n)  2 k  T (n  k )  2 k 1    2 2  2  1
Let n-k=1
T (n)  2 n 1  2 n  2    2 2  2  1

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

More Examples
2n  1
T ( n) 
2 1
T ( n)  2 n  1
T ( n)  2 n For all n≥1
T ( n)  O ( 2 n )

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

More Examples
T ( n)  2  T    n
 n 
T ( n)  2 2  T  2   2  n
2 
k  n 
T ( n)  2  T  k   k  n
2 
Let, 2k=n
T (n)  n  T 1  n  log n  2n log n For all n≥2
T (n)  O(n log n)

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

More Examples
T ( n)  2  T  n  log n
Let, m=log2n => n=2m
 m

T (2 )  2  T  2   m
m 2

 
Again, consider S(m)=T(2m)
S ( m)  2  S    m
S ( m)  O(m log m)  T (n)  O(log n log log n)

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

More Examples
T ( n)  2  T  n  1
Let, m=log2n => n=2m
 m

T (2 )  2  T  2   1
m 2

 
Again, consider S(m)=T(2m)
S ( m)  2  S    1
S ( m)  O(m)  T (n)  O(log n)

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

How can we improve the complexity?

Write an algorithm to calculate the sum of first n

natural numbers.
Approach 1
1. Algorithm Summation(n)
2. {
3. Sum = 1;
4. for(Counter = 1;Counter ≤ n;Counter++)
5. Sum = Sum + Counter;
6. return(Sum);
7. }//End of Algo

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

How can we improve the complexity?
Approach 2
1. Algorithm Summation(n)
2. {
3. Result=(n*(n+1))/2;
4. }//End of Algo

Complexity O(1)

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

How can we improve the complexity?

Write an algorithm to find the value of xn where n is

integral power of 2.
Approach 1
1. Algorithm Power(x, n)
2. {
3. Result = 1;
4. for(Counter = 1;Counter≤n;Counter++)
5. Result = Result*x;
6. return(Result);
7. }//End of Algo

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

How can we improve the complexity?
Approach 2
1. Algorithm Power(x, n)
2. {
3. if (n=1) then return x;
4. else return Power(x*x,n/2);
5. }//End of Algo

T (n)  T    c  T ( n)  O (log n)

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms

End of unit 3

Chandan Sinha Roy Analysis of Algorithms


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