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Studying at a university

Borozenna Oksana
First, let's deal with some concepts

A scholarship is permanent or temporary financial

support in the form of monetary payments, which
is provided to pupils, students, graduate students,
persons undergoing a special course of study or
internship, and some other categories of citizens.
A grant is an amount that a foreign government,
university, educational foundation or any other
institution sponsors a student. Some grants cover
all expenses of the grant recipient (housing
expenses, own education, flights), while some
cover only part of the expenses.
Budget form means that the state pays for
the student's education. A scholarship is paid
to a student who passes the session with
"good" and "excellent" grades. Those who
have only "fives" in their grades can count on
an increased scholarship. Budget places are
also available in some non-state universities,
but they are usually very few.
With the contract form, the student pays for
the education himself. He enters the higher
educational institution also on a competitive
basis, but at the same time he also concludes
a bilateral contract with the university or
college. The contract, among other things,
specifies the amount and terms of payment.
Levels of higher education abroad
Bachelor's degree is the first level of
higher education, which lasts from 4 to
6 years, depending on the chosen
specialty and the country in which the
education is obtained. In the countries
of the EU, the USA and Canada, the
term of study in most specialties is 4
years, in medical specialties - 5-6 years.
After receiving a bachelor's degree, a
graduate with a higher education can
continue his studies at a master's
degree or go to work in his specialty.
Master's degree - the second
level of training, the duration of
which is 2-2.5 years. In EU and US
countries, university graduates
usually go to work after
completing a bachelor's degree,
which confirms the receipt of
higher education. People who
plan to hold managerial positions
in business, work on scientific
research or engage in teaching
activities at universities go to
obtain a master's degree.
Postgraduate studies - the last
level of higher education, the
result of which is the receipt of a
doctor of philosophy degree after
writing and successfully defending
a dissertation. In the domestic
education system, this academic
degree used to be called
"Candidate of Sciences", and
today it has also been renamed to
Doctor of Philosophy
What documents are required for admission?

The list of documents that must be

submitted when entering a foreign university
• • a certificate of completion of general
secondary education;
• • a certificate of knowledge of the
language of the country where you are
going to study;
• • a university diploma (in the case of
admission to a master's or postgraduate
• • a package of documents required by the
Countries - leaders in areas of study
Each country is a leader in a certain
specialty. In particular, engineering
specialties are developing more in France,
the USA leads in business education and
conducting research projects, economic
specialties are more popular in Great
Britain, Swiss universities are known for
their diplomats and restaurateurs, the
Czech Republic is working on the
development of medical sciences,
tourism specialties and IT, Germany - on
mechanical engineering , ecology and
architecture, Italy - on fashion and design
Ukrainians are drawn here by the opportunity
to get a European-level education that is not
much more expensive than in Ukraine (and
sometimes at the same price). Additional
advantages: close, the language and mentality
are similar, housing and products are
available. You can enter the university
immediately after school, confirming the level
of Polish or English with a certificate
(depending on the chosen program). If it was
not possible to get a scholarship or take a free
place in a public university, it remains to
enroll in a private one and study for a fee -
from 2,000 EUR per year
The first higher education can be obtained
for free at almost any public university in
Germany. The exception is the federal state
of Baden-Württemberg, where students
from countries that are not part of the EU
or the European Economic Area pay EUR
1,500 per semester. Immediately after
graduating from a Ukrainian school, it will
not be possible to enter a German
university - the programs do not match. You
will have to first complete two courses at a
domestic university in the same specialty
you plan to study in Germany, or go to
college for a year after the first course.
Czech Republic

Every tenth student is a foreigner. Most of

them are Ukrainians and Slovaks. The leaders
in the number of foreigners are: Charles
University, the Higher School of Economics in
Prague and Masaryk University. The most
popular majors are economics, humanities,
information technology, and medicine.
Studying at public universities in Czech is
free for foreigners, programs in English and
other foreign languages ​cost from 500 EUR
per semester. You can enter the first course
after finishing school in Ukraine, passing
exams and confirming language proficiency
at a sufficient level.

Italian universities are among the

oldest in the Western world - it is
not surprising that many people
dream of studying here. Popular
specialties for which there is
usually the greatest competition:
surgery, dentistry, veterinary
medicine, gynecology,

Entering a university or courses is the

easiest legal way to immigrate to Spain. The
age of the applicant and the availability of
higher education do not play a role, long-
term visas are issued both for bachelor's /
master's programs at the university, and for
business studies or language courses.
Training takes place in Spanish or English.
You can become a first-year student
immediately after graduation, transfer or
enroll in a master's program after receiving
a bachelor's degree in Ukraine, compete for
a scholarship or grant - many doors are
open to foreign applicants.
USA and Canada
The most popular universities among foreign
students are the educational institutions of the USA
and Canada. Mainly because of the good teaching
staff and great prospects for further employment.
However, tuition fees start at $12,000 per year. In
addition to the cost of studying abroad, you should
also consider the cost of accommodation, which
varies from 800 to 1000 dollars. USA depending.
However, as almost everywhere else abroad,
students in the US and Canada are allowed to work
20 hours a week (and 40 hours a week during the
holidays) and thus cover their current expenses.
After graduation in the USA and Canada, you can get
a job search permit for up to 18 months.
Ukrainians get the opportunity to study
Ukrainians get the opportunity to study abroad
for free in the following cases:
• receiving prizes or participation in
international or national competitions;
• successful conducting of scientific research
with scientists or teachers;
• the presence of serious results in the
scientific field;
• graduation from a national school or
university with honors
If the applicant has professional achievements
that he can confirm, this will help him to enter
a budget form of study at a foreign university.
Who are awarded scholarships?
Scholarships can be awarded to applicants both during admission to the
university and during studies. The scholarship is awarded for academic
success, for scientific works, for active volunteering and other merits.
Scholarships are awarded not only to bachelor's and master's students,
but also to doctoral students. Basically, bachelors can count on only
partial funding, while doctoral students often have the opportunity to
study for free
Types of scholarship
• Scholarships from universities
Many foreign universities have funding programs for active and talented youth.
Basically, scholarships from the university cover part of the cost of education. But
there are universities that cover the costs not only of education, but also of student
accommodation in dormitories, and also provide such students with scholarships.
• Scholarships from the government
Large scholarship programs for foreign students have been established in Australia,
the USA, the UK and a number of other countries. These programs are funded by the
government: for example, Fulbright Scholar Program in the USA, Chevening
Scholarships in Great Britain, Endeavor Leadership Program in Australia. The winning
students of these programs have the opportunity to study abroad for free.
• Scholarships from private organizations
Most often, scholarship programs, as well as student exchange programs abroad, are
financed by non-governmental organizations - large enterprises, associations, private
foundations. Often, large companies that are interested in training qualified specialists
provide scholarships and grants to talented young people. The terms of granting the
scholarship, as well as its amount, will be individual for each case.
• Sports scholarships
Foreign universities provide financial support not only for academic success, but also for
achievements in sports. For example, many US universities pay tuition for young people who
have achieved success in sports.

There are 2 types of sports scholarships in American universities:

• scholarships that cover not only the costs of education, but also the costs of
accommodation and meals of the student;
• scholarships that cover more than half (50-100%) of the costs of studying at the university.
Requirements for scholarship applicants
The list of requirements will depend on the organization providing the
scholarship or study grant.
To receive an academic scholarship, candidates must submit the following
• copies of documents on the acquired education, as well as their certified
translation: copies of school certificate or bachelor's diploma;
• certificates confirming knowledge of one or more foreign languages;
• transcript with grades from the previous educational institution;
• letter of motivation;
• CV.

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