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Methodology in TESOL

Dini Yanti Sakinah

Fidini Peparing Mauludi
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The importance of technology

in English teaching How to teach using the apps
01 04
Why must master technology? How to apply these?

Theory of the applications Conclusion

02 05
Quizziz and Google Classroom. What do creators hope for next?

The examples of the apps Creators

03 06
What do these look like? Identity of PPT’s makers.

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First Presenter
Fidini Peparing

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The Importance of Technology in English Teaching

Why is it important? (Masruddin,

Definition of Technology 2014)

As the Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary states, •It can be said that technology has big influence towards the
“technology” is just “application of knowledge to practical education worlds. It can be used to develop the quality of
purposes” or “a scientific method of achieving a practical education in every field of studies.
purpose” •Futhermore, media technology can increase the students’
(Merriam-Webster). interesting in learning process.

•The emerging and developing of multimedia technology and its

application to teaching, featuring audio, visual, animation effects
comes into full play in teaching and sets a favorable platform
for reform and exploration on English teaching model in the
new era.
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Quizizz as Web Learning Application

Basuki and Hidayati (2019) Zhao (2019)

They state that Quizizz is a fun game to conduct quick Quizizz is a game-like educational application. It has
assessments in the classroom. In short, it can be inferred that several features, such as memes, themes, avatars, and
Quizizz is a web tool to create interactive quiz games used entertaining music.
as an assessment instrument in the classroom.

A study by Zuhriyah (2020) Teachers’ Views

The results revealed that some of the students’ views The advantages of digital assessment are quick and accurate the
regarding the use of Quizizz are: students’ responds and also the question will be stored and can re-
use again whenever required and the feedback will give in
(1) an interesting tool, (2) encouraging students’ automatically (Harvey and Morgey, 1999). Furthermore according
confidence, (3) increasing students’ motivation, and (4) to Campbell (2005) teacher are able to spend more of their time on
improving reading ability. quality feedback, reflection and moderation

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What are Quizizz like?
The interactive quiz is carried out by choosing the correct answer. There are four
choices displayed in four different colors consisting of red, blue, yellow, and green.
The assessors can also add an image to the background of the questions. The colors,
avatars, and music in the quiz provide a gaming-like learning experience for students.
At the end of each question, students will find the results displayed in their
devices in a meme form. “After students answer each question, Quizizz will show
pictures with memes to tell whether the answer is right or wrong and this is a treat for

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This is the display of “My
Library” which save all the
quizziz that we make. It can
played any time based on the

The Examples

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This is as the bank of students’
reports who play the game. It is
automatically ranked from the
highest score to the lowest score

The Examples
In Quizizz, teachers can create
quizz for assessment and lesson
for learning session. It depends
on how teachers manage the
class.The reason is learning can
be through playing the quizz. The
students will know the right or
false answer. Finally, they have
new knowledge.

The Examples
How to teach using the apps?

Firstly, as we have known

Open Google
that this is a web
application. So that, we
Second, sign in as teacher if
Register as Teacher
should search it in
“QUIZZIZ” and we will
we haven’t created an
account. The requirement is
When the account has been
Click “Create”
find it. just an active email.
registered, we can directly
create a quizz or a lesson
Set the game or lesson
In this section, it is our right to set the game or lesson. The
which we want.
title of the game, the time will be displayed to the students,
what kinds of game, inserting image or sounds, choosing
memes and many else.
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How to share the quizz to others?
The Relation among English Skills

Icon Icon Icon

Listening Reading Writing

When the quizizz is inserted by sounds. When the teachers put reading text. The When students are asked to fill the long
Students are supposed to listen to it to find the difference with conventional model is how answers of the game (open-ended questions).
answers (for game) or just comprehend the this apps can engage the students from the It trains writing skills.
mater12ials (for slide) interesting view and rewards (for game)
Basuki, Y., & Hidayati, Y. (2019). Kahoot! or Quizizz: the Students’ Perspectives. ELLIC.

Campbell, A. (2005). Application of ICT and Rubrics to the Assessment Process where Professional Judgment
is involved: The Features of an E-Marking Tool Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 30(5), 529-


LEARNING. IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature, 2(2).

Zhao, F. (2019). Using quizizz to integrate fun multiplayer activity in the accounting classroom. International
Journal of Higher Education, 8(1), 37–43.

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Second Presenter
Dini Yanti Sakinah
The Importance of Technology in English Teaching

Mofareh, (2019)
Warschauer (2000) and Parvin and
Said that the use of Salam (2015) carried out a study and
technology in teaching declared that by using technology,
English consolidates the learners get the chance to increase
integrated view of the their exposure to language in a
meaningful context and make their
modern means system and
own knowledge. Learners should have
association with other opportunities for social interactions to
components which benefits practice real life skills. This is
students by achieving the achieved through learners’
required results. cooperation in real activities.
Google Classroom as a Tool for
Donal Yates, (2017) states Teaching and Learning
that Google classroom is
the platform of blended Google classroom is very
learning in schools in order useful for online teaching
to simplify creating tasks
and learning, and can be
and create values for
students in non-paper obtained for free of charge
and can be used on any
device (Izenstrak & Leahy,
Nagele (2017) said, teachers can create
active lessons which are student-centered,
collaborative, and unforgettable lessons only
through Google Classroom, since these
provides easy learning features with students
of all categories and including adult learners
This is a display where the teacher can make an
announcement or notify that a new task is available
and students can give comment that can be seen by
the teacher and all members class

This is a view of the subjects in

Google Classroom

The Power of PowerPoint | 19

This view is where students can post assignments,
know the deadline for these assignments, the value of
assignment given by the teacher, and can provide
comments privately to the teacher

This is a display where the teacher posts materials,

and assignments in document file, pdf, power point,
video, jpeg, mp3/ mp4
The Power of PowerPoint | 20
In this view the teacher can check which of the
students have joined the learning using Google

The Power of PowerPoint | 21

How to teach using the apps?

Install the application

Google Classroom can
be installed from Play
Store found in Find the plus (+) sign on the
Create a Class
smartphone for free right top side. Click it and
then choose ‘create class’.
Add the students
Complete the information The students can be The teachers can upload
about the class such as the
class name, the section, the
added by either inform
the code that is
subjects 04
The teachers can upload subjects that related to the course in
room, and the subject. Then
click ‘create’ on the right top
provided by the any types of file such as documents, pdf, power point, xl, jpeg,

of the screen application or invite the mp3 or even mp4 are accepted.

students by email.

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The students should do the following steps to join in the class

The student can find and

Install the application
install the Google
Classroom application from
Different from the steps for
Join the class
Play Store without any
charge. the educator, the students
have to choose ‘join class’
The application is ready to use

Once all done, the

then enter the class code and
click ‘join’ on the right top
of the screen.
application is ready to use.
Those steps show how easy 04
it is to use Google
Classroom in teaching and
learning process.

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The Relation among English Skills

When the teachers posts material Listening
such as short story or video then the
When the teacher posts material or
teacher asks students to give
comment on the story on video in assignment for listening in audio,
English language. This way can make such as native speaker
students practice in writing skills. conversations, songs, and videos.
With all of that , students will
practice their listening skills.
When the teacher posts reading text
material in English such as short
stories, students will be interested in
reading the material and it can
practice students’ reading skills
Donald Yates. (2017). Google Classroom Easiest Teacher's Guide to Master Google Classroom. Copyright 2017 by Donald
Yates - All rights reserved. achers-guide-to-master-google-classroom-
google-classr oom-app-google-classroom-for-teachers-google-classro om-book-1-d158049011.html. accessed on 27 April

Izenstrak, A., & Leahy, K. L. (2015). Google classroom for librarians: features and opportunities. Library Hi Tech News,
32(9), 1-3.

Mofareh, A. (2019). The Use of Technology in English Language Teaching. Frontiers in Education Technology. 2(3).
Nagele, N. (2017). Udemy. Retrieved November 7, 2017, from Udemy. com:

Parvin, R. H., & Salam, S. F. (2015). The effectiveness of using technology in English language classrooms in government
primary schools in Bangladesh. FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education, 2(1), 4759. http://

Warschauer, M. (2000a). The death of cyberspace and the rebirth of CALL. English Teachers’ Journal, 53, 61–67. [Online.]

The Power of PowerPoint | 26

Along with advances in technology, learning
becomes easier to do and can be packaged
attractively. Using these 2 applications in the
learning process makes it easier for teachers and
students in the learning process, especially in
teaching and learning English. Learning can not
only be done inside the classroom but can be done
outside the classroom as well with interesting
materials for students.
We hope that with an explanation of these two
applications as learning media, it can help
educators and students in the teaching and
learning process about English, especially in this
current pandemic.

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