Cell Adaptation: Gul Fatima/R.Ph Lecturer, SICP

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Cell Adaptation

Gul Fatima/R.Ph
Lecturer, SICP
Cellular Adaptations
• Adaptations are reversible changes in the size, number, phenotype,
metabolic activity, or functions of cells in response to changes in
their environment.
• Such adaptations may take several distinct forms.
1. Hypertrophy increase in the size of cells, resulting in an
increase in the size of the organ.
2. Hyperplasia an increase in the number of cells in an organ or
tissue, usually resulting in increased mass of the organ or tissue.
3. Atrophy reduced size of an organ or tissue resulting from a
decrease in cell size and number.
4. Metaplasia Reversible change in which one differentiated cell
type is replaced by another cell type.
Types of Adaptation
• Physiologic adaptations: Physiologic adaptations usually
represent responses of cells to normal stimulation by hormones or
endogenous chemical mediators (e.g., the hormone induced
enlargement of the breast and uterus during pregnancy).

• Pathologic adaptations: Pathologic adaptations are responses to

stress that allow cells to modulate their structure and function and
thus escape injury. Such adaptations can take several distinct
• Atrophy is a decrease in the size of an organ or tissue and results
from a decrease in the mass of preexisting cells. Shrinkage in the
size of the cell by the loss of cell substance is known as atrophy.

Types of Atrophy

• Physiologic atrophy

• Pathological atrophy
Atrophy. A, Normal brain of a young adult. B, Atrophy of the brain in an
82-year-old male with atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease, resulting
in reduced blood supply. Note that loss of brain substance narrows the
gyri and widens the sulci
• Decreased workload (atrophy of disuse)
• Nutritional or oxygen deprivation
• Diminished endocrine stimulation
• Aging
• Malnutrition
• Chronic illness  COPD, Cancer, Heart Failure
• Neurological Conditions  spinal injury, multiple sclerosis,
peripheral neuropathy
• Injuries and Trauma
• Medication  corticosteroids
• Hormonal imbalance less thyroid and testosterone causes muscle
weakness and atrophy
Physiologic atrophy
• Physiologic atrophy is common during normal development.

• For example

- Some embryonic structures, such as the notochord and

thyroglossal duct, undergo atrophy during fetal development.
- The uterus decreases in size shortly after child birth.

- Atrophy of ovaries and uterus after menopause

Pathologic atrophy
• It refer to loss of muscle or tissue mass due to a disease or
abnormal condition.
• It can occur in various organs or tissue including brain, glands and
For example
• Alzheimer disease: neurodegenerative disorder cause brain
• Multiple Sclerosis: disease that damage myelin sheath surrounding
the cell that lead to weakness of muscles and atrophy
• Sarcopenia: loss of muscles mass and strength with age
Mechanism of atrophy
• In general, there is a balance between protein synthesis and
protein catabolism in normal cell.

• In case of Atrophy, increase in catabolism and decrease in protein

synthesis cause atrophy.

• The hormones such as insulin, thyroid hormones, glucocorticoids,

and growth hormones influence protein turnover.

• A slight increase in protein catabolism for a long period of time

may result in atrophy.
Proteosome pathway
• The degradation of cellular proteins occurs mainly by the ubiquitin-
proteasome pathway.
• Nutrient deficiency may activate ubiquitin ligases which lead to the
degradation of muscle protein and muscle atrophy.
• It is a cellular process that involve the degradation and recycling of
cellular component including organelles & protein through lysosomal
• Atrophy also associated with autophagy. The excessive and
dysregulated autophagy lead to degradation of muscle protein like
actin and myosin that lead to muscle wasting.
• Atrophy can be reversible
• Hypertrophy is an increase in the size of an organ or tissue due to
an increase in the size of cells.

• Hypertrophic tissues do not have any new cells, but existing cells
increase in size due to formation of more structural components
within the cell.

• It always be a result of increase demand for work and function.

• Causes:

• hormonal stimulation

• increased workload
1. Mechanical stress (physiological hypertrophy)
2. Growth factor (pathological hypertrophy)
3. Adrenergic receptors (pathological hypertrophy)
Mechanical stress Cardiac muscle hypertrophy


Growth factor and adrenergic Hormone

Turn on stimulate Contractile protein  inc. workload demand

Induction of embryonic and
Transduction Pathway fetal genes like myosin heavy
chain isoform that causes
Stimulate synthesis of cellular protein
increase in mechanical stress
which causes increase muscle
Growth factor and structural protein

Increase protein and myofilament in cell

Increase force generated to meet increase workload

Types of hypertrophy
There are three types of hypertrophy.

1. Physiological hypertrophy

2. Adaptive hypertrophy

3. Pathological hypertrophy

4. Compensatory hypertrophy
1- Physiological hypertrophy
• It is not the process of any disease. It occurs because of;

- Hormone stimulation  the hypertrophy of pregnant uterus. As at

the end of pregnancy the muscle fibers in the uterus are 10 times
longer and 4 times broader as compared to the non-pregnant
2- Adaptive hypertrophy
• This type of hypertrophy is always associate with the increase demand
for function or workload.

• For example;

• hypertrophy of skeletal muscles due to the increased load that is

exercise another example
• Adaptive hypertrophy is best seen in hollow organs when their
outlet is partially obstructive.
• Hypertrophy of stomach and large intestine wall due to the
intestinal obstruction.
• Hypertrophy of urinary bladder wall in urethral obstruction.
3- Pathological Hypertrophy
• This type of hypertrophy occurs as a result of a disease or abnormal

• For example, cardiac hypertrophy can occur as a result of chronic

hypertension or aortic stenosis, leading to an enlargement of the
heart muscle.

• Pathological hypertrophy can result in changes in cell structure and

function that can ultimately lead to organ dysfunction and failure if
left untreated.
4- Compensatory hypertrophy
• It is best seen in paired organs.

• Hypertrophy occur to compensate for the loss of tissues.

• For example:

• Hypertrophy of remaining kidney if the other kidney is


• Compensatory hypertrophy also occur in unpaired organs. When a

part of tissue is removed.

• For example:

• Compensatory hypertrophy in thyroid gland or liver

• Hypertrophy cannot be continued to occur beyond a certain limit
• Limited blood supply to organ.

• Limited oxidative capabilities of mitochondria of cell.

• Protein degradation.
Clinical significance
• Hypertrophy can produce a disease.

• For example, Left ventricular hypertrophy

• No chance of neoplasia

Hyperplasia is an increase in the number of cells in an organ or

tissue, usually resulting in increased mass of the organ or tissue.
Mechanism: Mechanism of hyperplasia involves the mitotic
• Hormonal stimulation
• tissue loss
Types of Hyperplasia
• Two types of hyperplasia are.

• Physiological hyperplasia

• Pathological hyperplasia

• Physiologic hyperplasia can be divided into

• Hormonal hyperplasia

• compensatory hyperplasia
a. Hormonal hyperplasia
• Hormonal hyperplasia refers to an abnormal increase in the number
of cells in a tissue or organ due to hormonal imbalances or
overproduction of certain hormones.
• This type of hyperplasia can occur in various tissues and organs
throughout the body, including the breast, uterus, thyroid, and
adrenal glands.
• For example;
- Proliferation of the glandular epithelium of the female breast at
- Increase in the size of the breasts during pregnancy,
- Increase in thickness of endometrium during menstrual cycle
- liver growth after partial resection
- During pregnancy and growth of the uterus during pregnancy
involves both hypertrophy and hyperplasia.
b. Compensatory hyperplasia
• Response to deficiency,
• For example
- Hyperplasia following surgical removal of part of liver or of
one kidney;
- Hyperplasia of the bone marrow in anemia
• For example, when part of a liver is resected, mitotic activity in
the remaining cells begins as early as 12 hours later, eventually
restoring the liver to its normal weight. The stimuli for hyperplasia
in this setting are polypeptide growth factors produced by
uninjured hepatocytes as well as nonparenchymal cells in the liver.
After restoration of the liver mass, cell proliferation is ―turned
off by various growth inhibitors
Pathologic Hyperplasia
• Pathologic hyperplasia is caused by excessive hormonal or growth
factor stimulation.
• For example,
• after a normal menstrual period there is a burst of uterine
epithelial proliferation that is normally tightly regulated by
stimulation through pituitary hormones and ovarian estrogen
and by inhibition through progesterone. However, a disturbed
balance between estrogen and progesterone causes
endometrial hyperplasia, which is a common cause of
abnormal menstrual bleeding
• Benign prostatic hyperplasia
• Pancreatic islet hyperplasia in infants of a diabetic mother.
Hyperplasia Vs. cancer
• Hyperplasia and cancer are both related to abnormal growth of

Hyperplasia Cancer
Increase in cell number in uncontrolled growth of abnormal
response of stimulus like cells that can invade nearby
inflammation, hormonal changes, tissues and spread to other parts
or tissue damage. of the body that leading to the
The pathologic hyperplasia formation of tumors and the
serves as a favorable destruction of normal tissues.
environment for the eventual
growth of cancer.
Clinical significance
• Hyperplasia can produce a disease such as Grave`s disease.
• There is increased incidence of neoplasia with hyperplasia.
Relationship between
hyperplasia and hypertrophy
• Premalignant condition

• Increase cell growth

• abnormal cell growth or development in tissues or organs, which

can potentially lead to the development of cancer.

• Dysplasia can occur in various parts of the body, including the

cervix, colon, skin, and respiratory tract.
• abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in the body.

• Benign

• Malignant

• Benign tumors are usually slow-growing and do not invade

surrounding tissues or spread to other parts of the body,

• Malignant tumors are more aggressive and can invade nearby

tissues and spread to other parts of the body through a process
called metastasis.

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