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A robot is a mechanical device with links and joints, guided by sensors,

driven by actuators and controlled through a programmed software for
performing various tasks in variety of applications.

Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design ,
construction, operation and application of robots for control, sensor
feedback and information processing.

• Automation and robotics are closely related technologies. In an
industrial context, we can define automation as a technology that is
concerned with the use of mechanical, electronic and computer based
systems in the operation and control of production.
• Robotics is a form of Industrial automation.
There are broad classes of automation:
1. Fixed automation
2. Programmable automation
3. Flexible automation
Fixed automation or Hard automation:
Ex: Sewing machines, washing machines, electric iron etc.
• System cannot make change from particular type of work that the
automatic machine does over the another type of work you desire.
• Cannot handle product design variation
• Computer is not used in this type of Automation
• Mass production or large volume
• Adjustability is possible – ex: sewing machine, from normal stitching
to zigzag stitching 3
• Initial investment cost of the system is high.
• The equipment is designed to produce the one product, and after that
product life cycle becomes obsolete.
• Ex: Sewing machine.

Programmable Automation:
• System comes with computer
• We can reprogram the machine and do variety of tasks
• Volume of production is relatively low, variety of products can be
• With programmable automation, once one product with one type of
configuration is made, The system is reprogrammed to make the
product with different types of configuration

Ex: sewing machine, Rs 2 lakh, give the design image, feed threads
Switch on, you will get different embroidery through programming.
Image is scanned, printed on the cloth, stitching will be done according
Flexible automation:
• Automation capability is between fixed and programmable automation
• Volume of production is between fixed and programmable
• No. of different configuration possible is less than programmable

High level automation:
• We are moving towards high level automation
• We are tending towards animals
• Animals have high degree of autonomy
• When animals see food, they sense food and move towards it, when
they see threat, they move away from it.
• Through smell, sight, they react to environment and do what they
desire and what they can do best at that moment.

Systems are highly autonomous,
work independently
We think
Change action
We can plan new action
We want systems:
System has decision making capability through use of sensors
If there is fault machine detects and corrects it self.
Microprocessor along with conventional automation becomes powerful
Is it possible to develop machines whcich can be autonomous like
animals and humans?

Yes: Development of digital electronics , Mps and sensors and actuator

technology have made the possibility which makes a device autonomous

like human beings many times called robots.

•Robots are Used for
 Repetitive task
 Hazardous task
 Exploring and maintenance of remote and hazardous area
•The world is now interdisciplinary
•Before depth of knowledge
Now breadth of knowledge along with depth of knowledge

Any work interdisciplinary – you can get real product,
Ex: control application, we need
• h/w , sensors– ece
• software-CS
• structure- mechanical
• power analysis – electrical
• now even chemistry discipline is entering – in developing chemical
sensor, smell chemical engg comes
• suppose only h/w is there, we can have system that can only be put in a
showcase, it will become just show piece, to make it work we need
programming, power , programme without hardware we can just
simulate, but no real time product 11
Applications of Robotics
• Medical application – robotic surgery
• Space exploration - exploring mars
• Military – border security, unmanned air vehicle cab ne sent in
war, no human loss
• Agriculture, Precision agriculture, urban agriculture
• Industry – manufacturing products, no human only robots
• Entertainment – Robot music band
• Education, Ex: meeting
• Robot in museum – anchor, repeat same things on objects in
museum with min interaction
• Future : AI in robotics
Applications of Robotics
• Medical application – robotic surgery

Service Robots


• The new robot
technology is
TOYS making
types of toys
that children
will like to play
• "FURBY", which
available in
stores for
Christmas 1998
- and continues
to be very

Critical Application:
• Painting – uniformity, many cars
• handling chemicals, nuclear material,
• sewage blockage removal,
• border security guard,
• Tree climber,
• mining - many died
• Chemical plant
• any work, they tell me make one robot – send circular, houseold
work, cooking etc
• When you want to solder fine wire with high precision, we need
robots because human cannot handle such précised task. 19
Robots have consistent quality
Ex: students scoring good marks consistently over a period of time
Safety: When you are handling Biochemical, nuclear material, safety
is important
• Robots can operate repetitively without fatigue
• Careful handling of medicine which are very costly, manufacturing
of medicines, proportion of mixture of different chemicals in the
making of medicine etc.

• Robot painting car, car is on the conveyer belt, moving slowly

• Uniform coating

• Many cares are painted, robot repeats the same thing over and over

infinite times

Status today :

• Industrial robots

• Medical robots surgery

• Mobile robot wheeled, legged

• Hopping and running robot 21

• Robotic air craft, no pilot
• Robotic toys,
• Robot for entertainment
• Companion for elderly
• Robotic music band
• Robot for cleaning home and Industry


Robots are intelligent electrical-mechanical

devices that can sense, think, actuate and
interact with humans.

Their motion behavior can be influenced by

the programmed task as well as by the
environment in which they operate.

Robotics is the study of the design,
construction and use of robots.

These technology represent a practical

application of Physics,
Computer Science, Engineering and

Variety of Engineering Concepts are used to

build robots.

Why do we need a Robot
To perform a Job accurately and efficiently.
To perform a job safely.
To achieve High Throughput (Work done per
Unit time).
To avoid mistakes.
To perform a job continuously without getting
A robot never says “No, I’ll not do this job
because it is not interesting”.
Actually, there are endless reasons for using
Robots. 25
What is Robot:

"A reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move

material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various
programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks“.

An automatic device that performs functions normally ascribed to

humans or a machine in the form of a human. 26
Types of Robot :

 Industrial Robots
- Materials handling
- -welding
- -inspection
- -improving productivity
- -Laboratory applications

 Mobile Robots
- Robots that move around on legs,
tracks or wheels.
- In 1979 a nuclear accident in the USA
caused a leak of radioactive material.
Led to production of special robot
- -Teleoperator to handle the radioactive
 Educational Robots
 Domestic Robots

Robot trying to imitate animals and humans ability

Human Robot
Arms and figures to manipulate same
Legs for movement same
Muscle Actuators
Electric actuated
Hydraulic actuated
Pneumatic actuated
Sensing system
Eye Camera
Ear Microphone
Tongue ( Taste) ?
Skin – touch, Temperature sensor
Ex: Love, care, shake hand Tactile sensing

Nerve communicating with brain Electronic circuits to communicate

with computer




Industry Entertainment

Movements of
fingers with
Interactive Robots simple
Playing Chess

Interactive Robots

Robot Anatomy
• Robot anatomy is concerned with the physical construction of the
body, arm, and wrist of the machine.
• Most robots used in plants today are mounted on a base which is
fastened to the floor.
• The body is attached to the base and the arm assembly is attached to
the body.
• At the end of the arm is the wrist.
• The wrist consists of a number of components that allow it to be
oriented in a variety of positions.

• Relative movements between the various components of the body, arm
and the wrist are provided by a series of joints.
• These joint movements usually involve with rotating or sliding
• The body, arm and wrist assembly is sometimes called the manipulator.

Four common Robot configurations
1. Polar configuration
2. Cylindrical configuration
3. Cartesian configuration
4. Jointed-arm configuration

Fig 2.1 :

1. Polar configuration:
• It uses telescoping arm that can be raised and lowered about a
horizontal pivot.
• The pivot is mounted on a rotating base.
• Theses various joints provide the robot with capability of move its
arm within a spherical space, and hence the name “ Spherical
coordinate “ robot.
• No. of commercial robots possess the polar configuration.
• Ex. Unimate 2000 series, MAKER 110, made by United States

2. Cylindrical configuration:
• Uses a vertical column and a slide that can be moved up or down
along the column.
• The robot arm is attached to the slide so that it can be moved radially
with respect to the column.
• By rotating the column, the robot is capable of achieving a work
space that approximates a cylinder.

3. Cartesian coordinate:
• It uses three perpendicular slides to construct the x, y, and z axis.
• Other names are sometimes applied to this configuration, including
xyz robot and rectilinear robot.
• By moving the three slides relatives to one another, the robot is
capable of operating within a rectangular work envelope.

Ex: IBM RS-1 robot

4. Jointed arm robot:
• The configuration is similar to that of human arm.
• It consists of two straight components, corresponding to the human
forearm and upper arm, mounted on a vertical pedestal.
• These components are connected by two rotary joints corresponding
to the shoulder and elbow.
• A wrist is attached to the end of the forearm, thus providing additionl
• Several commercially available robots possess the jointed – arm
Ex: SCARA robot
Robot specifications

• Axes 

Axes - A robot axis represents a degree of freedom. A degree of freedom determines

an independent motion of the robot. The more axes a robot has the more flexibility

or movement it will be capable of. Most industrial robots have between three to

seven axes. It is important to consider the number of axes when selecting an

industrial robot as it will determine its range of motion. Six-axis robots tend

to be the most common since they have a high level of flexibility, making

them capable of performing complex applications. More simple applications

may require less range of motion, which is why the four-axis

FANUC M-410ic/185 is popular for basic robotic palletizing tasks.

3 degree of freedom jointed arm

Five degree of freedom Robot arm model

Robot specifications

Payload - Payload capacity represents the maximum amount of weight a robot arm

can tolerate. Robotic payload is typically expressed in kilograms.

Payload varies greatly among industrial robots, from 0.5 kg to over

1000 kg. Considering the workpieces as well as the weight of any end-effectors

 integrated with the robot will help guide you to selecting a robot with an

appropriate payload capacity. For instance, if your application involves

palletizing boxes, the FANUC R2000ib/125L would be an ideal option with

its heavy lifting capabilities.

Robot specifications

Repeatability - Repeatability references a robot’s ability to return to the exact same

position over and over. In other words, it defines how precise a robot may be. 

Repeatability is expressed in millimeters plus or minus the point of alteration to

determine the robot’s margin of error. The FANUC M20ia has a

repeatability of +/-0.08 mm. This means its arm will fall within 0.08 mm

of the programmed position with each cycle run.

Robot specifications

Reach - A robot’s reach may be broken down into two types; vertical and horizontal.

Vertical reach determines the maximum height a robot arm can obtain when

extended upward from its base. Horizontal reach defines the maximum distance

obtained from the center of the robot base to its wrist. A robot’s reach can determine

the scope of its work envelope.

Robot specifications

Robot Mass - Robot mass is the weight of a robot. It is usually expressed in kilograms

and references the weight of the robotic manipulator only. This can be important to

consider if you are looking to mount a robot on a shelf, table, or overhead.

Robot specifications

 Structure - Structure refers to the type of robot. There are many types of industrial robots

with the most common including articulated, delta, SCARA, and gantry.

This specification is important because it determines a robot’s work envelope

and functionality. Articulated robots are generally the most common used in 

welding automation and robotic assembly.

Robot specifications

Motion Speed - Motion speed lists the degrees traveled per second to define the

speed of each robotic axis. The T-Axis on the Motoman MA1400 is 610 degrees

per second.


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