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Analysis of Model

Brent Warr - Portfolio
● Hidden “About” Section, lets the
portfolio speak for himself.
● Strikingly clean organization of
portfolio projects.
● Sustainability, Conservation, and
Holistic Approaches are important to
the author.
● Overall positive impression, mission
statement theme appears throughout
all presented works.
Brent Warr - Portfolio
● Visual design is clean and relies
heavily on graphic representations
of presented ideas.
● Case studies and pictorial
representations of data are utilized
as arguments for portfolio projects.
● Absence of navigational buttons,
very “straightforward”
● Cannot stress enough the ease of
Nancy Leong - ePortfolio
● Welcoming home page, simple
and easy to find information.
● Strong narrative in the about me
section displaying the
importance of her career path.
● Patient education, dentistry,
My name is Nancy Leong and I am a recent graduate from Foothill College’s Dental Hygiene
educational equity are important program. I completed my undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree in physiology at San
Francisco State University. I am in the process of obtaining my Masters of Science in Dental
to the author. Hygiene at University of California in San Francisco. With my MS in DH, I plan to pursue a career
in education. My goal is to become a faculty member in a dental hygiene program in California to
● Overall positive impression, teach and educate new dental hygienists.
Beginning the second quarter, my goals and expectations have not changed. I would still like to
genuine thoughts on each of her pursue a career in education and I hope to become a faculty member in a dental hygiene
program. After the first quarter in this program, I do feel a slight boost in confidence in presenting
assignments and experiences and speaking in front of a small group. I am now clear on how a presentation should be set up. I
hope to be able to control my nerves a bit and try to speak a little bit more fluid during a
presentation. Because of this, I do expect this program to help improve my presentation skills so I
can be a bit more comfortable and calm while presenting.
Nancy Leong - ePorfolio
● The virtual design is simple
allows for the information to
speak for itself
● Consistent in each section,
only includes a banner like
photo in all pages.
● Most information was
provided in pdfs and the
website was easy to navigate.
● Could use more design
elements to make it stand out.
Shaniqua Williams - Portfolio
● Background image doesn’t seem
cohesive with overall theme
● Home page serves no purpose ( same
information is repeated on about page,
other than her name)
● Overall objective seems to be showcasing
her involvement in school and her
ideologies about serving the public.
● Highlighting her involvement with pictures
is cohesive but the hexagon frames are
Shaniqua Williams - Portfolio
● Large font with philosophy is effective
in emphasizing point
● Quotes from her role models is
important to see how she came up
with her philosophy
● Core competency selection boxes do
not line up.
● Each core competency break down
seems too long. Its almost like a
paper rather than short summary
Shaniqua Williams - Portfolio
● Contact page seems like an
● Photo is not professional while the
rest of her portfolio attempts to be
● Resume is effective. Outlines her
educational and professional
experiences and is cohesive with
experiences outlined in portfolio

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