Emerging Patterns of A Trend

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Emergence is defined in simple ways but is consistent on its
context. It means just beginning to exist, starting to exist and
growing and developing, especially in business. On the other
hand, pattern is a particular way in which something is done or
organized, or in which something happens; it is a regular
arrangement of lines, shapes, or colors; it is also a design or set
of shapes that show how to make something (Cambridge
According to business dictionary, pattern is a consistent and
recurring characteristic or trait that helps in the identification of
a phenomenon or problem, and serves as an indicator or model
for predicting its future behavior. These sum-up the analysis of
a trend. As trend is the recurrent phenomenon that takes place
over time and which gives rise to the future speculation
(Sanders, Soper, and Rotwell 2002) and the examination of
those phenomenon and speculation is called as trend analysis.
The main function of mobile phone is to make communication more
convenient. Before, the offering services were only calling and texting.
Simcards were two expensive even loads. Promos were limited to call
and text only and no unlicalls, unlitexts, sulitexts and so on. If you have
your aunties and uncles, ask them in their time if these were true. There
are no internet connections and cellphones are not the same as what we
have right now. Features were limited. Below is a simple illustration
about the evolution of mobile phones features from 1980s to present.
A cause refers to an agent that brings about a result or a consequence. A
consequence is the result of something and is always traceable to a cause
which can be a person, thing, principle, motive, act, or event. There is no
cause without a consequence and vice versa.
These are following examples that show a relationship between cause and
 I fell deep asleep in the morning and I missed my first period class.
 A snake crossed the street and the boy riding motor single crashed.
 The rain was heavy so I didn’t go to class.
In 1962, a theory called Diffusion of Innovation was developed by Everett
Rogers yet, not everyone has the same motivation for adopting a new idea
(product/service or system).
There are five types of adopters he identified in his theory which is
presented below:
They adopt something simply because it is new. They love exploring
for the sake of pleasure or exploring and are willing to take risks, even if
those risks result in failure. They are adventurer.
They are often opinion leaders. Similar to innovators, they adopt
quickly. But, they are more concerned about the coolness factor and
maintaining their reputations as being ahead of the curve on new ideas.
They belong to the mass that critically ensures adoption. They look for
productivity and practical benefits more than coolness or reputation.
The same to early majority, they critically ensure the adaptation
process. They are somewhat similar to early majority but also expect a lot
of help and support before they are willing to commit.

As the term implies, slow to adaptation. They are most resistant to
change and do so only when forced to adopt because everyone else has. In
other word, they have no choice if urgency requires them to do so.
Mobile phone is one of the proofs to our technological
advancements. It became part of our daily lives. It is
impossible to carry out our daily activities without our
phones. It is our avenue of communicating others and
entertainments. According to Sarah Yasin (2018), there are
positive and negative impacts of mobile phone use in our
society and environment.
Positive Effects of Mobile Phone Use in Our Society and Environment
Nowadays mobile phones have the ability to connect people from all
over the world, no matter where they may be in a variety of ways of
communication with the power of internet connection. Through social
media apps they are easy to carry and accessible, communication has
never been easier. It is considered as the very basic root of human
colonization, communication.
Mobile phones act as gaming platforms for people looking for some
relaxation or just to pass time. From the latest Hollywood blockbusters to
the news highlights of your country, your mobile holds all these. With one
touch on your screen and get access to whatever you wish to see, it’s
possible and time saving.
Daily Utilities
With the advancements of technologies, everything seems easy.
Aside from entertainment and communication, mobile phones
now have apps that help us to perform the same everyday tasks
without facing any difficulty. From paying bills, booking cabs and
hotels, to online maps for navigation purposes, capturing our
memorable moments by built-in cameras. It provides convenience.
Mobile phones will be your partner on how to managed
things. Modern man is too caught up to keep track of everything,
mobile phones help us to remain organized through storing
important documents and notes, memos, etc. send emails.
Calendars and stopwatches are basic tools found in all mobile
Negative Effects of Mobile Phones on Our Lives

Addiction Nomophobia
is a proposed name for the phobia of being out of cell phone
contact. 50% of teens admit to being addicted to their phones.
Yes, mobile phone addiction is a thing. Studies show that people
addicted to mobile phones often are linked to depression,
anxiety, and other mental disorders.
Waste of time
The average person checks his phone once every 12 minutes,
leading to 80 times a day. Most of the time people just check
their phones for no good reason. Even when not using their
phones, you might often see people fidgeting with their phones.
Cause of Depression
As discussed before, mobile phones may lead to depression,
especially among teens. With the rage of social media, teenagers
are becoming obsessed with ―likes‖ on their personal posts and
accounts. Moreover, reduced daily life interactions lead to
loneliness and anxiety.

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