Making The Workplace Conflict: Most of

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Making the Most of Workplace Conflict

September 1, 2011

What is conflict?

A crisis in interaction. Conflict is evident when it appears that one persons concerns are incompatible with anothers.

(Bush, Folger)

(Kenneth Thomas)

What is our conflict almost always about?

1) Someone is in trouble. 2) Someone is complaining.

3) Someone is saying something should change.

What is the other person doing?

1)When youre in trouble? Judging

2) When youre complaining?



3) When you think something should change? Fearing the change

How does your brain respond to conflict?

What is your conflict management style?

Competing (Dominating) Avoiding Accommodating (Obliging) Compromising Collaborating (Integrating)




Assertivenes s



A C C O M O D ATI NG Cooperativene

Conflict styles are dispositional

a preference for a certain type of management, regardless of circumstance

Conflict styles are also situational

the ideal response to conflict according to a specific situation

Time for some Role Play

Youre the shift commander and you just received word from a Unit Manager that an inmate is missing from his cell, two hours after the count cleared. The officer who works in the inmate dining room is in the process of complaining to you about a steward who always leaves areas unlocked where knives and other utensils are

You, the warden, have received an Internal Affairs report which sustains allegations that a nurse at your facility is having romantic relationship with an inmate and recently tried to smuggle a cell phone and hundreds of dollars of free world money

Youre a CCO. Your supervisor has received a new cost-saving directive from Central Office, and he says he has a plan thats absolutely certain to streamline your filing. He has ordered in writing that it be implemented immediately. Coincidently, you, (a college graduate with a major in business systems) have been thinking about this problem yourself for some time. You think you have a more efficient

You are freshly minted corporal and have been put in charge of Alpha-Pod in Unit 2. A certain lieutenant , who is not your direct supervisor but who has been a mentor and has supported you in efforts to be promoted, has a habit of coming into your unit and hanging around your desk, answering questions from inmates and officers that were directed to you. It bothers you, particularly since you are trying to establish authority with your officers and the inmates in the unit. You dont want to offend the lieutenant, but

You are a correctional officer on probation. You and the Unit Manager are of the same racial background. The first time he told a racist joke in front of you, you didnt say anything; in fact, you cracked a smile. You felt bad ever since, like a hypocrite, and you wish you could communicate with him how you feel.

You are a Unit Manager. All of your officers are the same racial background as you. You know its not politically correct, but sometimes you tell jokes that some people might consider racist. You dont think they are, but one of your officers, a new buddy, has told you in private that he is offended by that kind of humor.


Assertivenes s

C O M PE TI C O LLA B O R A T I NG NG Assertiveness values the Issues, Concerns COMPROMISING Cooperativeness puts the value on the People AV O I I D N A C C O M O D ATI G NG Cooperativene


If you had to pick one of these conflict management styles that best matches the culture of your institution, or the department in general, which would it be?

Do you think it matters which style is the prevailing or dispositional style of conflict management in our department or in a particular facility?

It matters a great deal.

A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

People with a competing (dominating) or avoiding conflict style experience more conflicts, and more prolonged conflicts, and more work related stress. Competers (dominators) tend to treat everyone as if they also are competers, whether they are or not. Collaborators tend to adjust to the other persons conflict style.

Two Types of Workplace Conflict

Task Conflict so m e ti e s stre ssfu l ( i th e sh o rt m n te rm )

Relationship Conflictn p ro d u ctive u su a l y u l

p o te n ti l y co n stru cti al ve e ffi e n t ( te n d i g to re su l i a n ci n t n i cre a se i o rg a n i ti n a lre so u rce s) n n za o stre ssfu li th e long - term n prolonged, with a tendency to escalate into a vicious spiral

The Challenge

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30

To make the most of both types of Conflict

Breaking the connection between task conflicts and relationship conflicts

Managing task conflicts most effectively, with the appropriate style

Managing relationship conflicts constructively, with training and practice.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9

All things being equal, collaboration is the highest and most productive form of conflict management.

So, how do we do it?

Acknowledge that resolving the conflict is a joint effort, and that resolution will be a mutual success.

Ask for help in resolving the conflict collaboratively

w h i m e a n s, ch

M a k e y o u rse lf v u ln e ra b le to th e p e rso n y o u a re in co n flict w ith .

(Everyone likes to be needed.)

Are we going to interrupt each other? Are we going to call each other names?

Work together to create ground rules for the difficult conversation you must have with each other.

Are we going to hold ourselves accountable for answering each others questions straightforwardly?

Identify your interests in the conflict, as persons and as employees.

Identify together, by agreement, the departments interests in the conflict.

B ra i sto rm a l rn a ti n te ve o u tco m e s th a t w o u l satisfy d the department s interests, if possible, without damaging yours orThis may be difficult.) the other ( person s .

How to know when collaboration is in progress

Come to terms quickly with your accuser while you are going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison. Matthew 5:25

You notice yourself really and , listeninglearning at the same time.

Yo u g i re co g n i o n o f th e o th e r ve ti receive p e rso n , h i si a ti and i n e e d s, s tu o n , h s

recognition from him in return.

increased empowerment.

Yo u b o th exp e ri n ce e

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