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My Favorite Book

Made by Ivailo
List of books
• Top • Survival • Star
Mysteries of guide Wars
Bulgaria Trilogy
Top Mysteries of Bulgaria
• I love that book only because I can see my
country in a better perspective and also I love
that kinda of stories. And the whole idea of this
book is to show us the most mysterious places
of our small country Bulgaria.
Survival Guide
• That is not really a book it’s more like a
English guidebook but it’s really good book
and you should now everything in it if you
want to survive in wild.
Star Wars Trilogy
• I love these books because they are showing us
that the movies didn’t show us. You can see
what is going on in that time between the films
and sometimes we are missing a lot if we don’t
read the books!
Author of The Top Mysteries
of Bulgaria
• The author of that book is Slavi Panaqtov. He
is also know as The Clashers.
• He idea is a Bulgarian YouTuber and also his
channel is the biggest in Bulgaria. He has more
then one books but I haven’t read then for that
Authors of the Star Wars Trilogy books
These people have produced a film trilogy and also more films like “American
Graffiti, Strange Magic, Silent Movie, For the Boys” and more.

•George Lucas. •Donald F. Glut. •James Kahn.

Thanks for
• Wikipedia Links about the Start Wars Trilogy films
• The Clasers
• All of the Images were taken from goodle by searching the names of the books and their authors.
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