Clauses: by Iga Yolanda

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By Iga Yolanda
Clause/ klausa adalah
sekumpulan kata-kata yang
saling berhubungan yang berisi
subjek dan verba/kata kerja.

Independent Clause Dependent Clause

A subject is the person or thing that is doing
something or being something. The subject
performs the verb.

A verb is the action word in a sentence.


The dog jumped over the fence.

The subject of the sentence is the dog because the

dog is doing the action. The verb is jumped because
it is the action.
Independent clause
Independent clause adalah clause yang dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai bagian dari kalimat. Clause
ini disebut juga sebagai complete sentences.

I picked a flower for you.

My mom is nice.

The teacher taught me how to read.

The woman sang.

Sebuah kalimat dapat terdiri dari dua independent clause. Independent clause ini dapat dihubungkan dengan koma atau titik
I stepped inside, my arms turning to goose bumps from the chill.
Eko is a cute little boy; everybody loves Eko.
Selain itu, independent clause dapat juga dihubungkan dengan coordinating
conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so) FANBOYS

I have got some money from my father, so I want to buy new clothes.
You pay your debts or I call the police.
Fill in the blank with correct coordinating conjunction
1. I don’t agree to what has been decided, ____ I quit.
2. My cat, Rara, is adorable ___ my other cat, Miaw, is cute
3. It rained all day today, ____ I worked outside as usual.
4. I studied English education, ____ I work in a Bank.
5. I am behind the schedule in completing my module, ____ I spend my weekend writing.
6. Nowadays I cannot ride my motorbike ___ I can drive a car.
7. We played well, ___ we didn’t qualify for the final.
8. I took responsible for the damage ___ my boss took blame on me.
Dua independent clause juga bisa dihubungkan menggunakan conjuctive adverb. Seperti: also, besides, however, moreover,
furthermore, then, thus, consequently, dll
I am not really hungry; however, I want some ice cream.
Tia was my classmate at school; also she was my neighbor.
The painting is so beautiful, therefore its price is expensive.
Dependent clause
Dependent clause adalah clause yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri karena maknanya kurang lengkap.
Because the door was open
When it started raining
Until your father gets home
Dependent clause diawali dengan subordinating conjunction (if, although, after, because, before, once, until, when, where,
why, unless dll) maupun relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, where, which, that, when, dll).
I really needed a candle, because it got dark around seven o’clock.
Before I found a rope, I could reach to climb abroad
If the weather had stayed calm, I think I would have bought the ship back with me, piece by piece.
Vony is the girl who got the job
Paris is a place where I want to go for holiday.
I don’t know whose bag it is.
Fill in the blank with correct answer.
1. I found some green limes, ___ were very good to eat
2. The man ___ talked to me just now is my boss.
3. This is the house ___ I lived when I was a child.
4. I will always remember the day ___ we met.
5. This is a boy ___ book I borrowed.
6. ___ I’m going is none of your business.
7. He had no idea ___ she cried
8. ___ it comes to money, she always fights for it.
9. ___ the rain falls, it will grow again.
10. I don’t understand ___ you do that.

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