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April 8, 2023

Angular Momentum
 Angular Momentum
Angular Momentum
 Same basic techniques that were used in linear
motion can be applied to rotational motion.
F becomes 
 m becomes I
 a becomes 
 v becomes ω
 x becomes θ
 Linear momentum defined as p  mv
 What if mass of center of object is not moving, but
it is rotating?
 Angular momentum
L  Iω
April 8, 2023

Angular Momentum I
 Angular momentum of a rotating rigid object

L  Iω 

L has the same direction as  *

L is positive when object rotates in CCW
L is negative when object rotates in CW

 Angular momentum SI unit: kg-m2/s

Calculate L of a 10 kg disk when  = 320 rad/s, R = 9 cm = 0.09 m
L = I and I = MR2/2 for disk
L = 1/2MR2 = ½(10)(0.09)2(320) = 12.96 kgm2/s
When rotation is about a principal axis
April 8, 2023

Angular Momentum II
 Angular momentum of a particle
L  I  mr 2  mv r  mvr sin   rp sin 
 Angular momentum of a particle

L  r × p  m(r × v )
r is the particle’s instantaneous position vector
 p is its instantaneous linear momentum
 Only tangential momentum component contribute
 Mentally place r and p tail to tail form a plane, L is
perpendicular to this plane
Angular Momentum April 8, 2023

of a Particle in Uniform Circular Motion

Example: A particle moves in the xy plane in a circular path of
radius r. Find the magnitude and direction of its angular
momentum relative to an axis through O when its velocity is v.
 The angular momentum vector points
out of the diagram
 The magnitude is

L = rp sin = mvr sin(90o) = mvr

 A particle in uniform circular motion O
has a constant angular momentum about
an axis through the center of its path
April 8, 2023

Angular momentum III

 Angular momentum of a system of particles
L net  L1  L 2  ...  L n   Li   ri  p i
all i all i

 angular momenta add as vectors

 be careful of sign of each angular momentum

for this case:

L net  L1  L 2  r1  p1  r2  p 2
L net   r1 p1  r2 p 2
Recall: April 8, 2023

Linear Momentum and Force

 Linear motion: apply force to a mass
 The force causes the linear momentum to change
 The net force acting on a body is the time rate of change
of its linear momentum

dv dp
Fnet  F  ma  m 
dt dt
p  mv
I  Fnet t  p
 
April 8, 2023

Angular Momentum Conservation

Ltot  constant or Li  L f

 Here i denotes initial state, f is the final state

 L is conserved separately for x, y, z direction
 For an isolated system consisting of particles,

Ltot   L n  L1  L 2  L3    constant
 For an isolated system that is deformable
I ii  I f  f  constant
April 8, 2023

Thank You !
All The Best for Exam and Future

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