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The Connections that you will
see here comes from the story of
“The Happiest Boy in the
World” by NVM Gonzales. We
will try to find the things we
know that connects to that story.
We are confident to show you
our Connections and I hope you
will enjoy it.

Members: Score:
Pamyhla Xcylynn R. Manansala
Iris D. Acaron
Joshua Daniel B. Macion

Grade & Section:

Grade 9 – St. Clare
The Connection between the story “The
Happiest Boy in the World” and the song that
we chose is maybe related because of being

The song is titled “Give Thanks” by Janella

Salvador. We think that this is related to the
story “The Happiest Boy in the World”
because it shows how being grateful for what
you have. We should always be grateful for
our parents because without them, there is no
you. They are the ones who have provided you
with the life you live today. They have done
countless things to ensure your safety, well-
being, and happiness. They have been your
biggest supporters and have done everything
in their power to make sure you have the best
possible life
The Connection between the story “The
Happiest Boy in the World” is related to our
self to show appreciation.

The way Julio is concerned about Jose’s

education, he wrote a letter to Ka Ponso
because he was planning to send Jose to
school in June in Mansalay. We connect this
by appreciating the things our parents do for
us everyday. They have provided us with
unconditional love, support, guidance and
resources throughout our lives. They have
made countless sacrifices to ensure that we
have the best opportunities and have always
been there to pick us up when we have
stumbled. We should show our appreciation
for all they have done by expressing our
gratitude, spending quality time with them,
and letting them know how much they mean
to us. They have sacrificed a great deal for us
and have been there for us through thick and
thin. They deserve our love, respect, and
The Connection between the story “The
Happiest Boy in the World” is maybe related
to the world because other people experience
this kind of life.

The story maybe related to lots of Filipinos

that are born in Provinces. They also don’t get
to experience what we experience like going
to school because of financial problems but
their Parents are working hard just so their
children can afford to go to school. Its very
sad because some children doesn’t appreciate
what they have in life, lots of other children
would kill to have that kind of life others
have. Nearly Three Million children in the
Philippines are not enrolled in schools and its
really heartbreaking. Be grateful for what you
have whatever the amount because lots of
people don’t have what you have right now.

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