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Expansion of Idea

 Elaborate an Idea, Proverb or a Saying in the

form of paragraphs

 Write in three paragraph (about 120 to 150


 Introductory paragraph
 Core content
 Conclusion
 Expansion includes…

 Key points

 Literal meaning

 Explanation of different aspects of the idea

 Conclusion in the form of final message

 Steps to be followed

 Look for the key words

 Understand and note the literal meaning

 Explore various perspectives

 Find parallel examples

 Conclude with a similar quote if possible

 It’s like guided essay writing.
 Write on the given topic.
 Language in the content should be formal, correct and
 Write in three paragraphs as follows

• First paragraph – Introduction

• Second paragraph – Core content (expand the given idea)
• Third paragraph – Conclusion (Use a quote similar to the
main topic)
 Length – 3/4th of the page or 1 side of the page
Blog Writing
 A modern digital platform for discussion or information

 Consists of separate entries called posts presented in

reverse chronological order

 Interactive in nature and allows readers to post comments

 May be subject specific like… Travel blogs, Health blogs,

Fashion blogs, Cooking blogs or Personal Diary like blogs
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 It’s expressing yourself on the given digital platform

 Write on the topic given

 Draw the layout of the blog page

 Use menu bar, side bar and the footer

 Write in the middle of the page in three paragraphs

 Language should be interactive with informal tone

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