Alternative Energy Resources

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Renewable Energy Resources
Renewable Energy is provided by the process that
replenish themselves or are continuously present as a
feature of the solar system. In global electricity
production, renewal energy source are the second largest
source next to coal.
Solar Energy is the energy, the earth receives from the
sun, primarily as visible light and other forms of
electromagnetic radiation.

It can also be converted into electrical energy by

using solar plates .
• Solar energy doesn’t produce carbon dioxide.
• It does not effect our environment

• It is not constant, it depend on the weather condition,
time, and location.
Photovoltaic (PV) Cells or Solar Cells

Solar energy can be converted directly into electrical energy using modules composed of PV
cells or Solar cells. Solar cells is transparent panel containing semiconductive material with a
thickness ranging from less than that of human hair to a sheet of paper. PV devices use sunlight and
cause electrons in the semiconductor to flow; creating an electric current.


Concentration system uses direct sunlight and lenses or curved mirrors to focus radiation onto highly
efficient solar cells.

Flat-plate system utilizes the whole incident solar radiation, including diffused solar rays.
• Solar cookers

Focus and concentrate light to cook food and even

pasteurize drinks. This technology is inexpensive and
maybe used for both small- and large-scale requirements.

• Solar building technologies

-active heating system provides hot water and space heating for residential or commercial buildings. It
uses a collector that receives or absorbs the incident solar energy and transfer it to a working fluid for
direct use or storage.

-active cooling system incudes solar desiccant system that uses a drying agent to absorb water vapor in
building air circulation.

- passive heating and cooling system use little to no mechanical assistance and utilizes buildings design to
Solar thermal energy
Solar thermal systems collect and transform solar energy into high-temperature thermal that can be
used directly or covered to electricity.


Central receiver system, also called central power tower, consist of a huge array of computer-controlled
mirrors called heliostats that track the sun and focus sunlight on a central collection power.

Solar thermal plant collects the sun’s energy and pumps water to the receiver where the thermal energy heats
the water to form steam. The concentrated sunlight can generate a temperature high enough to produce steam to run
turbines and generate electricity.
Hydroelectric power
Hydroelectricity is generated from the movement of
the water from rivers, streams, and canals. The flow of the
water can be controlled by dams and reservoirs and
released to spin turbines to produce electricity.


• Small scale involves a low dam with no reservoir

• Large scale involves high dam built across a large river

to create reservoir

• Pump storage hydropower- uses recycled water instead

Tidal power
Tidal power uses energy generated from the ocean’s waves, tides, and temperature
gradients. These are utilized through various mechanisms.
Most common various system for capturing ocean energy

• Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) uses the temperature difference

between the ocean surface and ocean depth of about 100 meters to generate
electricity. These mechanisms use seawater. When seawater turns to steam, it
derives the turbines to create power before it condenses back to water once
the temperature cools.

• Tidal power system uses mechanism similar to hydroelectric power

generation based on rising and falling tides. A dam or barrage is constructed
across a tidal bay, and gates and turbines are installed along certain points
along the dam.
Wind Power
Winds are generated as a result of the temperature
gradient of the earth surface and between the earth
equators and temperature and polar regions. Aside
from temperate and polar regions. Aside from
temperature differences caused by greater incoming
solar radiation in the equator in the equator.
Refers to organic material such as plant material and
animal waste that can be burned directly as solid fuel or
converted into gaseous or liquid fuels. The use biomass
as a source of energy can be traced back to the era before
the industrial revolution.

Biomass is usually burned directly for heating,

cooking and industrial purposes. It can be also be used to
drive turbines and produce electricity.
Conversion process involves the use of

-Direct combustion and, cogeneration are seen ,in

the burning of biomass to produce heat and or

-Ethanol can be produced from biomass by

fermenting sugars.

-Anaerobic digestion is the decomposition of

biomass through the use of bacteria under
anaerobic condition.

-Pyrolysis is the biochemical process of converting

solid biomass to more useful biofuel.
Geothermal energy
Is the heat that originates from the soil,
underground rock, volcanic rocks, geysers,
and hot springs. it comes from the ,heat
generated during the original formation of the
and the subsequent radioactive decay of
materials. This thermal energy is stored in
rocks and fluids in the center of the earth.
Geothermal energy can be used in a direct or indirect way. The choice is
determined by the available temperature, the presence of a reservoir, the
intended purpose and the economic context.

 Space heating
 Air conditioning
 Industrial processes
 Drying
 Greenhouses
 Aquaculture
 Hot water
 Resorts and pools
 Melting snow
What is the need of alternative sources of energy?
The social, economic and scientific development of a country are directly
linked to its energy resources. The conventional sources of energy that are being
used for a long time, are generally nonrenewable. They include coal, petroleum,
natural gas and electricity. We are using them so extensively that their reserves are
depleting at fast rate. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to
discover new deposits. Keeping this in mind there are attempts all over the world
to tap alternative sources of energy

• Wont run out • High upfront costs
• Has lower maintenance requirements • Intermittent
• Save money • Have storage capabilities
• Has numerous environmental benefits • Have geographic limitation
• Lower reliance on foreign energy • Aren't always 100% carbon free
• Leads to cleaner water and air
• Creates jobs
• Can cut down on waste
Renewable energy in the Philippines
The use of renewable energy supports the government’s goal of attaining sustainable and self-
sufficient energy to address environmental concerns. It also promotes economic and local
development by generating jobs, reducing and health welfare and health issues.
Toward a more sustainable energy future
Individual can be contribute to the ultimate of sustainable energy by walking, biking, or using
public transportation to get to school or work. The use of passive solar heating and cooling
through windows and fans or the use of energy-efficient heating and cooling system and
appliances are also way to conserve energy. The simplest most common ways, however, s to
turn off lights, television, computers, and other electronic appliances and gadgets when they are
not in use

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