Millenium Development Goals: Global Health and

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Grade 10 - Quarter III Health
Content Outline
01. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger

02. Achieve Universal Primary Education

03. Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women

04. Reduce Child Mortality

05. Improve Maternal Health

06. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases

07. Ensure Environmental Sustainability

08. Global Partnership for Development

Topics for Discussion

The United Nations Millennium Development
Goals are eight targets that all 191 UN Member
States have agreed to achieve by 2015.

Millenium Development Goals

The United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000
commits world leaders to fight discrimination against women and children,
disease, hunger, poverty, illiteracy, and environmental degradation.

All of these goals cannot be attained

without addressing each and everyone.
All of them influence, affect and
depend on better global health
programs and policies.

Millenium Development Goals

EXTREME Developing countries particularly in
POVERTY AND Africa and Asia suffer from extreme
HUNGER poverty and hunger. Poverty and hunger
leads to severe malnutrition which leads
to lifelong physical and cognitive
(learning and reasoning) damage and
affects health, well-being and the

Millenium Development Goals

ACHIEVE Persons, particularly women who are
UNIVERSAL educated, are more likely to seek medical
PRIMARY care especially during pregnancy,
EDUCATION ensuring proper nutrition for their family,
adopting healthy sanitary practices and
ensuring immunization of children. As an
effect, infants and children
have better survival rates, are healthier
and better nourished.

Millenium Development Goals

EQUALITY AND Gender equality means equal
EMPOWER WOMEN representation of men and women. It
implies that all gender should have equal
value and treatment. Equal gender
treatment empowers women and other
groups creating opportunities in education,
work, finances, and other aspects which
improves the economy and lessen effects
of financial crises.

Millenium Development Goals

Programs and policies which help
REDUCE reduce child mortality like
MORTALITY improving nutritional intake, healthcare
facilities and infrastructure, and other
fields which improve children's lives.
Strengthening local and national health
programs and policies is one way to
reduce child mortality.

Millenium Development Goals

IMPROVE Improved maternal health is not only
MATERNAL about mother's health but also involves
HEALTH the health and wellness of the family.
Maternal health also helps eradicate
other problems like poverty, gender
inequality, decreased workforce, lower
birth deaths, and disability of women.

Millenium Development Goals

COMBAT HIV/AIDS,Emerging and re-emerging diseases like
MALARIA AND HIVIAIDS, malaria, influenza and other
OTHER DISEASES diseases affect productivity and growth of
nations. Some of the effects of disease
outbreak are loss of jobs, shortage in
professional workers, and creating social
crises. Children are the most vulnerable
and are exposed to exploitation and abuse
undermining their normal growth and

Millenium Development Goals

ENSURE Investing and supporting sustainable
ENVIRONMENTAL energy like solar, wind and water
SUSTAINABILITY energy help support jobs, create
business opportunities, and save
remaining non-renewable energy
sources. Environmental sustainability
assures peoples to live healthier and
enjoy a clean and green environment.

Millenium Development Goals

PARTNERSHIP The United Nations, World Health
FOR Organization, World Bank and
DEVELOPMENT governments work together to make
sure there is fair trade and that heavily
indebted countries obtain relief and
funds to combat
poverty, malnutrition and funds for
education and social projects.

Millenium Development Goals

Which goals are
highly achievable
in the Philippine
MDG scenario?
What goal in MDG
helps to avoid the
outbreak of
diseases, explain
How does MDG
aid in addressing
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