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Lecture 01

Class Rules (Actually Life Ethics)

• Be attentive
• Make yourself open for learning
• Class participation
• Expect surprised assessments
• Keep a nice tone (This should be followed in everyday life)
• Make yourself honest to yourself, ultimately you will be honest to
• Know your responsibilities
• Don’t Cheat, Strive to Learn
• Respect others at all times
Course Material

• Textbooks
• Herbert Schildt: Java-The Complete Reference (latest editions)
• Deitel, H.M and Deitel, P.J.: Java: How to Program (latest editions)

• Slides
• Mostly will be from the main textbook
• Will be provided but it is good to note down things.
Grading Criteria

Evaluation Marks

Mid-Term Exams 25

End-Term Exams 50

Assignments 10

Internal Evaluation Quizzes 5

Project & Presentations 10

Total 100
Course Contents (Before Mid-Term)
Week Topic

Procedural programming Vs object-oriented programming, Revision of Programming Fundamental

1 Concepts

2 Structure of Java program , Java Compilation Process Compiling and running a Java program

Coding conventions, Lexical issues, Data types, Type conversion and casting , Coding constructs
3 (conditional statements, Loops, Functions , Arrays, Operators, precedence)

4 Classes, Objects, Data hiding and encapsulation

5 Constructors, Overloading, Setters /Getters

6 Inheritance, Method overriding

7 Is-A Vs Has-A Relationship

Course Contents (After Mid-Term)
Week Topic

8 Polymorphism

9 Abstract classes, Packages

10 Interfaces, Exception handling

11 GUI controls & Swing

12 GUI controls & Swing

13 JDBC & Mapping relational data onto Java objects

14 3-Tier Architecture
Revision (1 of 3)

• Decision Making Statements

• If-else
• Switch Case
• Loops
• For
• While
• Do-While
• Nested {{}}
Revision (2 of 3)

• Variables
• Strings in C/C++
• Arrays
• 1D
• 2D
• ND
Revision (3 of 3)

• Functions / Methods
• Declaration
• Definition
• Calling
• Overloading
• Passing Arguments
• By Value
• By reference in java?
Thank You 

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