BRE258 Industrial Safety: Lecturer's Contacts

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BRE258 Industrial Safety

Composed of 2 parts

Lecturer's Contacts:
To Sin Yung
Direct line: 2766 4080
Direct Fax: 2334 4634
Room: U301a
• Wear mask at all times
• Observe good personal &
environmental hygiene
• Follow the social distancing
• Follow specific health & safety
instructions at individual IC
• If you feel unwell please report to
your instructors immediately
• This subject aims to provide students with safety training,
which is commensurate with that required for equivalent
Mandatory Safety Training for Construction Industry, so
that they will have a positive and responsible attitude
towards health and safety matters.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the subject, students should be able to:
a) describe the legal requirements/codes of practice relating to
construction safety (Syllabus Item 1);
b) describe the 
i. common types of work-related accidents and
ii. identify potential Occupational Safety and Health hazards
at construction sites, and recommend associated preventive measures
including the use of personal protective equipment (Syllabus Items 2
and 3);
c) describe the importance of, and procedures for, reporting
accidents and dangerous occurrences (Syllabus Item 3); and
d) outline the safety management principles applicable to the
construction industry (Syllabus Item 4).
Keyword Syllabus:
1. Overview: Introduction to construction safety; Government's
policy in industrial safety; safety & health legislation in Hong
Kong, overview of codes of practice.
2. Construction Safety:  Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations;
codes of practice; potential hazards/risks associated with
construction sites and high risk activities such as working in
confined space.
3. Safety Technology: Machinery safety and guarding; workplace
ergonomics including display screen equipment and manual
handling; personal protective equipment; first aid and
emergency preparedness; reporting accidents and dangerous
occurrences; fire safety, electrical hazards.
4. Safety Management: Safety training; safety policy; safety
committees; safety inspection; safety audit.
How to Assess
Credit Value: 1 Academic Credit
% Contribution to % Contribution to
Part Assessment Component Individual Module the Whole Module
Group Assignment 1 (Safe System) 50%
Part 1 60%
M.C. Test (40 Questions) 50%
Individual Assignment 2 75%
Part 2 (Safety Inspection) 40%
Group Assignment 3 (Reporting) 25%
To be eligible for the application for the Green Card [Construction Industry Safety Training
Certificate issued under s. 6BA(4), Cap. 59], applicant must satisfy all the conditions set
below for the above Part 1 :
(i)         attendance of 80% or above;
(ii)        Part 1 overall assessment of 60% or above;
(iii)       18 years of age or above on the specified date of the M.C. Test of this training;
(iv)       legally employable in Hong Kong SAR; and
(v)        on the day of certification application NOT possessing a Construction Industry Safety
Training Certificate
• If you are aged below 18 on the day of safety test, please re-schedule your test later.
• Regardless of the day of certification application, the Green Card is only valid for 3 years counted from the specified
date of the M.C. test of this training.
• No revalidation of the certificate will be arranged for this training.
Lesson Plan
  Module Content Appr.
Safety Legislation; 3 hrs
Assignment 1: Safe System of work (Submission deadline: Refer to blackboard)
2 Personal Protective Equipment (Hands-on sessions of using safety harness at W502h) 3 hrs
Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations; 3 hrs
Machinery Hazards and Principles of Guarding
Electrical Safety; 3 hrs
Fire Safety;
4 Part 1 Dust Hazards and Control;
Emergency Preparedness and Handling;
Noise Hazards and Control
Manual Handling; 3 hrs
Dangerous Substances and Chemical Safety;
Display Screen Equipment;
Assignment 2: Safety Inspection (Submission deadline: Refer to blackboard)
Confined Space; 3 hrs
Part 2 Safety Management
7 Assignment 3: Accident Reporting (Submission deadline: at the end of lesson 7) 3 hrs
8 Part 2 MC Test 1 hr
Reading List and References
Reading List
• Uploaded at Blackboard

• Labour Department publications on occupational safety,
available at:
• Labour Department publications on occupational health,
available at:
• Hong Kong Laws: Cap. 59 and Cap. 509, available at:
• Dishonesty and plagiarism in
examination or coursework is
a serious misconduct.
• Penalties ranging from
disqualification and expulsion
may be imposed in a proven
• Refer to
AR Student Handbook for
Outstanding Assessment Element
• If you omit some of the elements or assessments, you must take
remedy actions promptly:

Element Situation Remedy Action Maximum Element Grade

Attendance Absence Make-up -
Test Absence of Class Make-up Test -
Inadequate performance Nil F
Assignment, Report No submission Late submission D
Inadequate performance Nil F
Make-up Class
IC General Office
Arrange make-up class at the IC Student Enquiry Tel: 2766-7585
Counter in person or contact the IC General Office
via email (

A Make-up Class Attendance Form will be issued for


Attend the make-up class as scheduled and present

the form to IC staff of the Workshop to sign for your
(Monday to Friday)
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
(Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed)

The signed form should be retained properly until the If you need urgent help from the IC Student Enquiry
release of Subject Result. Counter other than the abovementioned hours, please
approach the IC General Office located at Room W309.
Module Exemption
• If you has previously completed courses of practical
training essentially equivalent or similar to IC offered, or
has already studied and passed the subjects to be taught
by IC staff, you may apply for exemption.
• Application for module exemption must be submitted on
or before the end of add/drop period.
Fire Alarm
• The Firm Alarm at the University
is a continuous ringing bell
lasting for more than 1 minute.
• On hearing the fire alarm, please
leave the building as quickly as
possible and go via the stairs to
the ground level or to the podium
level and assemble in the open Fire Assembly Points
Arrangement during Bad Weather
• Announcements made by the Education Bureau are NOT
applicable to the University, and the arrangement does
not apply to training/clinical placement outside PolyU
• The University’s arrangements during bad weather shall
apply to all IC classes and examinations.
• You may refer to the most updated version of
AR Student Handbook for details.

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