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Definition of antibodies:

 Antibody also called immunoglobulin, a protective protein produced by the

immune system in response to the presence venomeign substance ,called and
antigen .Antibodies recognize and latch anto in order to remove from the body . A
wide range of substance are regantigens arded by the body as antigens, including
disease causing organisme and toxic materiels such as insect .
Antigens vs antibody:
An antigens is a foreign substance that enters your body , this can
include bacteria , viruses , fungi allergens , venom and other various
toxic . An antibody is a protein immune système to attack and fight off
these antigens. produced by your
How do antibodies fight off antigens?:
 The molecules on the surfaces of antigens differ from those
found naturally in your body . So , when an antigen enters your
body , your immune system recognizes it right away . In order to
attack this antigen invade , your immune system calls out for
antibody protection .
Where are antibodies produced:

 Antibodies are produced by b cell (spesiallized white bloods cells ) when

an antigen comes into contact white a B cell , it causes the B cell , to divide
and clone . These cloned B cell or plasm a cell release millions of antibodies
into your bloodstream and lymph system .
 Antibodies are located in various areas of your body , including you skin ,
lungs, tears, saliva and even breast milk . In fact , high amounts of antibodies
are present in colostrum . That’s why breastfeeding can boost your body’s
immune system .
What are the 5 types of antibodies
and their function ?
 Antibodies are categorized into five classes according to their location .
Each one is labeled by a letter , which is attached to an abbreviation of
the term “immunoglobulin”

Antibodies Function

IgA Found in saliva,tears,mucus,breast milk and intestinal fluid, IgA protects against ingested and
inhaled pathogens .
IgD This antibody is found on the surface of your B cells. Though its exact function is
unclear,experts think that IgD supports B cell maturation and activation.
IgE Found mainly in the skin, lungs and mucus membranes,IgE antibodies cause your mast cells to
release histamine and other chemicals into your bloodstream.IgE antibodies are helpful for
fighting off allergic reaction.
IgG This is the most common antibody ,making up approximately 70% to 75% of all
immunoglobulins in your body.It’s found mainly in blood and tissue fluids . IgG antibodies help
protect your body fro; viral and bacterial infections.
IgM Found in your blood lymph syste,IgM antibodies act as the first line of defense against
infections . They also play a large role in immune regulation.
Structure prediction and
computational antibody design:
_ The importance of antibodies in health care and the biotechnology industry
demands knowledge of their structure at high.
_Imporovement of the antibody by describing its umbrellas, and they
themselves are considered intertransferases.
_Assuming similar proteins antibodies and common approaches i.e.from down
and vice versa by combining peptides.

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