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Presented by:
Ronaldo B. Convento
MBA506 – MBA11
Human Resource Management
Professor : Dr. JAY A. SARIO
• Explain Markov Model
• List the Steps of Job Analysis
• Explain the Process of Selection
• Describe Succession Management
• Explain the HR Metrics
Markov Model

The Marko
v Model
produces a
matrices t series of
hat give de
about the tails
patterns o various
and from t ovement to
he various
in the orga jobs

e te r m in e the
It helps to a n i n div idual
tha t
likelihood m o v e m ent
will displ rs
Using Markov Analysis, the
following conclusions can be drawn:

Number of people who

Number and percentage of move between job levels
starters at a particular job who annually
target a future job within a
specified time

Number of external hires


Movement patterns and

expected duration in specified Markov Analysis
jobs associated with patterns of Conclusions
career progression
Step 7:
Vote Secretly to
Determine the
Expert Demand
Step 6: Assessment
Nominal Group Technique Discuss the
Step 5: Estimates and
Long-run forecasting technique utilizing expert assessments. Meet Face-to- Assumptions
Steps of Nominal Group Technique are:
Step 4:
Apply Expert
Step 3: Assumptions,
Issue the HR and Prepare an
Demand Estimate
Statement to
Step 2: the Experts
Select the
Step 1:
Define and Refine
the Issue or
Question and the
Relevant Time
Scenario Planning

This technique involves creating future

scenarios that differ radically from those
created by extrapolation of present
Linear Programming is a
mathematical procedure
used for project analysis
Linear in engineering and
Programming business applications. It
is used to determine the
optimal supply mix to
minimize costs or other

Job is defined as “collection or aggregation of tasks, duties and responsibilities
which as a whole, are regarded as a regular assignment to individual employees.”
Job Analysis is the process of
studying and collecting
information relating to Job Analysis
operations and responsibilities
of a specific job

The immediate products of

this analysis are:
• Job description and
• Job specification
Steps of Job Analysis
The following are the steps of Job analysis:
Step 3:
Writing job description
based on Step 4:
information Using the information to
Step 2: determine the skill,
Checking the job abilities and knowledge
information for
accuracy Step 5:
Updating the
Step 1: information
Collecting from time to
and recording time
job information
A process of obtaining
all pertinent job facts

Job Analysis
Use of Job Analysis Information
HR Demand Forecast
Supply Forecast
Existing Human Resources

The right candidates

are selected from the
existing human
resources by using the
inventory present in
the HR Information
Internal Supply

The various aspects to be taken into account for internal supply are:
Internal Supply
This refers to
This refers to number unauthorised absence This is the ratio of
of employees leaving. from work. output to input.
Hence, Turnover Rate This is equal to (Total Change in
= (Number of absentees in a productivity will
The number of separations during a year/Average number change the Internal source of
gains and losses year/Average number of employees x number of recruitment,
of staff is of employees during Number of working persons per unit selection, and
estimated the year) x 100 days) x 100 of output placement

The various
aspects to be
taken into
account for
internal supply
External Supply

This includes recruiting

external candidates
through external
recruitment, selection
and payment. This is
done through:
Resultant Operational Plans

The manpower plan is further

divided into the following
resultant operational plans
Resultant Operational Plans

The manpower plan is further

divided into the following
resultant operational plans
Resultant Operational Plans

The manpower plan is further

divided into the following
resultant operational plans
Resultant Operational Plans

The manpower plan is further

divided into the following
resultant operational plans
Resultant Operational Plans

The manpower plan is further

divided into the following
resultant operational plans
Resultant Operational Plans

The manpower plan is further

divided into the following
resultant operational plans
Resultant Operational Plans

The manpower plan is further

divided into the following
resultant operational plans
Resultant Operational Plans
The success of the entire exercise is
dependent upon frequent reviews
so that none of the factors are left
out and changes are constantly
taken care of. The important thing
is to clearly demarcate point for
periodical checks to incorporate
deficiencies and periodic updating
of manpower inventory based on
training and performance reviews,
in the light of changing

The manpower plan is further

divided into the following
resultant operational plans
Skills Inventory

Skills Inventory is a record held on

employee except management or

A skills inventory consists of the following

information of the employees:
Management Inventory
Management Inventory is a record for managerial,
professional, or technical personnel that includes all
elements in the skills inventory with the addition of
information on specialized duties, responsibilities,
and accountabilities.

A Management Inventory
consists of the following
information of the managerial,
professional, or technical
Recruiting Yield Pyramid

It is the historical arithmetic

relationships between:
Recruiting Yield Pyramid
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment
Advantages and Disadvantages of External Recruitment
Factors Affecting Selection
Process of Selection
Selection Tests
Types of Interview
Movement Patterns
Ripple Effects
Replacement Management
Purpose of Replacement Management
Retention Programs
Evolution of Succession Management
Reasons for Succession Management
Reasons for Succession Management
Process of Succession Management
HR Metrics – Lag Measures

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