Water Borne Diseases: Prepared and Presented By: of Class

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Water Borne Diseases

Prepared and presented by: Of Class:

Abdullah Jawed Matric - C

Azmeer Tanveer
Bassam Baig
Asadullah Khan
Abdullah Faisal
What are Water Borne
Diseases Caused py ingestion of
water contaminated by Toxins
like heavy metals or Micro-
Organisms like Viruses and
Following are the most Frequent
illnesses caused by polluted
1. Diarrhea
2. Dysentery
3. Cholera
Diarrhea is an intestinal
illness in which the
patient has frequent
watery, loose bowel
movements due to fast
peristaltic movements.
Causes Of Diarrhea
Diarrhea may be caused by many things, including:

• A bacterial infection
• Trouble digesting certain things (food intolerance)
• Food allergy (such as celiac disease, gluten allergy)
• Parasites that enter the body through food or water
• A reaction to medicines
• A result of surgery on the stomach or gall bladder
• Other less common reasons such as damage from radiation treatments
or tumors that make too many hormones
Symptoms of diarrhea

Each person’s symptoms may vary. Symptoms of diarrhea may include:

• Stomach pain
• Upset stomach (nausea)
• Urgent need to go to the bathroom
• Loss of body fluids (dehydration)
• Having dry skin as well as a dry mouth and nostrils
• Vomiting
Prevention From Diarrhea
Having good personal habits can keep you from getting
diarrhea caused by bacteria or a virus. It is important to:

• Wash your hands often

• Use alcohol based sanitizers
• Eat foods that have been cleaned and cooked in a safe way
Treatments Of Diarrhea
Luckily, diarrhea can be treated through many ways including:

• Drinking plenty of liquids

• Avoiding Spicy foods
• In most cases, we can treat our diarrhea
with over-the counter medicines such as
loperamide link (Imodium) and bismuth
subsalicylate link (Pepto-Bismol).
• And avoiding foods like
beans and green Vegetables
Dysentery is inflammation
or infection of intestines
which results in diarrhea
containing blood or mucus.
Dysentery typically spreads
through as a result of poor
sanitation and hygiene.
It is also called “Bloody
Causes of dysentery
Dysentery is caused by a bacteria named Shigella and also by Ent
amoeba infection. One can be affected by dysentery in following ways:
• By Drinking Contaminated Water.
• Eating Contaminated Food.
• Swimming in contaminated water.
• Living in unhygienic conditions.
Symptoms Of Dysentery
Symptoms can show up 1-3 days after you get infected. In some people,
the symptoms take longer to appear.
Others never get symptoms.
Common symptoms of dysentery are:

• Diarrhea with belly cramps.

• High fever.
• Nausea and vomiting.
• Blood or mucus in the stools.
Prevention From Dysentery
Dysentery can be avoided in following ways:

• Drink and brush your teeth with

bottled water instead of tap water.
• Washing your hands before cooking,
eating and after visiting washroom.
• Only Drink reliably sourced water.
• Cook food thoroughly before eating.
Treatment Of Dysentery
Laboratory Tests will reveal if dysentery is caused by Shigella or
Entamoeba infection and the patient will be treated accordingly.
In general, a person having dysentery can be treated in these ways:

• Taking soft diet/fluid diet to

reduce the load on the intestine.
• Consuming electrolytes like
ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution).
• Consuming more fluids.
• Admitted for complete rest.
Cholera is an acute diarrheal
illness caused by infection of
the intestine with “Vibrio
cholera” bacteria. People can
get sick when they swallow
food or water contaminated
with cholera bacteria. The
infection is often mild or
without symptoms, but can
sometimes be severe and
Causes Of Cholera
Cholera may be caused by the following way:

• Municipal water supplies.

• Ice made from municipal water.
• Foods and drinks sold by street vendors.
• Vegetables grown with water containing
human wastes.
• Raw or undercooked fish and seafood
caught in waters polluted with sewage.
Symptoms of Cholera
Those affected by Cholera may experience the
following symptoms:

• Profuse watery diarrhea,

sometimes described as “rice water stools”.
• Vomiting.
• Thirst.
• Leg cramps.
• Restlessness or irritability
Prevention From Cholera
Cholera can be avoided in following ways:

• Make sure to drink and use safe water

to brush your teeth, wash and prepare
food, and make ice.
• Wash your hands often with soap.
• Use latrines or bury your fecal matter;
do not discharge in any body of water
• Oral or intravenous hydration is the primary treatment for cholera. In
conjunction with hydration, treatment with antibiotics is recommended
for severely ill patients. It is also recommended for patients who have
severe or some dehydration and continue to pass a large volume of
stool during rehydration treatment.
End Of Presentation
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