Online Course Learning Platform

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G U I D E D B Y:
P R O F. C H I R A G G A M I Presented by:
Preeti Sharma [19012011144]
ENGINEERING Buddhi Gautam [19012011149]
Table of Content
Problems in the Existing system
Requirement of New System
Hardware and software requirements
Future Work
◦ Online Course Registration system is a project which aims in developing an online application to proOnline Course
Registration system is a project which aims in developing an online application to provide Online Education, maintain
Study Materials, keep Student records and collect Payments. This project has login features, Educator as Admin and
Student as an user can login into their own portal separately. The admin can login, through which the admin can
monitor the whole system. This System can be used to search for course, add new courses, edit course, check payment
status etc. The admin after logging into his account can generate reports such as sell Report. The User can login into
his account to follow course he purchased and can share his/her feedback.
Overall, this project of ours is being developed to help the Educator (Admin) as well as Students (User) to provide
Teaching-Learning platform in the best way possible.

◦ Online courses teach students how to manage their time better since the student bears the
responsibility of engaging with the course instead of simply showing up to class on an assigned day
and time. As a result, students not only gain knowledge from the coursework, but they also sharpen
their time management skills..

Project Scope:
◦ In the modern age, access to information is the key to professional success. Gone are the days when
education and learning were confined to colleges and universities. In the digital age, learning is open to
all. E-learning is a boon to people who face obstacles in getting a traditional college education. Online
learning has revolutionized the knowledge economy on a global scale.
◦ No matter which background one comes from, there are a plethora of online courses certification
programs that can expand your knowledge arsenal and make you better equipped in today’s competitive
job market.
Admin: Admin can access the bookings and delete the bookings from the given data, Admin have the main access like data
entry all and also, he can add and remove user information and data.
Guide: Guide can see all the information related to tour, if a person who has select the particular guide, that guide can see
that particular person’s whole information.
Lead Guide: Lead has the same functionality, same as the admin has, lead guide manages the date and time
information. Lead guide can see the information of that person who has selected the particular guide.
User: when user visit our website that time they can see tours related information like destination, different location,
facilities and then after can choose particular plans according the it’s requirements and pay charges of that plan.
Problem in The Existing System
The present systems are inadequate in providing information and advices to the agencies and customers
about tour plans. Often agencies are compelled to rely on local information sources and count on their own
experience regarding time and cost. Through phone call they have to get information. There are some
problems which are existing in my System those are given below concisely.
There will be many users visiting the portal and hence we require a strong and reliable frontend which can
withhold the users on our site.
We need a strong Database whereas data will be store of everyone.
Requirement of New System
 We can upload your documentation and all by online.
 We don't need someone to complete your work, means you can directly
complete your work by yourself only.
 We can easily access your status and work progress by visiting the site.

 We To counter all those problems, a new systems requirements is mandatory to

efficient work of system as well to save the timings and deduct the
paperwork’s, so introduction of “online system” is mandatory.
Hardware and Software Requirements
Developer Side Requirements Client-Side Requirements
Main Software Used: - Laptop/Computer/Mobile with Internet
Windows10 Connectivity & Browser (ANY),consisting of
Hardware Requirements: Minimum 4GB RAM, more memory generally
- Computer/Laptop with Minimum of 8 GB RAM. improves performance.
- External Hard Drive (512 GB) for Backup.
- High Speed Internet Connectivity.
- Input Device: Keyboard, Mouse
Language: Frontend: Html, Css, Javascript
Database: Mongo Db
System Design
UseCase Diagram:
System Design
Activity Diagram:
System Design
ER Diagram:
Registration Page:
Login Page:
Forget Username/Password:
Student dashboard:
Edit Profile:
Change Password:
Apply Leave:
◦ Although my ambition was to achieve a complete system that will have a highly accuracy. I have managed to develop
a system and a guideline to on how an application can be developed for course management system based on web. I
have face with many errors and fixed it. I designed this application interface is simply and well organized so that the
user can easily cooperate with it. I tried to improve its accuracy and keep it acceptable by user. I tried my best for best
result and keep user friendly. And I hope the user will be benefitted. Outcome
 I learned how to architect a web application.
 Doing this project I got to know about many new things and I did a proper use of internet.
 And I learned how to complete the work according to the plan.
Future Work

 Future Development is very important for each project because it includes latest features in the
System. It reduces software bugs and problems. It creates strong relationship with customer
according their feedback or choices. I will integrate some dynamic features in my Tour
Management System which features may integrate these are explaining briefly.
 Reporting module with real time mechanism.
 Latest design structure with seamless flow.
 E-mail & Mobile confirmation System.
 Online payment system.

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