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 Stress is a normal reaction to the pressures of everyday life. Worry, fear, anger,
sadness and other emotions are also all normal emotional responses. They are all part
of life. However, if the stress that underlies these emotions interferes with your
ability to do the things you want or need to do, this stress has become unhealthy.

 What are the warning signs and symptoms of emotional stress?

 Symptoms of emotional stress can be both physical, mental and behavioral.
 Physical symptoms include:
 Heaviness in your chest, increased heart rate or chest pain.
 Shoulder, neck or back pain; general body aches and pains.
 Headaches.
 Grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw.
 Shortness of breath.
 Dizziness.
 Feeling tired, anxious, depressed.
 Losing or gaining weight; changes in your eating habits.
 Sleeping more or less than usual.
 Gastrointestinal problems including upset stomach, diarrhea or constipation.
 Sexual difficulties.
 There are many techniques that can be tried to help you better manage your emotional
stress. Try one or more of the following:
 Take some time to relax: Take some time to care for yourself. Even if you can devote
only five to 15 minutes a few times a day to relax, take a break from reality. What
activity helps you relax? Some ideas include:
 Read a book.
 Download and listen to a “calm” app (sounds of nature, rain) on your computer or phone.
 Take a walk. Practice yoga.
 Listen to music, sing along to a song or dance to music.
 Enjoy a soothing bath.
 Sit in silence with your eyes closed.
 Light a scented candle.
 Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is learning how to focus your attention and become
more aware. You can learn to feel the physical changes in your body that happen in
response to your changing emotions. Understanding this mind-body connection is the first
step in learning how to better manage your stress and how emotions affect your body.
Mindfulness can also help you focus your mind on the immediate – what can I do to bring
my mind and body to a place of calmness. If you can figure out what helps you feel more
calm and relaxed in that moment, you know you’ve figured out one of your stress triggers
and what works to manage it.
 Distract your mind and focus on something else: Focus you
 Distract your mind and focus on something else: Focus your mind on
something other than what’s causing your stress. Do something fun. Watch
a funny movie, play a game, engage in a favorite hobby (paint, draw, take
pictures of nature, play with your pet). Volunteer for an activity to help
others. Do something with people you enjoy.
 Try journaling: Journaling is the practice of writing down your thoughts
and feelings so you can understand them more clearly. It is a method that
encour­ages you to slow down, pay attention, and think about what is going
on in your life – and your feelings and reactions to these happenings. Since
journaling can reveal your innermost thoughts, it can reveal your emotional
stress triggers. You can identify and then replace negative thoughts and
feelings with behaviors that are more positive. Journaling is a healthy and
positive way to face your emotions. When you confront your emotions,
healing or change can begin.
 Practice meditation: Meditation is another way to actively redirect your
thoughts. By choosing what you think about, such as positive thoughts or
warm, comforting memories, you can manage your emotions and reduce
your emotional stress.
 When should I get help for my emotional stress?
 If you have any of the symptoms of emotional stress
and have tried one or more of the remedies discussed
in this article and haven’t found relief, seek
professional help. If you feel overwhelmed and can’t
manage your emotions and stresses on your own, seek
the help of a professional. Don’t stay “frozen” or
feeling like you’re holding your breath waiting for your
feelings to be over. If you are stuck in a rut and can’t
get yourself out, seek professional help.
 Counselors and mental health therapists are trained
professionals who can find ways to help you cope,
reduce the effects of emotional stress, help you feel
better and become more functional in your day-to-day
 What else can I do to help myself better manage
emotional stress?
 In terms of your general health, which affects your ability to
manage and cope with stress, you need to take care of
yourself the best that you can.
 Get quality sleep. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each
night. Relax before bedtime with a soothing bath, some
reading time or warm cup of tea. 
Learn other ways to sleep better.
 Maintain a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet.
 Exercise regularly.
 Connect with others. Keep in touch with people who can
help support you, both practically and emotionally. Ask for
help from family, friends or religious or community groups
you are associated with.
 Individuals may encounter a variety of stress events
in daily life. If those events are disposed
inappropriately, there will be a high probability of
producing a series of negative consequences. Findings
from previous studies have shown that psychological
stress responses often include negative emotions. In
other words, people experience a complex array of
negative emotions, such as depression, anxiety,
anger, and distress during real-life stressful events .
Those negative emotions may potentially lead to
poorer health outcomes and subsequent increased
risk of complications , a decreased quality of life ,
and increased health care usage .
 Mental or behavioral symptoms include:

 Being more emotional than usual.

 Feeling overwhelmed or on edge.
 Trouble keeping track of things or
 Trouble making decisions, solving problems,
concentrating, getting your work done.
 Using alcohol or drugs to relieve your
emotional stress.
 What are 5 examples of emotional effects of
 Emotional symptoms of stress include:
 Becoming easily agitated, frustrated, and moody.
 Feeling overwhelmed, as if you are losing control
or need to take control.
 Having a hard time relaxing and quieting your
 Feeling bad about yourself (low self-esteem),
and feeling lonely, worthless, and depressed.
 Avoiding others.

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