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Talking about the exam:

• Day: Tuesday.
• Date: 20/9/2022
• Time: 9:00 – 11:00 (Two hours).
• Exam material: Unit 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 - 10
• Number of questions: 50 questions.
• Types of questions:
- Multiple choices. 40 Q
- True/False. 5 Q
- Order the words. 3 Q
- Writing. 2 Q
Unit No. 5 (Trains & boats & planes):
• Present simple.
• Third person singular (-s) added to the verbs.
• Means of Transportation.
• Talking about things you like; making suggestions.
In present simple, we add the letter [s] to
verb when it comes with third person
singular (She-He-It).

There are three ways to pronounce the letter [s] in the verb:

Break > Breaks Call > Calls Catch> Catches

Count > Counts Give > Gives Face > Faces

[s] > /s/ [s] > /z/ [s] > /ɪz/


Eats Lives
Speaks Does

Gets Buys
Unit No. 6 (The Good Life):
• Subject pronouns. (I, We, You, She, He, It, They)
• Object pronouns. (Me, Us, You, Her, Him, It, Them)
• Possessive adjectives. (My, Our, Your, Her, His, Its, Their)
• Food.
• Currencies.
• Eating out and making a reservation.
Unit No. 7 (High Flyer):
• Wh-questions words and their use.
• Airport signs and places.
• On the plane.
• Making requests (cabin attendant and the passenger).
• Types of cards.

How many
How many
Making Requests:
1- To ask for someone to do
- Could you fasten your safety belt, please?
- Please, could you put your bag in the
overhead locker?

2- To ask for something in order to

get/have/see it:
- Could I have a cup of tea, please?
- Have you got a pen?

To reply on a request question

positively, we can say:
- Sure.
- Certainly.
- OK.
Unit No. 8 (Living In The Past):
• Simple past (regular verbs)
• (-ed) pronunciation.
• Was/Were.
• Hotel reservation.
• Check-in and out.
• Hotel room.
Pronunciation rules (-ed):

/d/ /t/ /id/

If the word ends with If the word ends with one If the word ends with one
one of the following of the following sounds: of the following sounds:
sounds: p – k – s – sh – ch – th – f d–t
B–e–g–j–l–m–n– Work > worked Provide > provided
r–v–w–z Wash > washed. Create > created.
Describe > described. Watch > watched. Need > needed.
Agree > agreed. Laugh > laughed. Act > acted.
Belong > belonged. Mix > Mixed
Welcome > welcomed.
Design > designed.

It was a luxury hotel.

She was a celebrity.
There were four lifts.
The guests were famous.
He Lived in Jamaica.
It closed in 2010.
Unit No. 9 (All Around The World):
• Simple past (irregular verbs)
• Was/Were (Question)
• Asking for directions.
• The difference between giving a location and direction.

• Location is to say where the place is. (We use proportions of place).
It is in the 58 road.
It is next to the bus station.
It is on the right, after the park.

• Direction (We use verb).

Turn left at the bank.
Turn right onto Green Street.
Go Straight on.
Unit No. 10 (Making Plans):
• Future tense (going to)
• Brands.
• Nationalities.
• Responding to good and bad news.
• Ways to say thank you and good bye.
• Wish someone a good trip.
• Talking about future contact.

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