Martin Luther King JR.: Khang Nguyen

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Martin Luther King Jr.

Khang Nguyen
Who is Martin Luther King?

• Martin Luther King Jr. originally

named Michael King Jr. was born
on January 15, 1929, and died to an
assassination on April 4, 1968.
• He was a Baptist minister and led
the civil rights movement.
• Making one of the most famous
speeches ever his ‘I Have a Dream’
speech has impacted the way our
society is and changed the lives of
many African Americans.
Growing up in a
• Growing up king noticed many things such as oppression,
segregation, and unfairness.
• He was in the north for a certain period, in the north he noticed it

time of racial was more peacefully mixed with races and everything he
experienced here deepened his hatred for racial segregation.
• After becoming a Baptist minister, he led the civil rights movement

oppression which ended up him getting awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
The end of King’s
• Being one of the biggest influences at the
time he changed the future for African
• He led many movements, launched a
boycott, and even made speeches that
moved many hearts.
• His noble deeds allowed him to be
awarded the Noble Peace Prize, but he
unfortunately died 4 years after receiving
the award.
• During his lifetime he grew in power and
left one of the biggest impacts on our
The Support of Rosa Parks
• King accomplished many things and one of them was
the support of Rosa Parks. King, along with others
launched a boycott on Montgomery buses to respond
to her arrest.
• This was important because what Rosa Parks did create
a huge impact on the change of oppression. And
• It could also be said that this created a ripple affect
which caused this boycott further supporting African
I Have a Dream • One of King’s most impactful and
known speech must be his “I have a
Dream” speech.
• This speech contained many truths and
ideals and that turned out to have a big
affect on our society.
• This speech was powerful and had the
intention to end segregation, his speech
showed his passionate side and how he
felt about his people which shows the
deep caring side that many white
people didn’t understand at that time.
The Award

• On December 10th of 1964 he received

the Nobel Peace Prize, which is a great
accomplishment. This further shows the
power that King had during his time even
being an African American during a time
where oppression was bad.
• He became a symbol to many who
struggle against racial problems and
became an ambassador for non-violent
struggles (Martin Luther King…).
The End of King’s Life
• Although his life came to a tragic end,
he left something behind that many
people in his lifetime wouldn’t be able
to. Which is his legacy and an impact on
the world that changed everything.
• Over 300,000 people attended his
funeral, and this day was announced as
a national day of mourning.
• His Assassination was a tragic end for
him but throughout his lifetime he was
one of the most powerful African
American of his time.
Works Cited
• Kakutani, Michiko. “The Lasting Power of Dr. King's Dream Speech.” The New York Times,
The New York Times, 28 Aug. 2013,
• “Martin Luther King, Jr..” NAACP, 11 May 2021,
explained/civil-rights-leaders/martin-luther-king- jr#:~:text=With%20King%20at%20its
• “Martin Luther King: 5 Key Events to Remember the Minister and Activist.” EnVols, 16
Jan. 2023,
• “The Montgomery Bus Boycott of Martin Luther King, Jr..” Encyclopædia Britannica,
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Luther-

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