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B.M.S College Of Engineering
Masters Of Computer Applications
5th Semester 2022

Te a m M e m b e r Project Guide
Jonathan (1BM19MCA19) M Sivaramakrishna
Furkhan Pasha (1BM19MCA15)
Te k i D e v e n d r a ( )

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1. I n t r o d u c t i o n
2. P r o j e c t A c t i v i t y
3. P r o j e c t S c h e d u l e
4. S t a k e h o l d e r s
5. M o d u l e s
6. U s e - C a s e D i a g r a m
7. D a t a F l o w D i a g r a m
8. A c t i v i t y D i a g r a m
9. S c r e e n s h o t s
10. P r o j e c t R e s o u r c e s
11. P r o j e c t R i s k s
12. C o n c l u s i o n
13. R e f e r e n c e s 2 2
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 What is SMS?

 Goal of the project

 To b e u s e d i n a c l o s e d e n v i r o n m e n t

 Managing, organizing and Monitoring

 Ease of access and usability

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Project Activities
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 Examine the traditional System

 Analyze the problem statement and define problem statement

 Propose a feasible solution

 Estimation of completion date

 Build a prototype of the system with required modules

 Integration and system testing

 Completion of iteration

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Project Schedule
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Date Schedule Task

18/10/2020 We came up with an idea for the project and discuss

with the faculty in charge
24/10/2020 We collect the requirements and build a prototype
15/11/2020 We start the coding structure and implement the
20/12/2020 We Focus on testing and minor error fixes
06/1/2021 Completed iteration 1
17/04/2021 Starter Iteration 2
09/05/2021 Collecting additional requirements

14/062021 Started Coding for new modules

17/07/2021 Completed Iteration 2

18/10/2020 Started Iteration 3
24/10/2020 Changes in User interface to enable ease of use

15/11/2020 Create Bulk entry form and backup database

20/12/2020 Final testing of the system 5 5

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Employee Administrator Developers

Teaching Staffs and
Non – Teaching Staffs

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Admin Module: Employee Module:

 Login page  Login page
 Dashboard  Dashboard
 Entry of New Data  Reset Password
 Bulk Entry  Raise flag
 Edit Existing Data  View Profile
 Delete Existing Data  View IT Gadget details
 View database  

 View Complaints
 Single pop – up View/Display
 Logout/Sign out
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Use Case Diagram
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Data Flow Diagram
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Acticity Diagram
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• Login

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•Click to Flag
Raise edit Master title style

Project Resources (Software resources)
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OS windows10 Visual Studio 17 PHP for Front end Development

Xampp for server SQL for Database

Project Risk
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 Centralized database is vulnerable to threats and attacks

 Time is a critical element due to the model of development in use

 Due to Pandemic the team is unable to maintain the predicted schedule


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“ Conclusion
The aim for this project is to overcome manual inventory management specifically for IT
gadgets, since these types of inventories can compromise of multiple items in large
organizations therefore maintenance process can be a hectic task. Here supervision and
feedback processes can be done just by clicking a button, some of the difficulties
encountered with the manual system are overcome by this system.

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Thank You

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