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Culture Cultural Factors in Communication

• Values: clean, polite, • Communication pattern: are not
nationalistic, love of nature particularly talkative people.
and mountain climbing, • Listening Habits: good listeners.
truthful, love of music, • Behavior at Meetings and
catholic. Negotiations: meetings in Slovenia
Concepts are orderly affairs and Slovene
• Leadership and Status: negotiating characteristics are
Slovenes have been denied fuctuality, rationality, structure,
the right to rule themselves.
procedures and persistence.
• Space and Time: love the • Manners and Taboos: well-
outdoors and their mountains. mannared people.
Culture • Listening Habits: not the
• Values: Catholic attitudes, social world’s best listeners.
envy, respect for education,
• Behavior at Meetings and
pessimism, strong family
attachments. Negotiations: very eager
Concepts and negotiations openly
• Leadership and Status: respect forceful.
money, power, and influence. • Manners and Taboos: eye
• Space and Time: tactile and contact is important; it is
demonstrative advisable to remove
Cultural Factors in Communication sunglasses while conversing
• Communication Pattern: strong with someone.
opinion, especially in the political.
Culture • Listening Habits:very
• Values: openness, romanticism, attentive
nationalism, unpredictability, low
legal consciousness. • Behavior at Meetings and
Concepts Negotiations: not averse to
• Leadership and Status: nationalistic asking for sympathy and
issues. help (especially from
• Space and Time: tactile and Westerners)
personal. • Manners and Taboos: rich in
Cultural Factors in Communication
folklore and rural traditions
• Communication Pattern:
charismatic to an extradionary and still observe old-
degree and present themselves fashioned.
well to foreigners.
Culture • Listening Habits: listeners
• Values: pragmatic, disciplined, excellent.
good organizers, cautions. • Behavior at Meetings and
Negotiations: meeting in
• Leadership and Status: likely to
Bulgarian are generally
be less autocratic than Serbian
or Greek.
• Space and Time: not • Manners and Taboos: same
overcrowded country. like other Balkan people,
Cultural Factors in Communication are extremely hospitable
• Communication Pattern: reticent and will share with guests
and reserved in the early stages what little they have.
of acquintance.
Culture • Listening Habits: attentive
• Values: nepotism, self- but suspicious listeners and
importance, social corruption, use to lengthy presentations
obesession to survive. and argumennts.
• Behavior at Meetings and
• Leadership and Status: part of
Europe that was inhabited.
Negotiations: skilled
• Space and Time: meeting usually diplomats and negotiators
start 30-45 minutes late. and hard bargaining faces
Cultural Factors in Communication any foreigners who wish to
• Communication Pattern: do business with them.
oratorical by nature and rarely • Manners and Taboos:
answer questions with yes or no. embrassingly hospitable.
Culture • Behavior in the Business
• Values:love freedom, Environment: embedded in
independent, democratic, the genersl finnish image,
tolerant, hardworking and
which is perpetuated by the
Concepts Finns themselves and
• Leadership and Status: low profile accepted hook, line, and
• Space and Time: clear cut and sinker by foreigners who
unambiguous. have little knowledge of
Cultural Factors in Communication Finland.
• Communication Pattern: display
obvious weakness in
Culture • Behavior in the Business
• Values: loyalty, equality, Environment: decentralized
love of nature, kindness, and democratic.
honesty, tolerance, love of
peace, cleanliness.

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