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What makes a good teacher

10a U.Altanshagai
1. A teacher who doesn’t scold his/her students.

 If a teacher scolds his/her

students every time how will the
student understand the subject
or the things that the teacher is
2. A teacher who talks politely.

 If the teacher talks very angry

the students will lose interest in
studying the subject. But if the
teacher talks very politely the
students will be happy and do as
the teacher says.
3. The teacher must have confidence in them

1. If the teacher doesn’t have

confidence in teaching she/he
will stutter and will have a
hard time teaching so if you
want to be a good teacher you
must be confident.

 In my opinion a good teacher is a

teacher who has confidence in them
and a teacher who talks very politely.
There can be annoying students and
students who should be judged but
don’t be angry to the rest of the

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