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Module N° 01

SMS Course Introduction

Safety Management System

Module 9
Module 8
Phased Approach to SMS
SMS Operation

Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Hazards Risks SMS planning

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Introduction Module 4

to safety Obligations & Responsibilities
SMS course introduction Basic safety concepts management Regulatory Requirements
Module N° 02
Safety Management System

Module 9
Module 8
Phased Approach to SMS
SMS Operation

Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Hazards Risks SMS planning

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Introduction Module 4

to safety Obligations & Responsibilities
SMS course introduction Basic safety concepts management Regulatory Requirements
• At the end of this module, participants will be able to explain
the strengths and weaknesses of traditional methods to
manage safety, and describe new perspectives and methods
for managing safety
• Concept of safety
• The evolution of safety thinking
• A concept of accident causation – Reason model
• The organizational accident
• People, context and safety – SHEL(L) model
• Errors and violations
• Organizational culture
• Safety investigation
• Points to remember
Concept of safety

• What is safety?
– Zero accidents or serious incidents (a view widely held by
the travelling public)
– Freedom from hazards (i.e. those factors which cause or
are likely to cause harm)
– Attitudes towards unsafe acts and conditions by
employees of aviation organizations
– Error avoidance
– Regulatory compliance
– …?
Concept of safety
• Consider (the weaknesses in the notion of perfection)
– The elimination of accidents (and serious incidents) is
– Failures will occur, in spite of the most accomplished
prevention efforts
– No human activity or human-made system can be
guaranteed to be absolutely free from hazard and
operational errors
– Controlled risk and controlled error are acceptable in
an inherently safe system
Definition of safety ( ICAO Doc 9859)

• Safety is the state in which risks associated with aviation

activities ,related to or in direct support of the operation of the

aircraft ,are reduced and controlled to an acceptable level .

Elements Of Safety

A State –Not a condition, but a state which can disappear at any time .

In Which the risk is reduced-Reduction an going and continual objective .

Sometimes said , below an acceptable level .

Through a continual process of Hazard Identification and Risk Management

The process is continual and on going.

Hazard Identification and Risk Management are core competencies of any SMS system .
Safety Redefined

Safety is more – it is Multi Dimensional

More than the absence of accidents or incidents

More than freedom from danger or risk

More than the degree to which risks inherent in aviation are “acceptable”

More than the process of “hazard identification and risk management” .

More than active and pro-active safety program .

Safety is more than all of these also

Safety is

An Attitude

What we digest inwardly we exhibit instinctively outward

• Aviation safety is the sum of all the parts of the industry – not only
what happens in the air but what happens on the ground, on the
ramp, in the hanger, in training facilities……

• Accident does not happen due to one Error/Violation, however it is a

combination of all parts of operations such as Eng, Flt Ops, Grd Ops,
Security, Cargo etc.
Accidents Impact

Any accident will have a strong impact on reputations .

Aviation accidents always get large media coverage .
 Operators and local authorities in front line .
 Possible impact on other activities (tourism, operators,..) .
 Lasting effects (several years) .
 Need for all stakeholders to be prepared .
Any investigation is a long and painful process .
 Under the responsibility of the authorities of the country of occurrence .
 It takes considerable human resources and expertise .
 It may require external support (recovery, analysis,…) .
 It generally takes several years to write an accident report .
The legal costs due to an accident can be very high .

Compensation to families .
Fees to lawyers .
Punitive damages may occur .
A dedicated team will be kept busy for many years .
Follow on costs will add up
Procedures update

Insurance premiums

Product modifications

Accident causation

The strongest evidence of a serious breach of a system is an accident .

An understanding of accident and incident causation is essential to understanding a safety management . accidents and
incidents are closely related ,no attempt is made to differentiate accident causation from incident causation
traditional view of causation
following a major accident ,
some kinds of questions may be asked . and why did competent personnel make the errors necessary
to precipitate the accident
2.could something like this happen again .
Modern view of causation
accidents require the coming together of a number of enabling factors – each one necessary but in itself not sufficient to
breach system deficiencies
most accidents include both active and latent conditions .
 Traditional approach – Preventing accidents

 Focus on outcomes (causes)

 Unsafe acts by operational personnel
 Attach blame/punish for failures to “perform safely”
 Address identified safety concern exclusively
 Regulatory compliance

 Identifies: WHAT? WHO? WHEN?

But not always discloses:

The evolution of safety thinking




1950s 1970s 1990s 2000s

Fuente: James Reason
A concept of accident causation

Organization Workplace People Defences

Management decisions Working conditions Errors Training
and organizational and

processes violations

Latent conditions trajectory

the system
the accident,
made evident
in production
by triggering
Factors that
which influence
any organization
staff, etc.) that efficiency
have anhas a of
immediate in degree aviation
adverse effect. of direct
generate and
must control.
The organizational accident

Organizational processes

Workplace Policy-making Latent

conditions Planning conditions
Allocation of resources
Active Supervision
failures  ...

Activities over which any organization has a reasonable degree of direct control
The organizational accident

Organizational processes

Workplace  Inadequate hazard Latent

conditions identification and risk conditions
 Normalization of deviance

Conditions present in the system before the accident, made evident by triggering factors.
The organizational accident

Organizational processes

Workplace Latent
conditions conditions
failures Regulations Defences

Resources to protect against the risks that organizations involved in production activities
generate and must control.
The organizational accident
Organizational processes

 Workforce stability
Workplace  Qualifications and experience Latent
conditions  Morale conditions
 Credibility
 Ergonomics
Active  ... Defences

Factors that directly influence the efficiency of people in aviation workplaces.

The organizational accident

Organizational processes

Workplace Latent
conditions conditions

Violations Defences

Actions or inactions by people (pilots, controllers, maintenance engineers, aerodrome staff, etc.)
that have an immediate adverse effect.
The perspective of the organizational accident

Organizational processes
Improve Identify
Workplace Latent
conditions conditions






People and safety
• Aviation workplaces involve
complex interrelationships among
its many components
• To understand operational
performance, we must understand
how it may be affected by the
interrelationships among the
various components of the
aviation work places

Source: Dedale

human performance
within the
operational context
where it takes place

Processes and outcomes

Causes and
consequences of
operational errors are
not linear in their
The SHEL(L) model
Understanding the relationship between people and operational
 Software
SS  Hardware
 Environment
HH L L LL  Liveware
EE  Liveware, other persons
Operational performance and technology
• In production-intensive industries
like contemporary aviation,
technology is essential
• As a result of the massive
introduction of technology, the
operational consequences of the
interactions between people and
technology are often overlooked,
leading to human error
Understanding operational errors
• Human error is considered
contributing factor in most aviation
• Even competent personnel commit
• Errors must be accepted as a normal
component of any system where
humans and technology interact
Errors and safety – A non linear relationship

Statistically, millions of operational errors

are made before a major safety
breakdown occurs
Three strategies for the control of human error

• Error reduction strategies

intervene at the source of
the error by reducing or
eliminating the contributing
– Human-centred design
– Ergonomic factors
– Training
– …
Three strategies for the control of human error

• Error capturing strategies

intervene once the error has
already been made,
capturing the error before it
generates adverse
– Checklists
– Task cards
– Flight strips
Three strategies for the control of human error

• Error tolerance strategies

intervene to increase the
ability of a system to accept
errors without serious
– System redundancies
– Structural inspections
– …
Module N° 3
Introduction to safety
Safety Management System

Module 9
Module 8
Phased Approach to SMS
SMS Operation

Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Hazards Risks SMS planning

Module 1 Module 2 Module Module 3

3 Introduction Module 4
to safety
Introduction to Safety Obligations & Responsibilities
SMS course introduction Basic safety concepts management Regulatory Requirements
• At the end of this module, participants will be able to explain
the need for, the strategies and the key features of safety
• The safety stereotype
• The management dilemma
• Need for safety management
• Strategies for safety management
• The imperative of change
• Safety management – Eight building blocks
• Four responsibilities for managing safety
• Points to remember
The safety stereotype
Is it?
What is the fundamental objective of a business organization ?

Safety management – Rationale
• In order to achieve its production objectives, the management of any
aviation organization requires the management of many business
• Managing safety is one such business process
• Safety management is a core business function just as financial
management, HR management, etc.
• There is no aviation organization that has been created to deliver only
• This brings about a potential dilemma for management
The management dilemma
Management levels

Resources Resources

Protection Production
The management dilemma
me nt le

Resources +


The management dilemma
ve ls
ent l

+ Resources



Safety space
Bankruptcy ?

pa c
ty s
afe Safety
S Catastrophe management

Safety management – The response to the dilemma
• Safety issues are a by-product of activities related to
production/services delivery
• An analysis of an organization's resources and goals allows for a
balanced and realistic allocation of resources between protection and
production goals, which supports the needs of the organization
• The product/service provided by any aviation organization must be
delivered safely (i.e. protecting users and stakeholders)
Why Safety Management? An imperfect system
System Baseline performance
design Practicaldrift
Practical drift
Operational Operatio
na l perform Defences
deployment ance Training
SMS era
ti ona
l per

The essential is invisible to the eyes
Number of occurrences

1–5 Accidents

30 – 100 Serious incidents

100 – 1000 Incidents

Latent conditions
1000 – 4000
“Navigating the drift”
Baseline performance
Practical drift

era Organization
ti ona

l per

Navigational aids

Reactive Proactive Predictive

Reactive safety management
• Investigation of accidents and serious incidents
– Based upon the notion of waiting until something breaks to fix it
– Most appropriate for:
• situations involving failures in technology
• unusual events
– The contribution of reactive approaches to safety management
depends on the extent to which the investigation goes beyond the
triggering cause(s), and includes contributory factors and findings
as to risks
Proactive safety management
• Mandatory and voluntary reporting systems, safety audits and
– Based upon the notion that system failures can be minimized by:

• identifying safety risks within the system before it fails; and

• taking the necessary actions to reduce such safety risks

Predictive safety management
• Confidential reporting systems, flight data analysis, normal operations
– Based upon the notion that safety management is best
accomplished by looking for trouble, not waiting for it

– Aggressively seek information from a variety of sources which may

be indicative of emerging safety risks
Strategies – Summary
Reactive method
The reactive method Proactive method
responds to the events that The proactive method
already happened, such as looks actively for the
incidents and accidents identification of Predictive method
safety risks The predictive method
through the analysis captures
of the organization’s system performance as it
activities happens in real-time
normal operations to
identify potential future
Strategies – Levels of intervention and tools
Safety management levels

System High MiddleBaseline performanceLow

design Practical drift

Predictive Proactive Reactive Reactive


al p
FDA ASR erfoASR Accident
Direct rma and incident
Surveys MOR nce
observation Audits reports
Highly efficient Very efficient Efficient Insufficient
Desirable management
The imperative of change
• As global aviation activity and complexity continues to grow, traditional
methods for managing safety risks to an acceptable level become less
effective and efficient

• Evolving methods for understanding and managing safety risks are

The safety management process at a glance

Re-evaluate additional Assess
control hazard consequences
strategies data

Implement Safety
Assess and prioritize
control management risks
strategies process

Approve Develop
control elimination/
Assign responsibilities mitigation
strategies strategies
In summary
• Managing safety requires resources.

• Allocation of resources is a managerial function.

• Management has the authority and the

responsibility to manage safety risks in the
organization .
In summary
• Safety management
– Includes the entire operation
– Focus on processes (Clear difference between processes and
– Data-driven (constant monitoring)
– Strictly documented
– Gradual improvement as opposed to dramatic change
– Strategic planning as opposed to piecemeal initiatives
A balanced perspective
…The pilot-in-command must bear responsibility for the decision to
land and take-off in Dryden… However, it is equally clear that the air
transportation system failed him by allowing him to be placed in a
situation where he did not have all the necessary tools that should
have supported him in making the proper decision …
Module N° 04
Obligations & Responsibilities
Regulatory Requirements
Safety Management System

Module 9
Module 8
Phased Approach to SMS
SMS Operation

Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Hazards Risks SMS planning

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Introduction Module

to safety Obligations
SMS course introduction Basic safety concepts management Regulatory

At the end of this module participants will be able to

describe the safety management regulatory requirements ply
the fundamentals of hazard identification and analysis through a case study
• SSP and SMS requirements
• What is an SSP?
• What is an SMS?
• Acceptable level of safety (ALoS)
• Safety performance of the service provider’s
• Performance-based regulatory environment
• Points to remember
The big picture
• Two audience groups
– States
– Service providers
• Three distinct requirements
– State safety programme (SSP)
• Acceptable level of safety (ALoS)
– Safety management System (SMS)
• Safety performance of the SMS
– Management accountability
Basic safety management requirements

• States shall establish a State safety

programme (SSP), in order to achieve an
acceptable level of safety in civil aviation.
What is an SSP?
• An integrated set of regulations and activities
aimed at improving safety.
• States are responsible for establishing an SSP,
encompassing the following responsibilities:
Safety regulation
Accident/incident investigation
Safety assurance
reporting systems
Safety data analysis and

Safety promotion
Basic safety management requirements

• The acceptable level of safety (ALoS) to be

achieved shall be established by the State.
Basic safety management
• States shall require, as part of their State safety
programme (SSP), that a [service provider]
implements a safety management system (SMS)
acceptable to the State that, as a minimum:
a) identifies safety hazards;
b) ensures that remedial action necessary to maintain
safety performance is implemented;
c) provides for continuous monitoring and regular
assessment of the safety performance; and
d) aims at a continuous improvement of the overall
performance of the SMS.
Service providers
• Approved training organizations that are
exposed to safety risks during the provision of
their services;
• Aircraft operators;
• Approved maintenance organizations;
• Organizations responsible for design and/or
manufacture of aircraft;
• Air traffic services providers; and
• Certified aerodromes.
What is an SMS?
• A systematic approach to
managing safety, including the
necessary organizational
structures, accountabilities,
policies and procedures.
• Service providers are
responsible for establishing an
• States are responsible, under
the SSP, for the acceptance and
oversight of organizations’
Safety performance of services provider’s SMS
• Expresses the safety objectives of a service provider.
• Provides measurable reference for measuring the
safety performance of an SMS.
• Within each State, the safety performance of each SMS
will separately be agreed between the State oversight
authority and individual aviation organizations.
• Agreed safety performance should be commensurate to
– complexity of individual service provider specific
operational context; and
– availability of service provider resources to address them.
Safety performance of an SMS
• The safety performance of an SMS represents
safety performance measurement exclusively.
• The safety performance of an SMS is expressed
in practical terms by two measures or metrics:
– Safety performance indicators
– Safety performance targets
• It is delivered through various tools and means:
– Safety requirements.
Safety performance of an SMS
• Safety performance indicators
– Short-term, tactical, measurable objectives reflecting the
safety performance of an SMS.
– They include safety performance measurement exclusively.
– Expressed in numerical terms.
• Safety performance targets
– Long-term, strategic, measurable objectives reflecting the
safety performance of an SMS.
– They include safety performance measurement exclusively.
– Expressed in numerical terms.
Safety performance of an SMS
 Legal considerations
 Establishing safety performance for the SMS leaves
unaffected the obligations of services providers and other
related parties, and it does not relieve the services
providers and other related parties from compliance with
SARPs and/or national regulations, as applicable.
Safety performance of an SMS
1. Training course for drivers / installation of specific signage.
2. Thrice-daily walk-in ramp inspection programme.
3. …

1. Maintain no more than 20 events of unauthorized vehicles on the taxiways per

Safety 10,000 operations.
2. By January 2010 reduce to 8 FOD events on the apron per 10,000 operations.
3. …

Safety 1. 20 events of unauthorized vehicles on the taxiways per 10,000 operations.

performance 2. 15 FOD events on the apron per 10,000 operations.
indicators 3. ...

Will comply all applicable national and international standards.
Basic safety management requirements
• A safety management system (SMS) shall clearly
define lines of safety accountability throughout
a service provider organization, including a
direct accountability for safety on the part of
senior management.

(Accountability – Obligation or willingness to

account for one’s actions)
SSP – SMS relationship
Protection Production
Establish State
acceptable Safety
level of

safety (ALoS)
for civil (SSP)
aviation Performance-based
Acceptance oversight

Services provider
Organization’s Organization’s Support
Safety policy Safety production
and Safety
Management goals and
objectives Management customer
Safety risk system (SMS) system (SMS) satisfaction
Safety assurance
Safety promotion
In summary

State Service provider

States shall establish a Identify safety hazards.
State safety programme Ensure ensures remedial
(SSP), in order to achieve action to maintain safety
an acceptable level of performance.
safety (ALoS) in civil Provides continuing
aviation. monitoring and regular
The acceptable level of assessment of the safety
safety (ALoS) to be performance.
Aims at a continuous
achieved shall be
established by the State. improvement of the
overall performance of
the SMS.
In summary

Prescription Regulations as safety risk
Regulations as
Dynamic regulatory
administrative controls
Rigid regulatory  Data based
framework identification and
Inspections prioritization of safety
Audits Develop regulations to
Regulatory control safety risks
compliance  Effective safety
Module N° 05
Safety Management System

Module 9
Module 8
Phased Approach to SMS
SMS Operation

Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Hazards Risks SMS planning

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Introduction Module 4

to safety Obligations & Responsibilities
SMS course introduction Basic safety concepts management Regulatory Requirements

At the end of this module, participants will be

able to apply the fundamentals of hazard
identification and analysis.
ICAO Requirements
→ Within the organizational framework of the
SMS, operators/service providers “shall
develop and maintain a formal process for
effectively collecting, recording, acting on and
generating feedback about hazards in
operations, based on a combination of
reactive, proactive methods of safety data
ECAA Requirements
→ ECAR 121.5
All certificate holders are required to establish Safety
Management Systems (SMS) that, as a minimum:
• identifies safety hazards;
• assesses risks;
• ensures that remedial action necessary to maintain an
acceptable level of safety is implemented;
• provides for continuous monitoring and regular assessment
of the safety level achieved; and
• aims to make continuous improvement to the overall level
of safety.
→Hazard definitions
→Understanding hazards .
→Hazard identification / Log / Register .

→Hazard analysis .
→Documentation of hazards.
→Importance of Safety data & Reporting System .
→Hazard – Anything with the potential to cause harm.

→Hazard – Any existing or potential condition that can lead to injury,

illness or death to people, damage to or loss of a system, equipment or
property, or damage to environment.

→Hazard – A condition that is a prerequisite to an accident or incident.

Understanding Hazards
 Hazards are easy to define

 Hard to identify

 Harder to understand

 Natural tendency is to describe a hazard as an outcome

 Describing a hazard by its outcome disguises its true nature

– A “runway incursion” or “unclear airport signage”
Examples of Hazards for Pilots

Automation events Unfamiliar phraseology

ATC procedures

Similar call signs

Missed approaches

Heavy traffic Flight diversions

Unfamiliar airports System malfunctions

Examples of Hazards that Maintenance Create for Pilots

Automation events Unfamiliar phraseology

ATC procedures

Similar call signs

Missed approaches

Heavy traffic Flight diversions


Equipment / system failure
Examples of Hazards For ATC

LAHSO Missed approaches

Noise restrictions Communication failure

Runway inspections

Similar call signs

Reduced separation

Heavy traffic Airspace restrictions

reclassification Runway crossings

System malfunctions
Examples of Hazards for Airports

FO(D) Constructions

Vehicles in apron
Runway inspections

Security issues
Non standard
Heavy traffic
Noise restrictions

Built-up areas Runway crossings

Examples of hazards by type

1. Natural

• Severe weather or climatic events: Hurricanes,

major winter storms, drought, tornadoes,
thunderstorms lighting, and wind shear.

• Adverse weather conditions: Icing, freezing

precipitation, heavy rain, snow, winds, and
restrictions to visibility.

• Geophysical events: Earthquakes, volcanoes,

tsunamis, floods and landslides.
Examples of hazards by type

1. Natural

• Geographical conditions: E.g.: adverse terrain or

large bodies of water.

• Environmental events: wildfires, wildlife

activity, and insect or pest infestation.

• Public health events: epidemics of influenza or

other diseases.
Examples of hazards by type

2. Technical, deficiencies regarding:

• Aircraft and aircraft components, systems, sub-systems

and equipments. This includes Failures, inadvertent or
erroneous functioning of Systems.

• An organisation’s facilities, tools, and related equipment.

• Facilities, systems, sub-systems and related equipment

external to the organisation.
Examples of hazards by type

3. Economic

• Major trends related to: Growth,

Recession, Cost of material or
equipment, Fuel cost, Environmental
issues, etc.

• Diverging interests: operation vs.

Examples of hazards by type

4. Ergonomic

• Deficiencies in the environment the front line employees have to operate

• 24-hour operation with impact on individual’s performance (circadian cycle)

Examples of hazards by type

5. Organizational

• Complex organizational structures resulting in unclear responsibilities

• Re-organization.
Examples of hazards by Organization

1. Aircraft Operator

• Load-sheet errors
• Lack of sleep during off duty
• Partial failure or loss of navigation systems
• Error in FMS data base
• Loss of radio communication
Examples of hazards by Organization

2. Airport Operator

• Worn Runway Markings

• Unclear ramp marking for vehicle holding point
• Fuel Spillage
• Not well lit parking position
• Partial failure of weather monitoring devices (e.g. anemometer)
Examples of hazards by Organization

3. Ground Handler

•Jet Blast
•Misinterpretation of Load-sheet
•Wet surfaces/ equipment
•Improper application of anti-icing fluid
Hazard identification

→ The scope for hazards in aviation is wide, and

may be related to:
 Design factors, including equipment and task
 Procedures and operating practices, including
documentation and checklists.
 Communications, including means, terminology
and language.
Hazard identification

 Organizational factors, such as company policies for recruitment,

training, remuneration and allocation of resources.
 Work environment factors, such as ambient noise and vibration,
temperature, lighting and protective equipment and clothing.
Hazard identification

 Regulatory factors, including the applicability and enforceability of

regulations; certification of equipment, personnel and procedures;
and the adequacy of oversight.
 Defences including detection and warning systems, and the extent to
which the equipment is resilient against errors and failures.
 Human performance, including medical conditions and physical
Hazard identification
→ By whom?
 By anybody
 By designated personnel
→ How?
 Through formal processes
 Depends on the organization
→ When?
 Anytime
 Under specific conditions
Examples of Sources for Identifying Hazards

1. Flight Operations Data Analysis (FODA) / Flight Data Monitoring (FDM)

2. Flight Reports
3. Cabin Reports
4. Maintenance Reports
5. Confidential Safety Reports
6. Operations Control Reports
7. Crew Observation (LOSA)
8. Investigations & Hearings
Examples of Sources for Identifying Hazards

9. Quality Assurance Program .

10. Training records (e.g. crew periodic checks, simulator checks and training, line
checks, etc)
11. Safety Reporting
12. Safety (& Quality) Audits / Assessments
13. Safety Culture monitoring through surveys
14. Internal safety investigations
15. Company voluntary reporting system
16. Audits and surveys
Examples of Sources for Identifying Hazards
17. Ground Handling Report
18. Disruptive Passenger Report
19. Captain's Special Report
20. Flight and Duty Time Discretion Report
21. Accident reports
22. State mandatory occurrence system
23. IOSA reports
Hazard identification
→ Depending on the hazard identification sources and the approach to hazard
identification, two groups of methods for identifying hazards can be defined:

1. Reactive Methods

2. Proactive Methods
Hazard identification
→ In real life scenarios, both reactive and proactive methods provide an effective
means of hazard identifications. Incident investigation is still one of the largest
contributors in identifying hazards.

→ In successful safety management systems, the proactive approach for hazard

identification is utilized extensively, so the hazard is recognized and addressed
before it could turn into an occurrence.
Hazard Log
The most important step in the safety risk assessment process is safety assessment

Organizations should wherever possible maintain a centralized log of all identified

hazards. The nature and format of such a log may vary from a simple list of hazards to a
more sophisticated relational database linking hazards to mitigations, responsibilities and
actions (as part of an integrated safety risk management process).
Hazard Log
As a minimum, it is recommended that the following information be included in the
hazard log:

• Unique hazard reference number against each hazard

• Hazard description
• Indication of the potential causes of the hazard (safety events)
• Qualitative assessment of the possible outcomes and severities of consequences
arising from the hazard
• Qualitative assessment of the risk associated with the possible consequences of the
• Description of the risk controls for the hazard
• Indication of responsibilities in relation to the management of the risk controls
Hazard Log
In addition, organizations may wish to consider the following information for
inclusion in the log.

• A quantitative assessment of the risk associated with the possible

consequences of the hazard
• Record of actual incidents or events related to the hazard or its’ causes
• Risk tolerability statement
• Statement of formal system monitoring requirements
• Indication of how the hazard was identified
• Hazard owner
• Assumptions
• Third party stakeholders
Hazard Log template
Hazard Register (Sample only)
Hazard Analysis

→ Efficient and safe operations or provision of service require a constant

balance between production goals (maintaining regular aerodrome
operations during a runway construction project) and safety goals
(maintaining existing margins of safety in aerodrome operations during
runway construction project).
→ Aviation workplaces contain hazardous conditions which may not be
cost-effective to eliminate even when operations must continue.
Hazard Analysis
→ABC of hazard analysis
A – State the generic hazard (hazard statement)
↘ Airport construction
B – Identify specific components of the hazard
↘ Construction equipment
↘ Closed taxiways
C – Naturally leading to specific risk(s)
↘ Aircraft colliding with construction equipment
↘ Aircraft taking wrong taxiway
↘ …
Hazard Analysis

→At the intersection of protection and production

The acronym ALARP is used to describe a safety risk which has been
reduced to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable.
In determining what is reasonably practicable consideration is given to
both the technical feasibility and the cost of further reducing the safety
This includes a cost/benefit study.
Hazard Analysis

→Direct costs
The obvious costs, which are easily determined. The high costs of
exposure of hazards can be reduced by insurance coverage.
↘Purchasing insurance only transfers monetary risk
→Indirect costs
The uninsured costs. An understanding of these uninsured costs (or
indirect costs) is fundamental to understanding the economics of safety.
Hazard Analysis
→ Usually they amount more than the direct
costs resulting from exposure to hazards:
 Loss of business
 Damage to the reputation
 Loss of use of equipment
 Loss of staff productivity
 Legal actions and claims
 Fines and citations
 Insurance deductibles
How the process go on in the system


Re-evaluate Collect
control additional Assess
strategies hazard risks

Implement Prioritize
control Safety
strategies management risks

Assign elimination/
Approve mitigation
responsibilities control strategies
Hazard Analysis
Hazard Analysis
Documentation of hazards

→ The fundamental importance of appropriate

documentation management:
A formal procedure to translate operational
safety data into hazard-related information.
The “safety library” of an organization.
Documentation of hazards

→ The need for standardization: facilitating

tracking and analysis of hazards by common:

 Definitions
 Understanding
 Validation
 Reporting
 Measurement
 Management
Documentation of hazards
Method Identification Management Documentation Information

Reactive method Safety

Assess the management
• ASR Assign
consequences and information
• MOR responsibilities
prioritize the risks
• Incident reports

• Accident reports Trend analysis

Proactive method
• ASR Develop control and
mitigation strategies
Implement strategies “Safety Safety bulletins
• Surveys
• Audits library”

Report distribution
Predictive method
• FDA Inform person(s) Re-evaluate strategies
responsible for
• Direct observation implementing and
Seminars and
systems strategies processes

Safety Information
Safety Management Systems are predicated on useful data and
information being collected, analysed /assessed, and used to make

Data and information provide the “fuel” for the tools use by all
participants to manage risks

The same data and information used by operators is used by

regulators ­information flows both ways.
The flow of information is key to managing risks within the system .

CAA uses information to understand safety risk, and to then:

– Identify where risks sit within the system

– Design actions which mitigate those risks
– Implement those actions
– Measure whether the actions have the desired effect
Management must establish a system to collect and
analyze safety data.

– Accidents and incidents records

– Any safety concerns raised by employees
– Results of audits / evaluation
– Latest developments of safety
The benefit will be :

Safety data and information are available to the people

who need it to do their jobs
Establishing a Safety Reporting System

– Employees must have a way to report hazards

– Everyone must known how to report
– When an hazard reported, the report should be acknowledged
and analyzed
– Confidence in the system
Establishing a Safety Reporting System

“If In doubt – report It”
The basic safety process is accomplished as follows :

1.A safety issue or concern is raised ,a hazard is identified ,or an incident or accident

2.The concern or event is reported or brought to the attention of management .

3.The event ,hazard, or issue is analysed to determine its cause or source.

4.Corrective action, control or mitigation is developed and implemented ,and

5.The corrective action is evaluated to make sure it is effective .

If safety issue is resolved ,the action can be documented and the safety enhancement
maintained .
Module N° 6
Safety Management System

Module 9
Module 8
Phased Approach to SMS
SMS Operation

Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Hazards Risks SMS planning

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Introduction Module 4

to safety Obligations & Responsibilities
SMS course introduction Basic safety concepts management Regulatory Requirements

At the end of this module, participants will be able to

apply the fundamentals of risk management
→Definition Of Risk
→First fundamental – Risk management
→Second fundamental – Risk probability
→Third fundamental – Risk severity
→Fourth fundamental - Risk assessment and tolerability
→Fifth fundamental – Risk control/mitigation
→Points to remember
First fundamental – Risk management

→What is it?
 The identification, analysis and elimination, and/or mitigation to an acceptable level of
risks that threaten the capabilities of an organization.

→What is the objective?

 Aims at a balanced allocation of resources to address all risks and viable risk control and

→Why is it important?
 A key component of safety management systems.
 Data-driven approach to safety resources allocation, thus defensible and easier to
Risk management

Intolerable region
The risk is
at any level

As If the risk can

Tolerable region be mitigated, it
is acceptable.
As Cost benefit
Reasonably analysis
Practicable required.

region The risk is acceptable
as it currently stands
Second fundamental - Risk probability

 Probability – The chance that a situation of danger might occur.
Second fundamental – Risk probability

→Questions for assessing the probability of an occurrence:

 Is there a history of occurrences like the one being assessed, or is the
occurrence an isolated event?
 What other equipment, or similar type components, might have
similar defects?
Second fundamental – Risk probability

→… questions such:
 What number of operating or maintenance
personnel must follow the procedure (s) in
 How frequently is the equipment or procedure under assessment
Second fundamental – Risk probability

Probability of occurrence

Meaning Value

Frequent Likely to occur many times (has occurred frequently) 5

Occasional Likely to occur some times (has occurred infrequently) 4

Remote Unlikely, but possible to occur (has occurred rarely) 3

Improbable Very unlikely to occur (not known to have occurred) 2

Almost inconceivable that the event will occur 1
Third fundamental – Risk severity

Severity – The possible consequences of a situation of danger, taking
as reference the worst foreseeable situation.
Third fundamental – Risk severity

→Define the severity in terms of:

Public confidence
Third fundamental – Risk severity

→Questions for assessing the severity of an occurrence:

How many lives are at risk?
↘General public
What is the environmental impact?
↘Spill of fuel or other hazardous product
↘Physical disruption of natural habitat
Third fundamental – Risk severity

→ … questions:
 What is the severity of the property or financial damage?
↘Direct operator property loss
↘Damage to aviation infrastructure
↘Third party damage
↘Financial impact and economic impact for the State
 Are there organizational, management or regulatory implications that might generate
larger threats to public safety?
 What are the likely political implications and/or media interest?
Third fundamental – Risk severity

Severity of occurrences
Meaning Value
 Equipment destroyed
Catastrophic  Multiple deaths A
 A large reduction in safety margins, physical distress or a workload such
that the operators cannot be relied upon to perform their tasks accurately
or completely.
Hazardous  Serious injury or death to a number of people. B
 Major equipment damage

 A significant reduction in safety margins, a reduction in the ability of the

operators to cope with adverse operating conditions as a result of increase
in workload, or as a result of conditions impairing their efficiency.
Major  Serious incident. C
 Injury to persons.

 Nuisance.
 Operating limitations.
Minor  Use of emergency procedures. D
 Minor incident.

Negligible  Little consequences E

Fourth fundamental – Risk assessment

Risk severity

Catastrophic Hazardous Major Minor Negligible

Risk probability

5 – Frequent 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E
4 – Occasional 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E
3 – Remote 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E
2 – Improbable 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E
1 – Extremely
improbable 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E
Fourth fundamental – Risk tolerability

Assessment risk index Suggested criteria

5A, 5B, 5C, 4A, 4B, 3A Unacceptable under the existing circumstances

5D,5E, 4C, 3B, 3C, 2A, 2B Risk control/mitigation requires management decision

Acceptable after
4D, 4E, 3D, 2C, 1A, 1B review of the operation

3E, 2D, 2E, 1C, 1D, 1E Acceptable

Risk assessment at a glance
Identify the hazards to equipment , property , HAZARD
personnel or the organization . IDENTIFICATION

Identify the risk(s) and assess RISK ASSESSMENT

the chances of it (them) occurring? Probability

Evaluate the seriousness of the risk(s) occurring Severity

Is (are) the consequent risk(s) acceptable and within RISK ASSESSMENT

the organization’s safety performance criteria? Tolerability

YES Take action to reduce
Accept the risk(s) the risk(s) to an RISK CONTROL/MITIGATION
acceptable level
Fifth fundamental – Risk control/mitigation

Mitigation – Measures to eliminate the potential hazard or to reduce
the risk probability or severity.
↘Risk mitigation = Risk control

(Mitigate – To make milder, less severe or less harsh)

Fifth fundamental – Risk control/mitigation
→ Strategies

 Avoidance – The operation or activity is cancelled because risks exceed the

benefits of continuing the operation or activity.

↘Operations into an aerodrome surrounded by complex geography and

without the necessary aids are cancelled.
Fifth fundamental – Risk control/mitigation

→ Strategies

 Reduction –The frequency of the operation or activity is reduced, or action is

taken to reduce the magnitude of the consequences of the accepted risks.

↘Operations into an aerodrome surrounded by complex geography and without

the necessary aids are continued based upon the availability of specific aids
and application of specific procedures.
Fifth fundamental – Risk mitigation

→ Strategies
 Segregation of exposure – Action is taken to isolate the effects of risks or build-in
redundancy to protect against it, i.e., reduce the severity of risk.

↘Operations into an aerodrome surrounded by complex geography are limited

to day-time, visual conditions.
↘Non RVSM equipped aircraft not allowed to operate into RVSM airspace .
Risk mitigation – Defences

→Recalling the three basic defences in aviation:

 Technology
 Training
 Regulations
Risk mitigation – Defences

→ As part of the risk mitigation, determine:

 Do defences to protect against such risk (s) exist?
 Do defences function as intended?
 Are the defences practical for use under actual working conditions?
 Is staff involved aware of the risks and the defences in place?
 Are additional risk mitigation measures required?
Risk mitigation at a glance

Hazard identification Assessment of Control and Accepting the

and defences Mitigation mitigation of
risk management the risk
Of risks

Ø Does the mitigation
address the hazard?
Regulations Ø Does it address the
risk (s)?
EACH HAZARD Training Ø Is it effective?
Ø Is it appropriate?
Ø Is additional or
R R R R different
mitigation warranted?
EACH RISK Do the mitigation
strategies generate
additional risk (s)
As a reminder

→ There is no such thing as absolute safety – In aviation it is not possible to eliminate

all risks.
→ Risks can be managed to a level “as low as reasonably practicable” (ALARP)
→ Risk mitigation must be balanced against:
 time
 cost
 difficulty of taking measures to reduce or eliminate the risk (i.e. managed).
→ Effective risk management seeks to maximize the benefits of accepting a risk (a
reduction in time and cost) while minimizing the risk itself.
→ Communicate the rationale for risk decisions to gain acceptance by stakeholders
affected by them.
Risk management process at a glance

A safety concern is perceived

Feedback and Identify hazards and assess risks

record the
identification Define the level of Define the level of
and severity probability
and/or risk Define the level
mitigation of risk

Is the risk level acceptable? No

Take action and
continue the Yes

Can the risk be eliminated? No

Take action and
continue the Yes

Yes Can the risk be mitigated?

Take action and Can the residual risk Cancel the

continue the Yes be accepted (If any)? No operation
Hazards and risks – Closing the loop
• Hazard – Condition or object with the potential of causing injuries
to personnel, damage to equipment or structures, loss of material,
or reduction of ability to perform a prescribed function
• Consequence – Potential outcome(s) of the hazard
• Risk – The assessment, expressed in terms of predicted probability
and severity, of the consequence(s) of a hazard taking as reference
the worst foreseeable situation
– A wind of 15 knots blowing directly across the runway is a hazard
– A pilot may not be able to control the aircraft during takeoff or landing is
one of the consequences of the hazard
– The assessment of the consequences of the potential loss of control of the
aircraft by the pilot expressed in terms of probability and severity is the risk
Points to remember

1. The risk assessment matrix.

2. The risk assessment criteria table.
3. Risk mitigation: avoid, reduce, segregate.
Module N° 7

SMS planning
Safety Management System

Module 9
Module 8
Phased Approach to SMS
SMS Operation

Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Hazards Risks SMS Planning

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Introduction Module 4

to safety Obligations & Responsibilities
SMS course introduction Basic safety concepts management Regulatory Requirements
• When completing the module the participants
will be able to describe the requirements
associated to the planning of an SMS, and
explain the structure of an SMS
implementation plan and the contents of the
safety management system manual (SMSM).
• The components of SMS
• The elements of SMS
• Safety policy and objectives
• Questions and answers
• Points to remember
• Exercise 08/01 – Cuzco International Airport
operation (See Handout N° 5)
The components of SMS

Safety policy and objectives

Safety risk management
Safety assurance
Safety promotion
The elements of SMS
Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
The elements of SMS
Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
• The service provider shall define the safety policy
of the organization which shall:
1) Be in accordance with international and national
2) Be signed by the Accountable executive of the
3) Reflect organizational commitments regarding safety;
4) Include a clear statement about the provision of the
necessary resources for the implementation of the
safety policy; ...
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
• ... safety policy of the organization shall
5) Be communicated, with visible endorsement,
throughout the organization;
6) Include the safety reporting procedures;
7) Clearly indicate which types of operational
behaviours are unacceptable;
8) Include the conditions under which exemptions
from disciplinary action would be applicable; ...
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
• ... safety policy of the organization shall (cont’d):
9) Be periodically reviewed to ensure it remains
relevant and appropriate to the organization;
10) Ensure the implementation of remedial action
necessary to maintain agreed safety performance;
11) Provide for continuous monitoring and regular
assessment of the safety performance;
12) Aim at a continuous improvement to the overall
performance of the SMS; and ...
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
• ... safety policy of the organization shall
13) Include a statement about the establishment of
the organization’s safety objectives and safety
performance standards and their relationship to:
• Safety performance indicators;
• Safety performance targets; and
• Safety requirements.
ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety policy and objectives
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
• The organization shall identify:
– The Accountable Executive who, irrespective of
other functions, shall have ultimate responsibility
and accountability, on behalf of the organization,
for the implementation and maintenance of the
SMS; and
– The accountabilities of all members of
management, irrespective of other functions, as
well as of employees, with respect to the safety
performance of the SMS.
 Safety policy and objectives
1.2 – Safety accountabilities

• The Accountable Executive shall:

– Be a single and identifiable person.
• CEO/Chairman Board of Directors.
• A partner.
• The proprietor.
• ...
 Safety policy and objectives
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
• The Accountable Executive must have:
– Full authority for human resources issues.
– Authority for major financial issues.
– Direct responsibility for the conduct of the
organization’s affairs.
– Final authority over operations under certificate.
– Final responsibility for all safety issues.
 Safety policy and objectives
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
• Safety responsibilities, accountabilities and
authorities shall:
– Be documented;

– Be communicated throughout the organization; and

– Include a definition of the levels of management

with authority to make decisions regarding safety
risks tolerability.
 Safety policy and objectives
1.2 – Safety accountabilities

• The job description of each senior manager

(departmental head or responsible for a
functional unit) should include, to the
appropriate extent, and in addition to the specific
responsibilities for the department/functional
unit operation:
– the safety accountabilities; and
– the responsibilities regarding the operation of the
Safety responsibilities – An example

Safety Review Accountable Executive

Board (SRB)

Head of Head of Heads of other

operations maintenance areas

Operations Maintenance
safety officer safety officer

Safety Action
Safety Services
(SAG) Office
ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety policy and objectives

1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel

• The organization shall identify a safety

manager to be the responsible individual and
focal point for the implementation and
maintenance of an effective SMS.
Safety responsibilities
Safety Review Accountable Executive
Board (SRB)

Head of Head of Heads of other

operations maintenance areas

Operations Maintenance
safety officer safety officer

Safety Action
Safety Services
(SAG) Office
 Safety policy and objectives

1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel

• The Safety services office – Corporate functions
– Advising senior management on safety matters.
– Assisting line managers.

– Overseeing hazard identification systems.

 Safety policy and objectives
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
• The safety manager – Functions
– Manages the SMS implementation plan on behalf
of the accountable executive.
– Facilitates hazard identification and risk analysis
and management.
– Monitors corrective actions to ensure their
– Provides periodic reports on safety performance.
– Maintains safety documentation.
– Plans and organizes staff safety training.
– Provides independent advice on safety matters.
 Safety policy and objectives
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
• The safety manager – Selection criteria
– Operational management experience and technical
background to understand the systems that
support operations.
– People skills.
– Analytical and problem-solving skills.
– Project management skills.
– Oral and written communications skills.
Safety responsibilities
Safety Review Accountable Executive
Board (SRB)

Head of Head of Heads of other

operations maintenance areas

Operations Maintenance
safety officer safety officer

Safety Action
Safety Services
(SAG) Office
 Safety policy and objectives
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
• The Safety Review Board (SRB):
– High level committee
– Strategic safety functions
• Chaired by the accountable executive.
• It may include the Board of Directors.
• Composed of heads of functional areas.
 Safety policy and objectives
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
• SRB monitors:
– Safety performance against the safety policy and
– Effectiveness of the SMS implementation plan.
– Effectiveness of the safety supervision of sub-contracted
• SRB ensures that appropriate resources are
allocated to achieve the established safety
• SRB gives strategic direction to the SAG.
Safety responsibilities
Safety Review Accountable Executive
Board (SRB)

Head of Head of Heads of other

operations maintenance areas

Operations Maintenance
safety officer safety officer

Safety Action
Safety Services
(SAG) Office
 Safety policy and objectives

1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel

• Safety Action Group(s) (SAG):
– Reports to SRB and takes strategic direction from
– Members:
• Managers and supervisors from functional areas.
• Front-line personnel.
 Safety policy and objectives
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
• SAG:
– Oversees operational safety within the functional area.
– Resolves identified risks.
– Assesses the impact on safety of operational changes.
– Implements corrective action plans.
– Ensures that corrective action is taken in a timely
– Review the effectiveness of previous safety
– Safety promotion.
ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety policy and objectives
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning

• The organization shall ensure that an emergency

response plan that provides for the orderly and
efficient transition from normal to emergency
operations, and the return to normal operations is
properly coordinated with the emergency response
plans of those organizations it must interface with
during the provision of its services.
 Safety policy and objectives
1.4 – Coordination of emergency
response planning
• Emergency response planning
outlines in writing what should
be done after an accident, and
who is responsible for each
– Airport Emergency Plan (AEP)
– Contingency Plans (ATC)
– Emergency Response Plan
• The coordination of the different
plans should be described in the
SMS Manual.
ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety policy and objectives
1.5 – SMS documentation
• The organization shall develop and maintain
SMS documentation to describe:
– The safety policy and objectives;
– The SMS requirements;
– The SMS processes and procedures;
– The accountabilities, responsibilities and
authorities for processes and procedures; and
– The SMS outputs.
 Safety policy and objectives
1.5 – SMS documentation
• As part of the SMS documentation, the
organization shall:
1) Develop an SMS implementation plan, endorsed by
senior management of the organization that defines
the organization’s approach to the management of
safety in a manner that meets the organization’s
safety objectives; and
2) Develop and maintain a safety management system
manual (SMSM), to communicate its approach to the
management of safety throughout the organization.
 Safety policy and objectives
1.5.1 – SMS implementation plan
• Developed by a planning group, which:
– Comprises an appropriate experience base.
– Meets regularly with senior management.
– Receives resources (including time for meetings).
• A realistic strategy for the implementation of an
SMS that will meet the organization’s safety
performance needs.
• A definition of the approach the organization will
adopt for managing safety.
 Safety policy and objectives
1.5.1 – SMS implementation plan
• Senior management endorses the plan.
• Typical implementation time frame will be one
to four years ahead.
– See Module 10 – Phased approach to SSP and SMS
 Safety policy and objectives
1.5.1 – SMS implementation plan – Contents
1) Safety policy and objectives
2) System description
3) Gap analysis
4) SMS components
5) Safety roles and responsibilities
6) Safety reporting policy
7) Means of employee involvement
8) Safety performance measurement
9) Safety training
10) Safety communication
11) Management review (of safety performance)
 Safety policy and objectives
1.5.2 – Safety Management
System Manual (SMSM)
• Key instrument for
communicating the
organization’s approach to
safety to the whole organization.
Safety Management
• Documents all aspects of the System Manual (SMSM)
SMS, including the safety policy,
objectives, procedures and
individual safety responsibilities
and accountabilities.
 Safety policy and objectives
1.5.2 – SMSM contents
1. Scope of the safety 7. Hazard identification
management system. and risk management
2. The safety policy and schemes.
objectives. 8. Safety assurance.
3. Safety accountabilities. 9. Safety performance
4. Key safety personnel. monitoring.
5. Documentation control 10. Safety auditing.
procedures. 11. Management of
6. Coordination of the change.
emergency response 12. Safety promotion.
planning. 13. Contracted activities.
• The successful management of safety is a
functional responsibility that requires the
participation of all operational personnel and
the supervision of the organization (Systematic).
• This principle must be reflected in the structure
of the organization (Explicit).
• The organization must define, document and
communicate individual lines of responsibility and
authority in regard to the management of operational
safety (Explicit).
• The means to manage safety within the organization
include hazard identification, risk management,
safety assurance and safety promotion (Proactive).
Module N° 8

SMS Operation
Safety Management System

Module 9
Module 8
Phased Approach to SMS
SMS Operation

Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Hazards Risks SMS planning

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Introduction Module 4

to safety Obligations & Responsibilities
SMS course introduction Basic safety concepts management Regulatory Requirements

• When completing the module the participants

will be able to describe the requirements
associated with the operation of an SMS.
• Safety risk management
• Safety assurance
• Safety promotion
• Points to remember
ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification (Module 4)
• The organization shall develop and maintain a
formal process that ensures that hazards in
operations are identified.
• Hazard identification shall be based on a
combination of reactive, proactive and
predictive methods of safety data collection.
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
• Safety reporting systems – A special mention
– Nobody knows better actual system performance
than operational personnel.
• Mandatory reporting system.
• Voluntary reporting systems.
• Confidential reporting systems.
– The requirements of safety reporting systems may
vary among States.
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
• Reporting systems
– People are reluctant to report.
– Why?
• Retaliation.
• Self-incrimination.
• Embarrassment.
Protecting sources of safety information
• Assembly Resolution A35/17
• Legal guidance in Annex 13, Attachment E
• Safety information must not be used for purposes
other than the purposes for which it was collected.
– Introduction and definitions
– General principles
– Principles of protection
– Principles of exceptions
– Responsibilities of the custodian of safety information
– Protection of recorded information
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification

• Typical qualities of successful safety reporting

– Reports easy to make.

– No disciplinary actions as result of reports.

– Reports are confidential.

– Feedback is rapid, accessible and informative.

 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
• Four steps for action:
1. Reporting hazards, events or safety concerns.
2. Collecting and storing the data.
3. Analyzing reports.
4. Distributing the information distilled from the
ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety risk management
2.2 – Risk assessment and
mitigation (Module 5)
• The organization shall
develop and maintain a Intolerable region

formal process that ensures:

– Analysis (probability and A
severity of occurrence); A Tolerable region
– Assessment (tolerability); and P
– Control (mitigation) of the
safety risks assessed to the region

consequences of hazards in
operations to ALARP.
ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance 1. Training course for drivers / installation of specific

monitoring and Safety

requirements 2.
Thrice-daily walk-in ramp inspection programme.

measurement 3. …

• The organization shall 1. Maintain no more than 20 events of unauthorized

develop and maintain

vehicles on the taxiways per 10,000 operations.


for m
performance 2. By January 2009 reduce to 8 FOD events on the

the means to verify the

Pe r
targets apron per 10,000 operations.
3. …

safety performance of
the organization, and to 1. 20 events of unauthorized vehicles on the taxiways
Safety per 10,000 operations.
validate the performance
2. 15 FOD events on the apron per 10,000 operations.

effectiveness of safety 3. ...

risks controls.
Will comply all applicable national and international


 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and
• The safety performance of the organization is
verified throughout the following tools:
– Safety reporting systems
– Safety studies
– Safety reviews
– Safety audits
– Safety surveys
– Internal safety investigations
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and
• Safety audits are used to ensure that the
structure of the SMS is sound in terms of:
– Levels of staff;
– Compliance with approved procedures and
– Level of competency and training to:
• Operate equipment and facilities; and
• Maintain their levels of performance.
 Safety assurance

3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and

• Safety surveys examine particular elements or
processes of a specific operation.
– Problem areas or bottlenecks in daily operations.
– Perceptions and opinions of operational personnel.
– Areas of dissent or confusion.
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and
• Safety surveys may involve the use of:
– Checklists
– Questionnaires.
– Informal confidential interviews.
• Since surveys information is subjective, verification
may be needed before corrective action.
• Surveys may provide an inexpensive source of
significant safety information.
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and
• Internal safety investigations include
occurrences or events that are not required
to be investigated or reported to State.
– In-flight turbulence (flight operations)
– Frequency congestion (ATC)
– Material failure (maintenance)
– Ramp vehicle operations (aerodrome)
ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety assurance
3.2 – The management of change
• The organization shall develop and maintain a
formal process to identify changes within the
organization which may affect established
processes and services, in order to:
– Describe the arrangements to ensure safety
performance before implementing changes; and
– To eliminate or modify safety risk controls that are no
longer needed or effective due to changes in the
operational environment.
 Safety assurance
3.2 – The management of change
• Aviation organizations experience permanent
changes due to expansion, introduction of new
equipment or procedures.
• Changes can:
– Introduce new hazards.
– Impact the appropriateness of risk mitigation.
– Impact the effectiveness of risk mitigation.
 Safety assurance
3.2 – The management of change
• External changes
– Change of regulatory requirements.
– Security.
– Reorganization of air traffic control.
• Internal changes
– Management changes
– New equipment.
– New procedures.
ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety assurance
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
• The organization shall:
– Develop and maintain a formal process to identify
the causes of sub-standard performance of the
– Determine the implications of sub‑standard
performance of the SMS in operations; and
– Eliminate or mitigate such causes.
 Safety assurance
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
• Continuing improvement is achieved through:
– Proactive evaluation of facilities, equipment,
documentation and procedures through safety
studies, reviews, audits and surveys.
– Proactive evaluation of the individuals’
performance, to verify the fulfilment of their safety
responsibilities and accountabilities.
 Safety assurance
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
• Continuing improvement is achieved through:
– Reactive evaluations in order to verify the
effectiveness of the system for control and
mitigation of risks, for example through
information obtained from :
• Accidents, incidents and major events investigations.
Safety Risk Management (SRM) and Safety Assurance
(SA) – Summary

Design Operation
description/gap System operation Description
analysis and context

Safety performance
Hazard identification monitoring and Specific
measurement information

Safety risks Continuous

assessment improvement Analysis

Safety Mgt. of
risks change Assessment

Safety risks mitigation Corrective action Problem

ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education

• The organization shall develop and maintain a safety

training programme that ensures that personnel are
trained and competent to perform the SMS duties.

• The scope of the safety training shall be appropriate

to each individual’s involvement in the SMS.
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education

• The safety manager should, in conjunction

with the personnel department, review the job
descriptions of all staff, and identify those
positions that have safety responsibilities.
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education

Who? Why? How much?

 Operational  To ensure that  Appropriate to
personnel personnel are the individual’s
 Managers and trained and involvement in
supervisors competent to the SMS
 Senior managers perform the
 Accountable SMS duties
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education – A building block approach
Operational Managers and
Senior managers
personnel supervisors

1) Organization 3) The safety 6) Organizational

safety policy process safety standards
2) SMS 4) Hazard and national
fundamentals identification and regulations
and overview risk management 7) Safety assurance
5) The management
of change
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
• Accountable executive – A special mention
– A briefing on:
• Safety policy and objectives
• SMS roles and responsibilities
• Safety risk management
• Safety assurance
– Somewhere between two hours and half a day
ICAO SMS framework
 Safety policy and objectives
1.1 – Management commitment and responsibility
1.2 – Safety accountabilities
1.3 – Appointment of key safety personnel
1.4 – Coordination of emergency response planning
1.5 – SMS documentation
 Safety risk management
2.1 – Hazard identification
2.2 – Risk assessment and mitigation
 Safety assurance
3.1 – Safety performance monitoring and measurement
3.2 – The management of change
3.3 – Continuous improvement of the SMS
 Safety promotion
4.1 – Training and education
4.2 – Safety communication
 Safety promotion
4.2 – Safety communication
• The organization shall develop and maintain
formal means for safety communication that:
– Ensures that all personnel are fully aware of the
– Conveys safety critical information;
– Explains why particular safety actions are taken; and
– Explains why safety procedures are introduced or
 Safety promotion
4.2 – Safety communication
• The means to communicate may include:
– Safety policies and procedures
– News letters.
– Bulletins.
– Website.
• Safety communication is an essential
foundation for the development and
maintenance of an SMS.
Module N° 9

Phased Approach to SSP and SMS Implementation

Safety Management System

Module 9
Module 8
Phased Approach to SMS
SMS Operation
and implementation
SMS Implementation

Module 5 Module 6 Module 7

Hazards Risks SMS planning

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Introduction Module 4

to safety Obligations & Responsibilities
SMS course introduction Basic safety concepts management Regulatory Requirements
• At the end of this module participants will be
able to develop a proposal for an SMS
standard, based upon a phased
implementation, and explain the organization
of a State safety programme (SSP).
• Why a phased approach to SMS?
• The four phases
• The State safety programme (SSP)
• SSP initial steps in support of SMS
• A vision of the future – Integration
• Points to remember
Why a phased approach to SMS?
• To provide a manageable series of steps to
follow in implementing an SMS.
• To effectively manage the workload associated
with SMS implementation.
• To pre-empt a “ticking boxes” exercise.
• Four implementation phases are proposed.
• Each phase is based upon the introduction of
specific SMS elements.
Phase 1 – Planning
• Provides:

– a blueprint on how the SMS requirements will be

met and integrated to the organization’s work
activities, and

– an accountability framework for the

implementation of the SMS.
Phase 1 – Planning
1. Identify the Accountable Executive and the safety
1.1 and 1.2
accountabilities of managers. (Module 8)
2. Identify the person (or planning group) within the
Element 1.3
organization responsible for implementing the (Module 8)
3. Describe the system (ATOs that are exposed to
safety risks during the provision of their services,
aircraft operators, AMOs, organizations Element 1.5
responsible for type design and/or manufacture of (Module 8)
aircraft, air traffic services providers and certified
4. Conduct a gap analysis of the organization’s
existing resources compared with the national and Element 1.5
international requirements for establishing an (Module 8)
Phase 1 – Planning
5. Develop an SMS implementation plan that
explains how the organization will implement the Element 1.5
SMS on the basis of national requirements and
international SARPs, the system description and (Module 8)
the results of the gap analysis.

6. Coordinate emergency response planning with Element 1.4

similar planning of interfacing organizations. (Module 8)

7. Develop documentation relevant to safety policy Element 1.5

and objectives. (Module 8)

8. Develop and establish means for safety Element 4.2

communication. (Module 9)
Phase 2 – Reactive processes
1. Implement those elements of the SMS Elements
implementation plan that refer to the safety risk 2.1 and 2.2
management component – reactive processes. (Module 9)

2. Training relevant to reactive processes:

Element 4.1
SMS implementation plan components. (Module 9)
Safety risk management component.

3. Documentation relevant to reactive processes:

Element 1.5
SMS implementation plan components. (Module 8)
Safety risk management component.
Phase 3 – Proactive and predictive
1. Implement those elements of the SMS
implementation plan that refer to the safety risk Elements
management component – proactive and 2.1 and 2.2
predictive processes. (Module 9)

2. Training relevant to proactive and predictive Element 4.1

processes. (Module 9)

3. Documentation relevant to proactive and Element 1.5

predictive processes. (Module 8)
Phase 4 – Operational safety assurance
1. Development and agreement on safety
Element 1.1
performance indicators and safety performance (Module 8)
2. Initiate safety performance monitoring and
measurement, including the management of
3.1, 3.2 and
change and the continuous improvement of the 3.3 (Module 9)
Element 4.1
3. Training relevant to operational safety assurance. (Module 9)

4. Documentation relevant to operational safety Element 1.5

assurance. (Module 8)
SMS implementation phases – Summary
Planning SMS Implementation
Elements: of reactive safety of proactive and Implementation
1.1; 1.2; 1.3 and management predictive safety of operational
processes management safety assurance
1.5 ; [and 1.4] processes
Elements: Elements:
2.1 and 2.2 Elements:
2.1 and 2.2 1.1; 3.1; 3.2 ;3.3
4.1 and 4.5

Develop documentation – Element 1.5

Develop and establish means for safety communication – Element 4.2

Develop and deliver training – Element 4.1

The bridge


State safety programme

• Definition
– An integrated set of regulations and activities
aimed at improving safety.

• Requirement
– States shall establish a State safety
programme (SSP), in order to achieve an
acceptable level of safety in civil aviation.
State safety programme
• Implementation
– Develop the State safety programme (SSP) around
the following four components:
1. State safety policy and objectives
2. State safety risk management
3. State safety assurance
4. State safety promotion
ICAO SSP framework
1. State safety policy and objectives
1.1 State safety legislative framework
1.2 Safety responsibilities and accountabilities
1.3 Accident and incident investigation
1.4 Enforcement policy
2. State safety risk management
2.1 Safety requirements for service providers SMS
2.2 Agreement on service providers’ safety performance
3. State safety assurance
3.1 Safety oversight
3.2 Safety data collection, analysis and exchange
3.3 Safety data driven targeting of oversight on areas of greater concern or need
4. State safety promotion
4.1 Internal training, communication and dissemination of safety information
4.2 External training, communication and dissemination of safety information
SSP initial steps in support of SMS implementation

Conduct a gap STEP 2
analysis of the
SSP, in order to Develop an STEP 3
ascertain the
SMS training
status of Develop SMS
maturity and programme for STEP 4
the State safety regulations for
existence within
oversight service Revise the
the State of the
elements of an authority staff. providers. State
SSP. Prepare enforcement
guidance policy.
material for the
of SMS.
SSP initial steps in support of SMS implementation
• The service providers’ SMS cannot effectively
perform either in a regulatory vacuum, or in an
exclusively compliance-oriented environment.
• In such environments, service providers will only
implement and demonstrate, and the State
authorities will only assess, the tokens of an SMS.
• In such environments, service providers will not be
able to implement, or the State authorities will be
not able to assess, effectively performing SMS.
SSP initial steps in support of SMS implementation

• Effectively performing SMS by service

providers can only flourish under the enabling
umbrella provided by an SSP.
• The SSP is therefore a fundamental enabler
for the implementation of effective SMS by
service providers.
The bridge

ALoS performance

A vision of the future – Integration
State safety programme (SSP) + Service providers SMS =
Integrated safety system (ISS)
Protection Production
Establish State
acceptable Safety

level of Programme (SSP)
safety (ALoS) Performance-based
for civil oversight
aviation Acceptance
Objective: Objective:

Services provider
Safety policy Organization’s Organization’s Support
and Safety Safety production
objectives Management Management goals and
Safety risk system (SMS) system (SMS)
management Safety assurance
Safety promotion
Points to remember
1. Reduce a complex task to a series of
manageable steps.
2. Avoid a bureaucratic exercise (“Ticking boxes”).
3. Element allocation under a particular phase may
slightly vary depending upon the specific Annex.
4. The State safety programme (SSP) framework
5. SSP initial steps in support of SMS

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