Labour Law 1: Presentation

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Labour Law 1

Effectives of workers association and
collective bargaining

Collective Bargaining : The

term collective bargaining refers to the negotiation of employment terms
 between an employer and a group of workers. Employees are normally represented by a labor union
 during collective bargaining. The terms negotiated during collective bargaining can include working
conditions, salaries and compensation, working hours, and benefits. The goal is to come up with a
collective bargaining agreement through a written contract.

Workers Association : an organization, other than a trade union, whose members comprise employees of
a single employing organization. The aims of the association may be social, recreational, or professional
Merits and Demerits of collective
• Both parties get to understand what to expect from each other.
• Employees are safeguarded from exploitation by employers.
• The management has to deal with a small number of people (trade union leaders).

• Only a few people decide on the settlement.
• It is costly, both in terms of money and time, as representatives have to discuss the same thing
multiple times.
Merits and Demerits of workers
•  Labor unions promote higher wages.
• Labor unions help workers get better benefits.
• Labor unions help families receive better benefits.
•  Labor unions create an opportunity to negotiate frequently.

• Labor unions can discount worker education and experience
• Labor unions require ongoing dues and may require initiation fees.
• Labor unions may participate in activities that workers disagree upon.
• Labor unions discourage individuality.
Collective bargaining raises the wages and benefits more for low-wage workers than for
middle-wage workers and least for white-collar workers, thereby lessening wage inequality.
It also raises wages and benefits more for black, Asian, Hispanic, and immigrant workers,
thereby lessening race/ethnic wage gaps.
organization, including schools and higher education institutions, can benefit from the ideas
and expertise of its employees. Negotiations ensure that education employees have a respected
voice in the workplace and are involved in both identifying and solving school and classroom
issues, which in turn promotes student learning. 
contract ensures that employees are treated fairly because both parties have discussed and
agreed upon rules and processes for the workplace. Employees and administrators understand
it is necessary to ensure due process. 
Workers association
Reducing Turnover in the Workplace
Employers tend to encourage a low turnover rate to avoid the disruption and expense of having to hire and train new
replacement employees. A unionized factory, warehouse or other industrial facility may find it has a lower turnover
rate than its nonunionized counterparts.
Improving Worker Productivity
According to the nonprofit organization, Jobs With Justice (JWJ), unionized operations see a considerable bump in
overall productivity, partly as a fringe benefit of reduced worker turnover. The most experienced workers stay on the
job and avoid newbie mistakes that lower productivity.
The Advantages of Standardized Wages
The contracts entered into between unions and management usually stipulate the salaries to be received by different
types of workers. The wages are set according to the type of job performed, the amount of time the employee has been
with the company, and any other factors that are agreed to at the bargaining table. Contracts, known as collective
bargaining agreements, also lay out the details of salary increases and the types of benefits employees will receive,
such as health insurance and vacation time.

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