Our Tutor Group

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Our Tutor Group

• To find out what we know about other
students in the class
• To think about how we can work and play
together in a safe and positive way.
Activity 1- 20 minutes
1. In pairs, create a table like the one below on your MacBook.
2. For each statement, think of a person in your class, whom it fits best
and explain why.
3. As a class discuss what each pair has agreed. Make sure that you all
use positive language, even if you do not agree!
4. Save in the a folder called PHSE.

Find someone who…. Name Reason

is unique
makes good choices
has good decision making
thinks they understand
emotions and feeling and
shows empathy
enjoys learning
Activity 2- 20 minutes
• Brainstorm as a class an agreement about how to create a safe and
positive experience in form and school. It should be written as a

Eg. RIGHT- everyone in the class has a right to be listened to

RESPONSIBILITYY- everyone in the class should listen to others

Your teacher or another student can write all the ideas on the board.

• As a class, choose a maximum of 8 rules to follow and write them

down in your planner.

• As an individual, choose 2 more that you would like to add

Activity 3- 40 minutes
• Design and create a class agreement which can be
displayed on your form notice board.

• You can work in pairs if you wish

• These could be completed on your MacBook and

printed or your teacher can give you some plain
paper to complete it.

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