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Digital marketing overview

What Is Digital Marketing?

Keep your business updated with the 21st century’s marketing techniques. To keep up
with the ever-growing competition, small businesses need to make their businesses
Digital. There is a consistent and evident growth in the Digital Marketing industry and this
is the perfect time to make your digital presence felt. Businesses leverage digital
channels such as search engines, social media, email and their websites to connect with
current and prospective customers.
Digital marketing is an umberella “term” for marketing in which we use digital techniques to do
digital maketing.

The 3 main modules of digital marketing are

• Why is it important to ‘Go Digital’?
• Digital Marketing has zero geographical boundaries. There is not one but
many ways to
• expand your business digitally. Your business will reach masses considering
the amount
• of time the world spends online and the variety of digital platforms
• So this is how does digital marketing will help your business -
• •The ability to reach a global marketplace.
• •You can save money and reach more customers than traditional marketing
• •Digital Marketing caters to mobile consumers.
• •Digital Marketing builds brand reputation.
Strategy Making
• The first step is to do thorough background research. Explore online marketing
• Initially, you can start with one channel to understand how Digital Marketing works.
• These channels include paid, earned and owned media (website) which can
support a
• common campaign around a particular line of business.
• In simple terms, a strategy is just a plan of action to achieve the desired goal or
multiple goals
• Strategy making- it is the first module of digital marketing in which we do the field
planning regarding our product or service
It includes-
Targeting audience
Website designing
• Businesses need to define a goal. Goal setting is very
important for digital marketing.
• Mostly the goal is to create brand awareness into the minds
of consumers using the digital platform. Redefine your goals
to increase brand awareness of your products
• Brand awareness is the second module of digital marketing in
which we start to advertise about our product or services
• It can be done either with organic methods or by running
• Organic methods include SEO and SMO
• And paid methods include PPC(Pay per click)
Lead Generation

• Once you have redefined the strategies and goals, change the action plan
accordingly. An action plan is to practically implement the strategies and
begin the use of digital platforms.
• The lead generation is one of the most important module of digital
marketing in which we start to convert our online enquries as leads
• To capure or covert a lead you should know how to convience people
and have a good marketing knowledge
• Digital marketing has multiple channels; as an entrepreneur, one's core
objective is to find
• the right channels which will result in maximum two-way communication
and a better
• overall ROI for the brand.
Seo( Search engine optimization)
• Seo is the technique of growing the quality and quantity of
website traffic by increasing the visibility of the website or a web
page to user of a web search engine.
• Seo refers to the improvement of unpaid results and excludes
direct traffic and purchase of paid placements.
• It is applicable to those entrepreneurs who have their own
business website. Search Engine Optimization or SEO as it is
popularly called is basically getting websites or specific web pages
to show up on search engines (e.g. Google) when specific
keywords are used as search terms.
• SEO helps a brand gain visibility across search engines and across
online geographies
Importance of Seo
• It makes your website more visible
• It deives more traffic and opportunities
• Creating better visitor experience
• Organic search is more often the primary
source of website traffic
• It increases sale
Types of SEO
• On Page SEO:- Off page Seo
a) Keywords a)Creating Backlinks
b) Domain name i) Social Bookmarking
c) Image naming ii)Guest Posting
d) Meta description iii) Image Sharing
iv) Blog Commenting
On page Seo
• On page seo is a type of seo in which we
perform all the techniques for our own
• Keywords- keywords are the words which a
person types on search engine to get searches
• We call a keyword as a good keyword if it has
a low competiton and a high reach.
On page seo
• Image naming or Alt text means giving a name to a image
so that it is identified by the google crawler
• Google crawler is the bot which works as a inspection
head for google and keeps an eye on the users.
• Meta tag- A meta tag is a 20-30 line description about
the page or the blog.
• It should be catchy, Small and on to the point.
• Role of meta tags:-
a) Derive traffic
b) Helps the reader to know about the blog.
Off Page Seo
Off page seo is the seo in which we create backlinks on the
other website to increase the organic growth of our website.
• Backlinks:-A backlink is a link created when one website links
to another. Backlinks are also called "inbound links" or
"incoming links." Backlinks are important to SEO.
• Ways to do off page
a) Social bookmarking
b) Guest posting
c) Image Sharing
d) Blog Commenting
Off page seo
• Social Bookmarkig- It is a part of creating backlinks in which
we share the URL of the page or the blog of our website on
someone else’s website.
• Guesting Posting- It is the type of offpage activity in which
we post info about our page or blog on others website
• Blog commenting- It is the type of offpage in which we
search for relevant websites or blogs and post a comment
about my website on it
• Image sharing- It is the type of off page seo in which we
share the image of our blog or website on someone else’s
Web Analytics
• Web analytics is the tool by which we analys are
audience and sessions on pur website
• How to connect to Web Analytics
i) Go to Google analytics
ii) Create a account by following all the instructions
iii) Go to settingsTracking InfoTracking code
iv) Copy the Tracking code
v) Come to the backend of your website Go to
header.php file Paste the code in the header tag.
PPC( Pay per click)
PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers
pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it's a way of buying visits
to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically. Search
engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC.
• The main aspects or types of PPC are
• Adword- It is a type of PPC or ad in which we pay google to
run our ads to gather more traffic
• Adsense- It is the type of PPC in which we google pays us to
run ads on our website.

Smo stands for Social media optimization.

It is the term which we use for marketing for creating a higher
reach of our social media accounts.
Uses of Smo
Smo is used to gather a higher reach on social media handels.
It is used by people to either sell a product of to market them
selves as influencers.
• Social Media Marketing, as the name suggests, is a digital marketing
channel used to promote and market brands or businesses on various
social media platforms. Some of the popular social media marketing
platforms include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
• The platform you choose depends on whether you are B2B or B2C apart
from a whole lot of other factors including your brand’s business goal
• Smo stands for Social media optimization.It is the term which we use
for marketing for creating a higher reach of our social media accounts.
• Uses of Smo
Smo is used to gather a higher reach on social media handels.
It is used by people to either sell a product of to market them selves
as influencers.
• A hashtag, introduced by the number sign, or hash symbol, #,
is a type of metadata tag used on social networks such as
Twitter and other micro blogging services. It lets users apply
dynamic, user-generated tagging that helps other users easily
find messages with a specific theme or content.
• A hashtags boosts or increases the traffic on our Social media
What Is Content Writing?

• Content writing is the process of planning, writing and editing web content, typically for digital marketing
purposes. It can include writing blog posts and articles, scripts for videos and podcasts, as well as content for
specific platforms, such as tweetstorms on Twitter or text posts on Reddit.
• Why Is Proper Content Writing Important?
• When most people hear “content writing”, they think “writing articles”.
• However, writing content isn’t just important for blog posts.
• In fact, content writing is important for all types of different content formats, including:
• Video scripts
• Email newsletters
• Keynote speeches
• Social media posts
• Podcast titles
• White papers
• Web page copy
• Landing pages
• YouTube video descriptions
• Or put another way:
• Writing is the foundation for pretty much any content that you publish.
• Best Practices
Content Creation
• A blog is an online diary or journal located on a
website. ... Many blog owners also set up blogs on
websites devoted to the creation, storage and sharing
of blogs, such as Blogger
• A seo optimized blog should always have 3-7%
keywords in it.
• It should have a proper heading with keyword in it
• It should be in a format with the heading should be in
H1 and the child heading should be H2 then H3 and
so on.
How to Write a Blog Post in Five Easy Steps

• Step 1: Plan your blog post by choosing a topic, creating an outline,

conducting research, and checking facts.
• Step 2: Craft a headline that is both informative and will capture
readers’ attentions.
• Step 3: Write your post, either writing a draft in a single session or
gradually word on parts of it.
• Step 4: Use images to enhance your post, improve its flow, add humor,
and explain complex topics.
• Step 5: Edit your blog post. Make sure to avoid repetition, read your
post aloud to check its flow, have someone else read it and provide
feedback, keep sentences and paragraphs short, don’t be a
perfectionist, don’t be afraid to cut out text or adapt your writing last

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