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Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae for Term 2 at Tenby International

School. A curriculum vitae, often abbreviated as CV, is a document that
showcases academic and professional accomplishments. A key part of being
Future Ready is being able to reflect on my learning and recognize the skills
I am developing throughout my learning journey.

I look forward to you reading this alongside my academic report and the
discussions you have with my teachers on our Student Learning
Conversations day on Thursday 30th March.

This term I have made significant progress in Geography. I know this

because I was able to achieve a higher grade, able to demonstrate my skills
in explanations in the examination and was able to understand the topics
taught in lessons. My overall target for term 3 will be to improve in Maths
and to be more active in classes.

Noelle Yam

I am proud of this work because……I spent time annotating the

poem outside of lessons. This allowed me to plan and draft my
answers better, linking key ideas and deeper meanings.


Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at understanding the context of the poem and
ADD A it’s deeper meanings. This allowed me to plan out my answer better and I was
PHOTO OF able to answer the questions with confidence, scoring high marks.
I need to get better at using specific key words and terminology when writing
my personal response. This would allow me to express my ideas clearly.

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3 by asking my teachers for
advice to structure my answer and memorising keywords linking to the text.


I am proud of this work because…… I was able to recall my

learning from Year 7 regarding the parts of a circle and I easily
understood the formula as to how to calculate the
circumference of a circle.

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at Use formulas for the right questions

I need to get better at Remembering the formulas and using them

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  by practicing questions under
the same topic and seek guidance from teacher when needed, and in order to achieve my 4
target, I’ll find methods to memorise formulas, perhaps using flashcards.


I am proud of this work because…… I was able to recognise and

utilise different persuasive techniques in the advertisement

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at. Understanding persuasive techniques and
why we use them

I need to get better at applying persuasive techniques in my writing

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  by practicing the application of
persuasive techniques in essays, even using them in conversations may help me improve on
my application of persuasive techniques.
I am proud of this work because…… though I made mistakes on
some of the questions, I think this revision sheet is ‘reflection
material’. I learned from my careless mistakes, those which I
misunderstood the questions of.

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at. Explaining how distance-time and
velocity-time graphs work, was able to calculate forces and speed

I need to get better at describing a graph.

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  by practicing more revision

I am proud of this work because……

I was able to finalise my design for my tote bag. Although, it may
seem very bland and monochrome now, I have certain plans for
the outcome. In this design, I was able to consider the options of
the way I could possibly colour in my tote bag, using lino prints
and batik method. I also utilise the ‘half-drop’ pattern with the
prints in the background and have a more minimalistic centre
Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at.

Able to utilise most methods of prints and to imprint them onto my own tote

I need to get better at To be able to take more advantage of certain techniques

of colouring onto my tote bag

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  by practicing the blending of
colours whilst utilising the batik technique and to inquire further with my teacher about other

I am proud of this work because…… I fully understood the topic
and whilst doing comprehension about rainfall, I was able to
explain in depth as to why different types of rainfall occurs and
their differences.

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at. Being more in depth with explanations

I need to get better at using locations in my explanation to give it even more

depth and definition.

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3   by incorporating the use of
location in my explanations, especially in class so that I’m able to use it and gain feedback
Curriculum teachers
– Term 2: 8
I am proud of this work because…… I was able to differentiate
the difference of how the death of Emily Davison was a tragic
accident or she just wanted to be a martyr, a suicide.

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at. Analysis and explanation

I need to get better at To be more in depth in my explanations

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  by receiving more support from
Term 2: questions when unfamiliar with tasks or any difficulties. 9

I am proud of this work because…… I was able to score quite
high on this practical work and the outcome turned out better
than I thought it would be.

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at. Utilising tone and value to the maximum,
that helped me show the shape of the objects without using obvious outlines

I need to get better at using a variety of tone, to have a much more smoother

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  by practicing from time to time,
slowly improve as I get used to drawing still life using tactics that was taught in class. 10

I am proud of this work because…… I was able to use vocabulary
relating to the topic of directions, able to construct simple
sentences to instruct

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at. My usage of vocabulary and to construct
simple sentences to give instructions.

I need to get better at using a wider range of vocabulary, extending my

sentences by using connectives and being more in detailed.

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  by practicing and memorising
vocabulary, construct complex sentences. To achieve my target, I will make mind maps of
sentence structures and flash cards to memorise vocabulary.
I am proud of this work because…… I was able to apply the basic
skills of coding and also incorporate it with my mystery game for

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at. Utilising basic coding using python

I need to get better at to learn how to use more advance coding to give a
better program

Curriculum Overview – Term 2: 12

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  seeking guidance from teacher

I am proud of this work because…… we’ve put together a
performance as a group, summarising the whole Macbeth play
within a short amount of time

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at using more gestures to express emotions,
just need a little more work.

I need to get better at using facial expressions and being more enthusiastic
about my role

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  by testing out different ways on
Coursehow to express
Overview Term 2: the emotions the character I’m playing, such as facial expressions, gestures,13
tone of voice.

I am proud of this work because……
I was able to follow most parts of the success criteria which were:
Using vocabulary learnt in class, using conditional tenses and
being able to convey my message to the audience using simple
and concise sentences.

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at.

Using the correct conditional tenses.

I need to get better at applying negative sentences and to add on more

interesting detail.

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  by revising, using any French
related resources (books, movies, music), and to seek guidance from teacher during
classtimes. 14

I am proud of this work because……

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at.

I need to get better at

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  


I am proud of this work because……
I was able to utilise the knowledge that I’ve learnt in class, which
is the different notes and values.

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at.

Reading notes and changing rhythms to create variation

I need to get better at

changing the melodic shape and performing my own variation

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  

Curriculum Overview – Term 2: 16

by seeking guidance from teacher when unfamiliar of the task and notes. 
I am proud of this work because……
I was able to understand and undergo the basic procedure of
saving a drowning person without having to go into the water.

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at.

Understanding theoretical parts of swimming and the basic skills of swimming

and safety precautions

I need to get better at practicals, swimming. I struggle doing some swimming


I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  practicing laps in my free time,
Term 2: 17

I am proud of this work because…… I was able to understand the
concept of social media and its impacts on us and our behaviours
and influences.

Subject Reflection

In this subject I have got better at. Understanding how things influence our
own thoughts as its been shared and repetitively seen by us.

I need to get better at creating a more in-depth understanding as how humasn

can be affected by the use of social media.

I can achieve this target before the end of term 3  to actively engage in classes,
asking questions to further my understanding.

Volleyball Friendly Tournament
Sports Day: Shotput 2nd place
Form Captain
Hosted French Day Live At Lunch
Volleyball Mixed Competition
AIMS Basketball Participation
Selangor Open Volleyball U16
Improved in Mathematics in Term 2.2
Apart of SLT (Form Captain and former Student Ambassador)

1. Improve academically
2. To be more active and involved in lessons
3. To do better in lessons
Presentation title 22

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