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TQM Tools
Seven TQM Tools are introduced by
Japanese Expert Ishikawa
1.Flow chart
2.Check sheet
Types of Check sheet
Illustration of Check sheet
Uses of Histogram
Construction of Histogram
Types of Histogram
Types of Histogram
Example of Histogram
4.Pareto diagram
4.Construction of Pareto diagram
4.Construction of Pareto diagram
Example of Pareto diagram
Example of Pareto diagram
Example of Pareto diagram
Example of Pareto diagram
5.Cause and effect diagram
Uses of Cause and effect diagram
Construction of Cause and effect
Example of Cause and effect diagram
Example of Cause and effect diagram
6.Scatter diagram
Construction of Scatter diagram
Example of Scatter diagram
7.Control chart
7.Control chart
7.Uses of Control chart
Objectives of quality circle
Organisation of quality circle
Zero defect concept
Steps in introducing Zero Defect programme

• Creating Awareness

• Identification Of Causes Of Errors

• Inspection

• Motivation

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