Safe and Responsible Use of ICT

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Safe and

Responsible Use
of ICT
The bullet points below have
been designed to help you get
the most out of the technology
that is available to you. They
provide helpful tips and
guidance for everyday life as
well as setting out the
expectations for using the ICT
1. Be Secure
 I will keep
passwords to myself
and not share them
with anyone, even
my close friends.
I will always
log out and log
off my account
on any the
device that I am
I will always lock
my computer
when I walk away
from the screen
(even for a short
2. Be Respectful
I will always be
polite and use
I will not access,
create, store or
distribute files that
could be thought of as
offensive, indecent or
cause hurt or upset to
I will not look
at anyone else’s
files without
I know that bullying by
the use of text,
messaging, email or on
social sites is
unacceptable and may
lead to very serious
3. Be Safe
I will not share my
personal information
or other people’s
(home address, phone
number etc.)
I will be wary
of emails that
ask me for any
I will check with an
adult about
anything I see that
concerns me or
report it to a
I will not put any
personal details
about other people
into emails, posts,
comments or
I will never meet up
with anyone offline
that I have only met
online without a
parent/career or
trusted adult.
4. Be Responsible
I will think carefully
about the places I go
online and keep
focussed when on
I will take good care
of the ICT
equipment I use. I
understand that if I
am irresponsible in
my use of ICT, I may
I understand that I may be
able to use my own device
or mobile phone in school
only at agreed times. If I
use it in class without
permission, my device may
be temporarily confiscated
and my parent / career
ICT stands for
Technologies – This
includes the wireless
network, internet,
email, computer, laptop,
5. Be Legal
I will only copy /
upload / publish /
distribute materials
that are appropriate.
I will only take
images or video of
other pupils, friends
or staff with their
full knowledge and
I will not copy /
upload / publish /
distribute images
or videos of others
without their
I know that I should
not copy materials,
music, videos or
pictures from the
internet and use them
in my own work unless
I will remember that
anything I do can be
traced back to me
including my
browsing history and
content that I may
copy / upload /
Advantages &
Disadvantages of
using online tools
to gather data
accessible 24×7,
any place as long as
you have an
Levelling: reserved
people who usually don’t
speak up can say as much
as they like while “loud”
people are just another
voice and can’t interrupt
unlike verbal
online discussion
is lasting and can
Encourages reflection:
participants don’t have
to contribute until
they’ve thought about
the issue and feel
provides a place
for real life
examples and
experience to be
Choice: a quick
question or
comment, or a long
reflective account
are equally
Community: over time
can develop into a
community which
participants come to
Limitless: you can
never predict where
the discussion will
go; the unexpected
often results in
increased incidental
Text-based: Predominantly relies on
inputting text which can be
challenging for those who don’t like
to write or have poor keyboard skills,
but with the advance of broadband
connectivity and voice and video
conference technology – this will be
less of an issue.
No physical cues:
without facial
expressions and
gestures or the ability
to retract immediately
there’s a big risk of
overload: a large
volume of messages
can be
overwhelming and
hard to follow, even
Threads: logical
sequence of
discussion is often
broken by users
not sticking to the
Time lag: even if you
log on daily, 24 hours
can seem like a long
time if you’re waiting
for a reply; and then
the discussion could
Inefficient: it takes longer
than verbal conversation
and so it’s hard to reply to
all the points in a message,
easily leaving questions
Isolation: some
learners prefer to
learn on their own and
don’t participate in
the discussions
participants used to
having a teacher or
instructor telling them
what to do can find it a
leaderless environment
(and that’s where tutors
Create surveys people
want to take
Create your own survey
using advanced question
format, appealing design,
and intuitive interface to
elicit insights from your
Build our Brand
Add your logo,
select colors and
styles to create a
survey that fits your
Ask the Right Questions
Choose from loads
of question types to
ensure you get answers
you can use.
Apply Advance Logic
Get meaningful
responses by asking
each participant only
the most relevant
Reach The Right
E-mail surveys
and post them on
social media, your
website and more.
Get Meaningful Insights
Use filter to
create custom
reports and
professional graphs.
Mobile Ready Survey
Create online
surveys which are
instantly optimized to
display on any mobile
Embed Images and Videos
Keep participants
engaged by using
multimedia in
questions and
Make Surveys Confidential
Guarantee your
complete anonymity
to boost response
an Online
Survey Form
What is the online
survey tool we
Google form
Survey Gizmo
GOTO Surveys undertake
HomeBuyers Reports, building
Surveys and Valuations
throughout England, Wales and
Northern Ireland. They received
instructions from clients, Estate
Agents, Mortgage Brokers and
Survey Gizmo is an advanced
but easy to use online
survey software tool that
comes with amazing
customer service. It is a
software company based in
Colorado US.
Google form creates a
new survey on your own
or with others at the
same time. Choose from a
variety of survey types
and analyze results in
google forms.

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